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    How it works


    Choose a category for the problem you are looking for

    How to sign up?

    Please use the form from the homepage to join our community. The information you'll give will be used to verify your identity in the future, so don't share them to any third parties. Remember, that gamehag.com will never ask you for your games passwords. If someone is asking for them on our behalf, do not show them and let us know about it immediately.

    Why can't I log in?

    A prior registration is required in order to be able to log in. If you can't log in to your profile even after a correctly completed registration process, please verify carefully the correctness of given credentials. If the problem persists, use the password reminder or write to our technical department by using the contact form on the bottom.

    How to add/remove a friend?

    To add a friend, find him by his nickname and use the button "Add friend". You'll be able to remove him from the same place. Remember that you can always contact Misty from your friend list. You can't remove her, as you would make her very sad. And a sad witch often casts some very unpleasant charms... Believe us, it's for your own good.

    How to remove the account?

    We're very sad you want to leave us already and we hope you'll come back soon. Your account can be deactivated by sending a message to our support (chat with Misty). Please, think carefully about removing your account, as it cannot be undone. Remember that you would not be able to connect your steam account to a new Gamehag account either your email which you have used before.

    I have an issue with my account, how can I contact you?

    In your friend list, you may find our clever witch named Misty. Write to her, so she'll conjure up a solution for you. If your issue concerns login issues and/or you can't contact our witch, write to our technical departmen by using a contact form, sometimes they can make some pretty good magic as well. ;)

    Can I re-use the nickname or address of the deleted account?

    Account information can be used only once. You can not re-register an account with the same email address or name. You also can not reconnect your Gamehag account with a previously used Steam account.

    Can I connect my current Gamehag account with my Steam account that was used in the deleted account?

    There is no possibility to re-connect the Gamehag account with the Steam account that was used in the past.

    Can I use VPN while using the portal?

    No, this option is not allowed due to suspected frauds and the fact that VPN connections are prohibited by law in some countries.

    I got banned for “untrustworthy connection” - what should I do?

    Ban for untrustworthy connection is put on upon detection of Proxy/VPN/TOR connection from your device. This is not allowed due to our Terms of Service. To detect those kinds of connection, we use, among some others, this tool: https://www.ipqualityscore.com/free-ip-lookup-proxy-vpn-test. If you think that you don’t use such a connection, check it there.

    I forgot the password. How I can access my account?

    It is enough if you will press button “Forgot password?” and give us email which you used to register your account on Gamehag. We will send a message on your email which will help you easily set up a new password.

    Can I change password while being logged in?

    Of course! Click on three dots located in the top right corner and next follow to Settings. Fill new password fields: “Password” and “Repeat password”, then press the big green button “Save changes”. On your next login, you will need to use your new password.

    How to change avatar?

    If you get bored with your avatar you can change it very easily. To do that, go to Settings which are hidden under three dots in the top right corner. Next press the button “Change” which is close to your current avatar and choose the graphics you would like to set up. That's it!

    How to get rewards?

    You can pick them through a rewards list presented on our website. Each reward has a number of Soul Gems in its description that you have to spend to order it. Collect the Soul Gems by completing specific tasks and exchange them for attractive in-game bonuses, completely free of charge.

    I've exchanged the Soul Gems for a reward and I haven't received it yet, what can I do with it, what's wrong? Please, help!

    The rewards are usually sent within 10 minutes to 72 hours from the moment they were ordered. Please, bear in mind that according to our Terms, we have up to 30 days to deliver it, so if you still haven't received your reward, it means that your prize is being verified.

    I've ordered a reward, how will I receive it?

    Your reward will appear in your account's notifications.

    I still haven't received the skin that I ordered, even though I received a notification, why?

    Please, verify carefully if you put the correct link to your Steam account by entering the settings of your profile. If it is OK, then make sure that you don't have a blockade of the Steam Community Market and that your profile is public to enable the sending of a reward. Remember that a delivery of a skin can sometimes take more time.

    I don't know how to use PaySafeCards :(

    Do not worry! Everyone had to get through it. Use our tutorials for players - you can find hints there how step by step to use PaySafeCard reward and with it in different games.

    What is the idea of the chests?

    Chests are our magic speciality. They contain very valuable rewards which you can win by giving up way less Soul Gems. Try it and you won't regret!

    Key I have won do not work! What to do?

    Make sure that you wrote and activated the key correctly (more information you can find in guide). But if you wrote it and activated correctly and it is still not working write to our amazing Misty - her magic can make a miracle.

    What is giveaway? Who can take part in it?

    Giveaway is another magical way to get fantastic rewards! Take part in it and complete couple of easy tasks to get absolutely for free your dream reward! Press here and make sure it is real!

    How to activate game you won on Steam?

    There is no black magic (who else but us knows it well). Take a look at our tutorials for players we are opening all Steam secrets for our users.

    What's Gamehag?

    Gamehag is a website dedicated to a wide community of gamers, offering you a quick access to Free-To-Play games and free rewards in exchange for carrying out specific tasks.

    Can I collaborate with Gamehag?

    If you're an YouTuber, a blogger, a streamer or an influencer of any other kind, we'll be glad to work on a common affiliate program with you. We do love players and all manifestations of creativity. Don't dillydally and write to us now! Beside that we have amazing offer to those who are looking way to earn money in alternative way. To get to know more click button“MAGIC BANK'' which is located in the footer of the page.

    What are Soul Gems and what are they for?

    The Soul Gems were created to protect the hags from extinction. Created by the Coven Council from the souls of ancestors, they are powerful protective amulets. What should interest you the most however, is the fact that you receive the Soul Gems for completing tasks. You can then exchange them for the rewards you're interested in.

    How to use the forums?

    There is a link to our forums in the menu. Choose a topic you're interested in and make use of the "Leave a comment" button. If a matter you're interested in haven't been raised yet, you can always create a new topic. Please remember, that everyone can have a bad day, but an offensive behaviour toward other users shall not be tolerated by our moderators.

    What's the ranking?

    The ranking shows your current position among other website users. After all, we all love games, and what would be a game without a little bit of competition?

    I haven't found an answer in the FAQ, what to do?

    Write to us. Our witch Misty will be happy to answer each of your questions. Everyone may sometimes need some assistance. There is nothing to be ashamed of. :)

    When my screenshot/reward/article will be accepted?

    The screenshots are usually accepted within 48 hours from the submission. Rewards are accepted within 72 hours. The articles, however, are often numerous and we have to read and assess them very thoroughly. As soon as we're done, you receive a notification.

    48 hours have passed and I still haven't received any confirmation link, what to do?

    Write us a message using the contact form. Please, remember to describe your issue. We'll solve your problem as quickly as we can.

    Is gamehag.com available on mobile devices?

    Yes! We've created the first app of this kind especially for you, to help you earn points by playing games. Our mobile app is not only a pioneer in its category, it also is well designed and very intuitive. In addition, our site has been developed in such a way that you can use it on your phone or tablet too. So you won't lose contact with your friends from our forums while at work, school or on vacation.

    What can't I post on the forum?

    On the forum you cannot publish the content that:
    - violates the law,
    - propagates fascism or any other totalitarian system
    - incites to hatred (on national, ethnic, racial or religious grounds),
    - shows pornography,
    - is insulting or offensive,
    - advertise other portals or entities (without the approval of the administrator of the site).

    What information can't I put in the articles?

    In the articles you cannot publish the content that:
    - violates the law,
    - propagates fascism or any other totalitarian system
    - incites to hatred (on national, ethnic, racial or religious grounds),
    - shows pornography,
    - is insulting or offensive,
    - advertise other portals or entities (without the approval of the administrator of the site).

    What is the idea of referral system?

    Our referral system lay on the basic idea to suggest your friends Gamehag and to earn Soul Gems for every active user! You can use your personal referral link for more detail press here.

    Why my article was rejected?

    Probably you broke one of our rules regarding articles. These rules are written in Creating article panel. Creation of articles and below in question section “How good article supposed to look like?”. If you think that you didn’t broke any rule write to Misty in private message. Our small witch will tell you details of the reason why your article was rejected.

    What contracts are?

    Contracts are different types of tasks for mobile devices (Android or iOS) for completing them you can get Soul Gems. Click and check, you can find tasks in mobile games, forms and applications to download.

    How good article supposed to look like?

    If you want your article to be accepted and published on our platform it supposed to fulfill some requirements. Get to know them below or on subpage where you will create article. Or you can ask our professional Misty!

    1. In introduction describe shortly ( but attractively!) subject of your text.
    2. Be original. Do not duplicate subjects which was already described on Gamehag.
    3. Review and describe things which are connected to gaming - everyone is interested in it and will read it for sure.
    4. Whole article have to be product of your own creativity. Any kind of plagiarism or spam will be declined and user will be punished by ban to create an article (you can not say we didn't warn you!).
    5. Take care about the language. Texts with multiple mistakes will not be accepted by moderators.
    6. Format of the text important as well. Remember about breaks between paragraphs - it helps to read the text.
    7. Article have to have at least 2500 symbols.
    8. Graphics have to have 2000x1500 pixels resolution and be connected to the subject.
    9. Do not use vulgarisms or other offensive statements.
    10. Do not clutter up the text with advertisement or links. Article supposed to motivate to get into discussion and not to bomb with web page ads and products.
    11. Next you will send article for approve, check if you fill up all fields. Empty fields is another reason to reject your work.

    Who is Misty and can you trust her?

    Misty is our trusted witch help us a lot with her magic. If you are new to Gamehag, Misty gladly will show to you our page and explain the most important functions of the portal (click here). But this is not all! Misty is really helpful witch and if you have any kind of problems, even if you are skilled user, you can write to her anytime ( you will find her on the top of the friends list).

    Can I send Soul Gems to friend I like a lot?

    Possibility to send Soul Gems to other users does exist. To do that click on amount of Soul Gems you have collected which you can find on the right side. There on the bottom you can find field where you have to write amount of Soul Gems and user you want to send them to. Do not forget to press button “Send” otherwise whole operation is for nothing.

    I have code from youtuber - where I can activate it?

    Code which he gives in his video will give you chance to open his free chest. Go to your inventory and write the code there and you will receive chest with super rewards.

    How to join our Discord channel?

    If you want to participate even more in our community, we are inviting you to our discord channel. To join click on the link given on futter of the page or here: discord.

    I know how to make Gamehag better. How I can tell you about it?

    It is really nice to hear that you are getting involved in gamehag growth and we would love to consider your every suggestion. Better to tell it to Misty (choose her in your friend list), she will pass you suggestion faster.

    Why I didn't receive experience for posts on forum?

    It is not possible to gain experience by writing posts or comments on the forum.

    How to change language on the page?

    Get to know these three dots in the top right corner - they will make your use of our portal way more easier. Click on them to change language, turn on or off sound and animation or to go enter settings of your account.

    I have an account in a game, can I use it to complete the task?

    Unfortunately not. We want everyone to have equal chances. In order to make everybody start from the same starting line, it is necessary to create a brand new, individual account and only then, complete the specified task. For your own convenience, there is a button next to each game referring you to the registration.

    I have an issue with a game, what to do?

    In order to resolve your issue as quickly and effectively as possible, you'll need some suitable specialists. Our witch, Misty, will help you to the best of her abilities, but contacting the troublesome game support can be far more effective than reading tea leaves. You can also benefit from the experience of some more experienced players and find an answer on our forums.

    Why my screenshot has been rejected?

    Your screenshot could've been rejected because: 1) The registration has not been made through our website so that we could verify if your account is new, as we focus on equal chances. 2) The screenshot did not display a proof of properly completed task. 3) We have detected that you have more than one account on our website. 4) There was an attempt of fraud, e.g. by uploading a fake screenshot. Please, verify carefully, which of these reasons occurred, then try to complete your quest once again. If you are really experienced gamer maybe you completed task in shorter time than it was set up to. In this case we can only be amazed by your gaming skills and ask you to complete task again. Slower.

    Why a game's link isn't working?

    Turn off your AdBlock and check one more time if your issue persists. If it's still the case, please send us a message with a screenshot of the error and the game's title on a chat with Misty.

    Will there be new games or a possibility to complete a task once again?

    New games and tasks won't cease to appear. A player has the possibility to complete each task an unlimited number of times until it's accepted by Gamehag.com However, the task which has already been rewarded can't be completed once again.

    My screenshot is too big, what to do?

    Try to reduce its weight by decreasing its quality. Saving a screenshot in the .JPG format with a quality lowered by ~70% shouldn't affect its readability and will likely eliminate the size issue. Most of graphic softwares give you this possibility while saving. You can also use some compressing websites by writing "Image compressor" in Google.

    I am certain I have completed a Contract correctly, but my task is not accepted!

    Unfortunately, in this case, the vast majority of this process goes through our partner. We have prepared, however, some hints which may prove to be useful in finding the real reason of your task's rejection: 1) Verify carefully that you have completed the task as it is stated in the description. Any deviation from these instructions could cause a negative response from our partners. 2) Make sure that you have used the button next to the task in order to create your account or download an app. 3) Sometimes the task may also be refused because of wrong credentials, lack of account activation (by an e-mail or any other method) or a multi-account detection (some of the advertising partners may accept only one account per user). 4) Wait at least 24 hours after completing the task. You may not have to send us any screenshot for your task in some cases, so the Soul Gems attribution could be to some extent delayed. 5) Some of the walls have their own external support system. Look for a link on the bottom of the wall.

    The task I want to do is no longer available, what should I do?

    If the tasks you want to do are no longer on the page, you can wait until it appears again. In the meantime, check out the other tasks and possibilities for gaining Soul Gems.

    Yesterday I sent a screenshot with the completed task, but it wasn't accepted the same day, will I receive a daily bonus?

    When you send a screenshot or order a reward, a daily bonus is always add to your account on the day you enter your Gamehag account.

    What a correct screen is supposed to contain?

    To make sure that your screen will be accepted, check if:
    - you have registered in the game using the link on our page,
    - you didn't play this game before,
    - it is a full screenshot and it is not cropped,
    - you have only one account on Gamehag,
    - you are not sending a photo of a funny cat to us, but an actual screenshot which proves that you completed the task correctly.

    Why am I not receiving any Soul Gems for my contracts?

    Unfortunately, in this case, the Soul Gems are distributed independently and we do not have any influence on that - it is a completely automatic process. If you haven't received your points, please check if you have completed your task by clicking the button next to the contract and used the link that has been generated after that. If you still haven't received any Soul Gems after 24 hours, please try to complete the task again. Some of our walls give you access to its external support on the bottom of their page. You can also try that!

    Does unused Runes get expired?

    No, runes are eternal. Till you will use spell to activate them it will be visible in your inventory.

    Is Gamehag free?

    Yes! All functions of our portal are absolutely free. You can create a free account on Gamehag and exchange collected Soul Gems for great rewards. Don't be afraid! Our website is full of magic, not hidden fees.