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    Kiazell Flag ph

    2 years ago


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    A user and MariaKesl are friends now
    4 years ago
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    4 years ago

    Roblox optimization is trash

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    A user and zerobossk2 are friends now
    4 years ago
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    A user and berra61 are friends now
    4 years ago
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    A user and fluffyspacecloud are friends now
    4 years ago
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    4 years ago

    You are overcomplicating stuff for no reason, if you really want active userbase just add some autodeletion of account after x number days of inactivity rule.

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    Commented Roblox.
    4 years ago

    Roblox is a game for all ages. Roblox is that type of game that won't ever unsatisfy you because of the prolific people making these games and the many type of games so that you won't get bored.

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    A user and AnnaMeh are friends now
    4 years ago
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    4 years ago

    Thanks for this wonderful article

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    4 years ago

    Oh now i know thank you for this article

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    Commented subject How to get rewards? .
    4 years ago

    Yeah just compete a task

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    4 years ago

    Good article nice men

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    Kiazell avatar
    4 years ago

    the article is cool for lagger but if you use that guide your roblox textures will gone some week but still good article
    theres other type how to overclock but make sure theres proper cooling or ealse your house will set into FIRE

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    Reached 2 level
    4 years ago
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    Reached 2 level
    4 years ago
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    4 years ago

    Yesyou can get robux in gamehag for free

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    Reached 2 level
    4 years ago
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    Commented subject I am new in this game.
    4 years ago

    i like fifa a like fifa

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    4 years ago

    2000 robux because you can buy anything 2k robux compare to jailbreak admin

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    Commented subject how much robux do you have?.
    4 years ago

    i dont have arobux please someone give me a robux pleaseee
    im okay with 50 please give me a robux i just want to experience of having a robux

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