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    Rate this article "35 Tips and Things You Need to Know When Playing The Last Remnant"

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    FarrelwiZ, 22 december 2018 09:39

    35 Tips and Things You Need to Know When Playing The Last Remnant

    Although The Last Remnant has been released since 10 years ago, it seems that there are still many who do not know the existence of JRPG presented by Square Enix. Indeed, at the launch this game had many problems such as bugs and gameplay which were considered quite unfair, and made this game quiet for enthusiasts, especially its release in the west.

    And now it's been more than a week since the remastered version of The Last Remnant was launched, for those of you who first played this game or returned to playing this game because of nostalgia, below you will find some tips and things you need to know when adventuring in the world of The Last Remnant.

    1. Press L1 to Run Faster

    This feature is useful for exploring a map faster or to avoid monsters trying to attack and chase you.

    2. Understanding Union Management

    Union or means group, where the party you manage can have several groups at once with a maximum of 5 members per group. The maximum number of Union and party members you can recruit will continue to grow as the main story progresses.

    You can also manage Union formations that you have, where there are several formations such as increasing attacks or formations that focus on surviving. You can find other formations while exploring the world of The Last Remnant.

    3. Understanding Battle Rank

    Easy to understand as a leveling system in The Last Remnant. The higher the BR that your party has, your character and party will get access to use a variety of capabilities and higher equipment. But at the same time your enemies (except Last Boss) also strengthen, usually having a higher number of cellphones.

    4. Encounter with Enemies

    When you do an encounter (press R2) with one enemy, it does not rule out the possibility that more than one union will be present in the battle with the number of enemy members also varying. If you are attacked first, then you will open a fight with a state of disadvantage.

    5. More than one enemy link

    Although it's dangerous because you tend to lose numbers, the more monsters you link together, the more rewards you get.

    6. Use Timeshift to Simplify Links

    Timeshift will slow down time and will automatically link with all the enemies you have passed. This feature is also useful if you want to avoid enemies in narrow places, where you can just pass them all until Timeshift runs out.

    7. Perform a Battle Chain to Get an EXP Bonus

    The more you link or continue to encounter enemies, the more bonus EXP you get after the fight is over.

    8. Useful Mystic Arts Attacks Against Many Enemies at Once

    Use Mystic Arts with Union targets to get to all its members and target areas to get all the Union present in the fight

    9. Useful Combat Arts Attack for Single Target

    Almost all Combat Arts attacks focus on attacks targeting singles. Suitable to fight a union consisting of only one member, such as a boss or mini boss.

    10. Pay attention to the AP when the fight takes place

    A little related to the previous point, your party has a number of APs that will decrease when issuing Combat Arts or Mystic Arts. Each member of your party has different AP regents which will later be added to the new turn.

    11. Variable AP Cost

    The number of APs used will also vary depending on the Rank of the Arts you use. However, the higher the level of an Arts, the smaller the number of APs that will be needed to do the Arts.

    12. Always take advantage of Critical Triggers

    Critical Trigger will appear when you attack and defend. The time will slow down briefly and you have to press the button that appears on the screen correctly.

    • Critical Offense = Successful Critical Offense will make the order of attacking your party members take precedence, and if you succeed in getting all Critical Triggers, the most recent member of your party will issue Arts randomly while there are remaining APs.

    • Critical Defense = Critical Defense will appear when you successfully block or avoid. If you get Critical Triggers, your party members will strike back and have a stun effect, or even give huge damage when parry. But Critical Defense appears less frequently than Critical Offense.

    13. Moral System

    One of the unique things in The Last Remnants is the presence of a moral system, where if your moral part is high, then your attack and defense abilities will increase, and vice versa, when your morale is low, your ability to attack and defend is also reduced. Critical Trigger will also often appear if morale is high, and successfully getting a Critical Trigger will also slightly increase your party morale.

    14. Be careful with negative status

    Like Poisoned, Frozen, Burned, Acid Burn, Paralyzed, Silenced and so on. It sounds trivial, but some of them can be fatal, like Cursed for example, where your party members can die when they attack each turn.

    15. Provide Party Members with Herb or Remedies Ability

    Especially if you are fighting a boss or mini boss, at least every union you have has one member who also has the ability to remedies or herb to heal or even cure status ailments.

    16. Don't Think About Item Arts

    One of the advantages of Item Arts is that it does not require an AP, but requires certain materials that you can get when exploring or you can buy in cities. Having members who have the Item Arts ability in each union is also highly recommended

    17. Unique Arts

    It is an art that is owned by special characters and can only be used by Union Leaders, like Rush who has Omnistrike, David who owns Ex-Machina. In addition to requiring a high AP, this Arts also requires special conditions, such as High Moral or when the situation is precarious.

    18. Weapon Arts

    Arts that can only be used by Union Leaders, but need weapons that you have upgraded to the highest level, or Unique Weapon that you must get first. Removing Weapon Arts requires a fairly high AP because Arts can provide enormous damage.

    19. Summon

    There are 3 summon you can get in the game and everything you can get as the main story goes. Only one summon can be summoned during each fight and you need to know that the summon cannot be controlled.

    20. Turbo Mode

    Use Turbo Mode to speed up the fight and all election attacks will be done automatically. Likewise with Critical Trigger, sometimes it will hit and sometimes will miss.

    21. Sell the Monster You Capture

    Every time you finish fighting monsters, you have the chance to catch several monsters at once. Monsters that can catch it can be sold at a fairly high price. You can also break these monsters to get materials that can be used to make or develop the equipment you are using.

    22. Farming Raw Materials for Your Party Weapon Upgrade

    In The Last Remnants, only the main character is free you manage the development of his equipment. Your party members will also continue to develop their equipment by asking for raw materials that you find when exploring and eradicating enemies. However, they can also ask for equipment that you are not wearing for their use.

    23. Check the weapons you use

    If you can't wait to develop your weapons and are too tired of farming, you can check the type of weapon they are using and buy a similar type of weapon. For example, your members use Sword type weapons, you can buy or get a better Sword, and party members who use a Sword can ask for the sword as the game progresses.

    24. Pay Attention to Who the Weapon Can Be Used

    Not all weapons can be used in this game even though they are available to make or buy. Some of them that you can't use will read like Yama Specific or Specific Qiti. You can also see the size indicated on the description of the weapon.

    25. Each Type of Weapon Has a Different Wield Way

    Wield or how to hold a weapon will vary depending on its size. But this will affect the Combat Arts more.

    26. Disassemble Weapons or Accessories You Don't Use

    You can unload weapons or accessories that you don't use, who knows you can get the material you're looking for.

    27. Recruit Unique Leaders

    You can recruit various NPCs available in a Guild, but it is highly recommended to recruit Unique Leaders because they have their own stories and voice actors themselves. Some of them have additional side quests that can improve their abilities. Almost all Unique Leaders can also use Weapon Arts if they have their weapons.

    28. Complete Guild Task

    When visiting the Guild, make sure to keep checking Guild Task to see what tasks you can complete. Each task that you complete will give you rewards in the form of money, material, recipes, to open a list of new NPCs that you can recruit.

    29. Perform Side Quest

    Before performing the main story progress, it is strongly recommended to complete each side quest that exists first, to improve your party's abilities and of course get various rewards such as weapons or even open Unique Leaders that you can recruit. Some side quests can also be lost if not done before the main quest. Side Quest is usually given by an NPC who has a red balloon dialogue balloon on his head.

    30. Browse Map and Open New Location

    There are a number of places that won't open even if you continue to carry out the main mission, therefore, occasionally take your time to browse each folder you have obtained to open a new location.

    31. Grinding may but not too much

    As explained earlier, when your Battle Rank increases, the enemies you face also strengthen. Therefore you don't need to fight every enemy you see, but if there are more than 3 enemies in that location, you can chain them all for a bigger reward. You can also grinding, but together with finding materials or materials needed by your party members.

    32. Take advantage of Mr. Diggs

    You will get Mr. Diggs is nearing the beginning of the game, where it functions to get material that monsters don't have. Like ore and plants that are located in an Excavation Poit. But please note that Mr. Diggs has a limited charge or usage that will be reset every time you enter the World Map.

    33. Develop Mr. Diggs

    The more you use Mr. Diggs, his ability to collect materials also increased. Such as the opportunity to get more rare material, or the opportunity to collect more than one material.

    34. Leave a Charge to Find Morsel or Harta Karun

    To increase the amount of Charge, Mr. Diggs must get Morsel which is also spread in several locations. Therefore, leave one or two charges, because you can just find the Morsel and reset all the used resets. You can also find treasures scattered in various places.

    35. Save Before Fighting a Boss or Mini Boss

    Even though there is Auto-Save, it is recommended to manually save, especially before fighting the Boss or Mini Boss. If you lose, you can load the save so you don't have to repeat from afar to reach the boss.

    So have some tips and things you need to know when playing The Last Remnant. Also note that the tips above also apply to those of you who play on the PC platform. Well, do you know more useful tips for other players? Come on! Just share your experience directly in the comments column

    The Last Remnant Remastered has been released since December 6, 2018 ago and is currently available specifically for the PS4 platform.

    Rate this article 35 Tips and Things You Need to Know When Playing The Last Remnant

    (4.18/5) 17 rates


    It's a bit long, some of these tips are unnecessary. However, it's well written and most of the tips are great!

    23 june 2019 15:45

    💯 good job

    18 november 2019 19:12

    Quite interesting, thanks!

    26 may 2020 23:51

    Too long

    25 december 2018 20:50

    this is really good dude or dudette

    22 december 2018 11:39

    This article need to be published, because this is a good for new players.

    22 december 2018 18:26

    Awfully long and there's almost too many headers, but other than that good job my man.

    22 december 2018 17:12

    Really well written and overall great article.

    23 december 2018 15:58

    needs to be redone imo, some headers can be merged in one so the structure wont be eye hurting, otherwise looks fine

    23 december 2018 08:47

    Nicely done.NICE GOOD👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

    24 december 2018 00:12