你可以将灵魂宝石兑换成Steam Wallet的充值、游戏密钥、CS:GO皮肤以及其他的奖励。
《领地人生》是由BitBox Studio创建的新的沙盒MMORPG。与其他许多MMORPG不同,它没有虚幻或超自然的元素,整个游戏都集中在虚构的中世纪时期。这发生在一个资源丰富,也充满危险的地区。作为一名玩家,你将有个主要目标 - 你必须生存下来,你将吃掉野生动物或被其吃掉。塑造你所步入的世界,建造新建筑,例如城堡或村庄,并制作新物品。与其他玩家会面并建立行会和王国,和自己的军队一同进行围攻和战斗!在极其苛刻,但更多的是令人满意的战斗中与敌人对战。探索具有不同气候区、广阔森林和广阔平原的世界。《领地人生》看起来是现实的,但它仍然还是游戏开发者创建出来的虚构世界,它是代表中世纪时期最好的游戏。在其他充满魔力、不同种族和特殊性的虚幻世界中,这里的空气更为...
《领地人生》是由BitBox Studio创建的新的沙盒MMORPG。与其他许多MMORPG不同,它没有虚幻或超自然的元素,整个游戏都集中在虚构的中世纪时期。这发生在一个资源丰富,也充满危险的地区。作为一名玩家,你将有个主要目标 - 你必须生存下来,你将吃掉野生动物或被其吃掉。塑造你所步入的世界,建造新建筑,例如城堡或村庄,并制作新物品。与其他玩家会面并建立行会和王国,和自己的军队一同进行围攻和战斗!在极其苛刻,但更多的是令人满意的战斗中与敌人对战。探索具有不同气候区、广阔森林和广阔平原的世界。《领地人生》看起来是现实的,但它仍然还是游戏开发者创建出来的虚构世界,它是代表中世纪时期最好的游戏。在其他充满魔力、不同种族和特殊性的虚幻世界中,这里的空气更为...
记得!你必须在游戏中创建一个新帐户以获得你的灵魂宝石!《装甲战役》是一款MMO战争游戏,你可以在其中与各种装甲战车进行战斗。选手们不断发展自己的装备,以跻身最佳榜首。该游戏由Obsidian Entertainment工作室制作,该工作室已经创建了一些著名的游戏,例如:《绝冬城之夜》、《辐射:新维加斯》、《南方公园:真理之杖》和《永恒之柱》。这次,他们决定创建一个游戏,这不仅是进入坦克世界的一种新方式。凭借着CryEngine 3(从《孤岛危机》系列中获悉)的惊人图像效果,他们将能够吸引比预期更多的玩家!开发者修改了标准任务,引入了五人团队可以执行的各种任务。此外,有时在玩家VS玩家中,你可能会遇到“对抗”模式,在该模式下,地图上的战斗只有一点是可确保...
Revelation Online is a new MMORPG game having extensive PvE and PvP features and an addictive, thrilling storyline which comes into play from the very beginning. Spread your wings (literally!) and fly into the skies of Nuanor to explore this world full of wonders.The whole universe has been created by a popular Chinese writer, J...
如果你是星际迷航的粉丝,那么《星际迷航online》肯定会引起你的注意。 《星际迷航online》是一款其背景设定在电视节目和电影里知名宇宙的科幻MMORPG游戏。开始游戏后,我们将感受到我们最喜欢的系列的气氛,因为游戏的主要目的是探索、任务、太空和地面战斗、以及交易。我们肯定可以在《星际迷航online》中体验到这四个方面。粉丝们可能对一些有特色的地方很熟悉,例如星际舰队总部、穆塔拉(Mutara)星云和克洛诺斯星(Qo'noS)。 以指挥官的身份探索这庞大的宇宙,立即加入《星际迷航online》! ...
《绝冬城》是一个免费的MMORPG游戏,它发生在非常流行的《龙与地下城》的世界中 - 游戏开始后马上就能看到!故事情节充满了行动并将我们引向了绝冬城的各个地方 - 城市和农村地区、山脉、森林等等!角色的创造与RPG的完全相同,也为我们带来了很多种族 - 从人类和精灵到龙族和半兽人!至于类别,则是相似于《龙与地下城》- 战士、巫师、盗贼、圣骑士...其战斗系统是如此动态,很容易与砍杀游戏相比。任务非常复杂且数量众多,但是一段时间后可能会变得无聊 - 这时出现了Foundry,每人都可以执行自己的任务,每个玩家都可以执行社区里其他成员创建的任务!游戏图像可能看起来有点暗,但它的利大于弊,因为它为这个特定的MMO带来了难忘的氛围。史诗音乐也让你感觉自己正在参...
你是否厌倦了到处都是很棒的,但重复性的MMORPG?《天锻》试图解决了这个问题!这个免费的科幻MMO游戏是由Allods Team和Obsidian Entertainment共同打造的。前者是《巫师之怒》的创建者,后者则创建了近十年来最著名的电脑角色扮演游戏之一 - 永恒之柱。所以这怎么可能会有问题呢?好吧,我们找不到任何可以向我们证明的东西。《天锻》撇去了那些大众标准,还以自己的方式制造一切。首先,这里没有需要达到的级别。你是一个人类,但不是普通的人类 - 你是不朽的。你将走上荣耀和神性之路,赢得声望,以便被这个充满危险的奇幻世界的居民和其他玩家认可。第二,类别并不锁定在你的角色。你可以随时更改它们。有时你还必须这样做,因为你必须在战斗中选择不同的...
Star Stable is a skill game addressed mainly to the girls. We’ll impersonate a young girl, spending her time on the Jorvik island, which is passionated by horse riding.The island itself, according to the legend, formed when a shining star fell to these previously infertile, lifeless lands. From the star came out a mysterious gir...
Caution! Big Bang Empire contains erotic content and therefore it’s intended for adults only....
Royal Quest is a MMORPG game created by Katauri Interactive, creators of the game King's Bounty: The Legend and Space Rangers. The players who conduct research have at their disposal a great world that combines magic and technology, a world full of terrible monsters and they, they have exceptional abilities. Everything happens ...
今天就在《猎人Hunter X》中开始你的史诗旅程,它是有史以来最流行的少年漫画之一 - Hunter X Hunter 的游戏版。 重温杰·富力士的故事,并找到你最喜欢的漫画人物来与你一起建立团队。通过在回合制战斗中与敌人战斗来完成任务并获得奖励,而在这些战斗中,你不仅需要力量,也需要战术思维。享受非玩家角色、史诗音乐,以及3D效果的精美图像和背景。 以多种方式升级你的角色,以便成为最强大的英雄并在玩家VS玩家中击败你的敌人。在排名中攀升至更高的位置并向他们展现你的实力。 与你的工会一同击败世界首领,让他们为拥有你而感到自豪。立即加入《猎人Hunter X》!...
Dragon Awaken 是一款充满龙的梦幻世界的免费MMORPG游戏。在冒险开始前我们可以选择角色的性别。为了跟上传说中的龙骑士,必须不断增强英雄。回合制战斗系统提供了许多不同的可能性,这有助于我们适应对不同敌人的攻击。游戏里有着可以在战斗中帮助我们的巨龙。成为传奇的龙族战士,饲养并训练你的龙以及招募其他英雄以打造一支无可被取代的战士团队。尽你所能来战胜黑暗之龙。...
请记得,此优惠仅适用于新用户!在罗布乐思Roblox(一个免费的MMO社交游戏平台)上的任何地方,无论你想做什么,都可以发挥创意,使想象力变为现实!在此游戏中,玩家需要创建自己的虚拟世界和游戏,因为这取决于玩家想要玩什么游戏。而且选择也非常多样,就像创造了所有这些场所的人们的想象力一样!如果有人想知道关于罗布乐思,你应该告诉他们,它是《我的世界》、《乐高》以及《盖瑞模组》的结合体 - 仅此而已,但足以带给玩家很多乐趣。 创造者尽了全力让玩家不感到无聊,因此他们创造了可以给任何人用来创造自己的世界的工具。它们还可以让你修改角色的外表!你可以看起来非常特别;可以换每套服装,如果需要还可以购买更多;你可以改变你的发型甚至是你的身体!不用担心图像,图像似乎有点...
立即加入Gods Origin Online,与邪恶势力进行史诗战斗,以捍卫将你带到这个世界的时光女神。 以魔术师或战士的身份战斗并选择英雄的性别,然后潜入这个魔幻般的永恒魔法世界。但是要明智地选择!因为这两类人的技能不同,因此你必须考虑你想要如何击败敌人。你是想要利用强大的魔法咒语还是你自己的肌肉力量?这是你的选择,所有独特的技能或装备也在等着你。参加各种活动 - 不仅是故事实例,还包括地牢、公会之战、世界首领以及竞技场等等! 立即加入Gods Origin Online,在这个受希腊神话影响的世界中体验新的冒险。...
Champions Online是由CrypicStudios开发并由Arcgames发布的免费可下载的MMORPG游戏。你可以通过随意定制超级英雄来扮演英雄的角色。沉浸在漫画书中,开始无休止的犯罪冲突。 Champions Online给我们带来了激烈而令人眼花缭乱的战斗,这是动作和格斗游戏所特有的。该游戏没有任何自动或无聊的攻击,更不用说那些无休止的加载。CO中的战斗充满活力和乐趣!在Champions Online中,你需要非常聪明机灵,因为每个敌人都有不同的技能和独特的战斗专长,因此会造成不同的威胁。所以你必须非常聪明,否则最终会死! 成为你一直想成为的英雄!在Champions Online中,你可以通过许多不同的方式自定义英雄角色,还可以从...
Unlimited Ninja是一款网页MMORPG游戏。这是一个在宇宙展开的,极为流行的漫画动漫。你将扮演一位非常开朗的英雄,经常旅行以寻求刺激和冒险、执行各种任务、寻找恶魔并与电脑对手和其他玩家作战。Unlimited Ninja具有分支的故事情节和出色的视听音乐。 在网页游戏Unlimited Ninja中,我们可以选择3种类型的男女,分别是:幽灵刀刃、精神刀刃和基多,他们每一种都具有不同的能力和游戏风格。幽灵刀刃专注于近战,精神刀刃专注于射击而基多则是支持盟友并分散对手的注意力。 除了与电脑进行战斗,你还可以在玩家VS玩家的比赛中与其他玩家竞争。Unlimited Ninja中的战斗是以回合制发生在竞技场上,并且以精美的图像呈现。...
当我们看到《坦克世界》受欢迎的程度时,我们不禁会考虑到具有相同主题和机制的游戏是否可以超越这个著名的作品。好吧,它们可以。而且不仅有机会,因为这款名为《战争雷霆》的俄罗斯游戏在很多方面都击败了《坦克世界》。首先,我们可以选择单位的类型。就军队而言,我们有四种选择:美国、德国、苏联和英国。而空军方面也向我们提供了日本。在开始游戏时,我们只能使用一些基本的车辆,但由于游戏具有先进的系统,我们之后可以解锁一些更高级的装置,例如重型坦克或喷气式飞机 (就像第二次世界大战期间那样,数量不多)。所有车辆都按照真实、原始的车辆复制出,即在第二次世界大战中使用的真实坦克。大致上来说,游戏的图像水平非常高。不仅非常仔细地展示了车辆,风景和地图也经过精心设计,令人叹为观止...
Omega Zodiac是基于结合了希腊和斯堪的纳维亚神话的日本漫画《圣斗士星矢》。这是Nutaku向西方市场推出的第十款游戏。他们主要提供动漫类游戏,像是《企业少女》和《Angelic Saga》。 根据漫画,五名战士,也被称为“圣徒”,誓言要保护雅典娜女神的化身,雅典娜保护了地球免受嗜血的奥林匹斯众神的侵害。 在游戏中,你可以找到三种类别:战士 - 是天生的龙杀手,具有很强的力量和毅力;大师 - 具有很高的智商和速度的黑暗魔术师;以及可以对特定区域造成伤害也是光明卫队中最精明的职业 - 弓箭手。如果你不注意那些无意义的疯狂情节,Omega Zodiac就会变成典型的网页游戏,自动发送邮件和定期访问地牢,并且让玩家可以杀死大量怪物和带走稀有装备。这里...
Sacred Saga Online是由Global Genom Corporate开发的免费网页MMORPG游戏,它以令人惊叹的3D图形设计和非常出色而丰富的配乐置身于幻想世界中。 雅典市遭到攻击,为了保护古城免受其他嫉妒的神灵及其支持者的袭击,雅典娜需要尽可能强大的力量-这就是她选择你的原因。雅典变得越来越强大,市民对此感到满足,这加剧了其他神灵的愤怒并因此引起了人民的恐惧。你已被选为雅典娜的冠军,而你必须与任何种类的生物,敌人甚至与神灵对抗,以捍卫这座城市及其居民。作为对你的麻烦的交换,雅典娜将为你提供各种强大的神圣盔甲作为奖励,使你比以往更强大。 你可以以骑士,弓箭手或巫师的身份开始冒险。每个类型都有自己的动画和排他性攻击。Sacred Sag...
《笑傲江湖online》可以将任何人沉浸在诱人的东方世界里,里面充满了数百年的历史文物,以及与之相关的古老谜语。我们最需要的文物将是一个古老的手稿,其中包含了有关武术的重大秘密。拥有它等于拥有无限的力量。 你可以从十个长期争夺最强大头衔的战斗氏族之一中获得宝贵的手稿。 得到发达类系统的支持的玩家VS玩家的组件完善了此游戏。从十所学校中选择一所之后,你将从年轻的学生晋升为训练有素战士,然后你可以在一场激烈的战斗中捍卫你的老师的荣誉。...
《七龙珠Z Online》是一款基于鸟山明创作的著名动漫的游戏,并且是一款免费网页MMORPG游戏。 这次我们面对的不是典型的格斗游戏,而是一个玩家必须创建自己的角色、招募团队并与动漫系列中知名的角色进行战斗的MMORPG。聚集你的团队并招募可以在比赛中为你提供帮助的角色,并变得更加强大! 《七龙珠Z Online》不仅仅是战斗,虽然这个的确是其世界的核心。除此之外,我们还可以参加各种测试以及在玩家VS玩家的战斗中证明自己的实力。 《七龙珠Z Online》展现了出色的2D图像以及迷人而详尽的风景,例如知名的武术竞技场。原始的日本音乐也能在比赛中制造紧张的气氛。遇见你最喜欢的男女角色并加入《七龙珠》的美好世界吧!...
Mythic Glory是一款MMO RPG网页游戏,玩家可以在三种不同类型的角色之间进行选择以应对强大的对手。 梦幻般的世界正在等待那些不害怕走进这个神奇王国的勇敢探险者的到来。 开发角色、库存和同伴们非常重要,因为这在大多数的MMORPG游戏中很常见。建立自己的团队也很重要,因为游戏将涉及到集体攻击的战斗机制。 不要再等了,现在就开始战斗吧!...
《战争机器人》是一款多人游戏,你可以在其中控制巨大的机甲并参与与其他玩家的激烈战斗!试想一下:带有大型火炮的机器人以及具有多个层次的现代化城市竞技场,你的目标是在团队中比敌人逗留的时间更长,并最终赢得“夺旗大战”! 游戏本身并不是一个简单的射击游戏,在游戏中我们会不停疯狂地向敌人射击 - 我们也必须时常考虑到敌人的战术以及瞄准目标,因为我们可以通过射击他们的特定机甲来减慢他们的速度,或者是简单地利用力量将他甩到高处! 最初,玩家可以使用一种类型的机器人和两种武器,但随着时间流逝,我们将能够解锁新的机器人或升级已经拥有的机器人。总而言之,游戏为我们提供了:13个机甲、16个武器和2个盾牌,它们可以为我们提供不同的游戏风格 - 只为自己挑选最好的! 《战争...
在这里 - 《全面战争:竞技场》的全新beta版对Gamehag的用户完全免费。这是Creative Assembly最新发行的著名系列《全面战争》,它是SEGA和Wargaming 提供的免费游戏,着重于在线多人游戏模式。我们可以利用10比10战斗,结合了实时掌握在线战斗竞技场的元素和战略,从而体现出古代最伟大、最传奇的将军和军事指挥官的角色,例如:亚历山大大帝、列奥尼达、米尔提亚德斯、汉尼拔、尤利乌斯·凯撒,我们将与他们一同率领希腊人、迦太基人、罗马人或野蛮人的军队赢得胜利。 我们从选择一个拥有3个单位的领导者开始,我们随时都可以发展和改进角色,以便在每一次的胜利中获得经验和金钱。与我们的盟友协调并制定战略至关重要,因为一旦战败,他们可以帮助我们重...
可以肯定的是,《灵魂能力》系列的每位粉丝都会非常高兴看到Game Spirit工作室创建的这款网页游戏中有他最喜欢的角色。这款免费的MMO RPG游戏是知名作品的新版本。这次您会选择什么角色?您可以选择准备在您身边战斗的男英雄(洪润星,拉斐尔,洛克,贝迪维勒,真喜志)或女英雄(卡桑德拉,雪华,希尔妲)!您选择的角色将不得不面对许多对手,其中他将遇到各种各样的无畏怪物。击败他们之后,您将获得宝贵的回报,因此请准备好在这个奇妙而危险的世界中分泌大量的肾上腺素。 完成某些任务后,您将可以加入三个氏族之一:通道氏族(Birf of Passage),施瓦兹温德(Schwarzwind)或费古尔·塞斯特莫斯(Fygul Cestemus);并创建自己的朋友和敌人...
警告:要正确完成此优惠,您必须在游戏中创建新帐户! 《堡垒之夜:空降行动》是由People Can Fly(以Bulletstorm或Painkiller闻名)与Epic Games合作制作的虚幻引擎4的游戏。您可以单独或与朋友一起玩堡垒之夜-这是度过闲暇时光的好方式。安装之前,请检查系统要求,因为游戏要求相对较高,但图形值得。在本次比赛中,我们将与岛上其他99个玩家竞争,这将是我们的竞技场。在这里,我们不必杀死所有人,大多数都可以生存到最后。为此,我们需要装甲(以药水形式)之类的设备,当然还需要武器,也需要一些材料来建立我们的基地。是的,我们可以在堡垒之夜建造!您可以找到一堆各式各样的武器,从手枪开始,以手榴弹发射器和RPG结束。武器分为5种类型:灰...
Oblivia: The Lost City 是一种新的MMORPG在线网页游戏,我们可以在每个平台上玩,而且无需下载任何内容。在开始冒险之前,我们需要选择主要英雄的性别,可以是女性也可以是男性。在这个新游戏,Oblivia: The Lost City中,我们会进入到危险的城市Oblivia,这是废墟中黑暗而腐朽的城市遗址。在这里我们需要与无数敌人战斗才能在游戏中继续前进。你可以期待出色的图形效果,以及网络朋克和后世界末日的美感,其次是柔和且轻松的背景音乐,这些都可以增强你的游戏体验。不要犹豫了,立即开始玩这个游戏!...
请注意:此优惠仅适用于新用户!如果你发现某款手机游戏或应用程序获得了Google Play的提名,那么你可以肯定一件事 - 该游戏并不是普通的游戏。但是,这取决于你如何评估《王国纪元》- 一个由已经在其他游戏中享有盛誉的IGG创建的实时策略手机游戏。 建立自己的军队并选择英雄来与可怕的怪物和其他敌人作战。通过收集和花费宝贵的资源来扩展你的帝国。自定义你的军队,使其从其他玩家的军队中脱颖而出。然而,拥有一个帝国不仅仅是征服。你还必须统治以及结交朋友。你会帮助他们并解放战俘吗?还是你会成为残酷的统治者?这完全取决于你。 立即加入这个具有精美图像设计的游戏。注册《王国纪元》! 请注意:此优惠仅适用于新用户!...
《创世战车》是一款基于世界末日的MMO动作游戏。它是由著名《战争雷霆》的创作者开发的,它以不同的方式为我们带来了全新的游戏玩法。如果你认为《创世战车》是战争游戏或战争雷霆的另一个版本,那么它将带给你惊喜 - Gaijin确保了通过更改其先前作品中的一些重要方面来给我们不同的感受。最重要的一点是,我们可以修改车辆!玩家可以从数千种不同的零件当中进行选择来从头改造自己的四轮(甚至更多)车辆。忘了那些默认选项吧,这个游戏对汽车和乐高爱好者而言才是真正的享受!你的“汽车”的外观完全取决于你。你想要它有链锯吗?去吧!机关枪?没问题!这种自由使战场上的每辆战车都看起来不一样,也让玩家能完全释放出自己的创造力。当我们谈论到Gaijin的游戏时,我们不能忘记它有先进的...
女神联盟4是《女神联盟》系列中另一个热门的网页游戏!你可以再次在虚幻世界中找到充满动作感的RPG。 从三个类别中选择一个:法师、射手或龙骑兵并与你将在路上遇到的强大敌人对抗。女神联盟4是以西方神话为背景,因此你也会遇到一些知名人物像是雅典娜、阿波罗或潘多拉。着手寻找传说中的天使并一起夺回被堕落的众神占领的天堂。 收集装备、升级物品和英雄、参与经典的战斗并于强大的首领对抗,最重要的是,以各种玩家vs玩家的模式与其他玩家战斗以证明自己的实力。这些全部都采用了3D画面,以及令人惊叹的动画角色、技能和世界。你也会听到一种大气、优美的背景音乐,这也使得游戏更有趣。 查看你在女神联盟4中的故事发展方式并立即开始冒险!...
RAM Pressure is a free, tactical multiplayer game in which, as a commander of one of the private military forces, you will be sent to search for space artifacts. During the rain of meteorites, strange, previously unknown artifacts fell to our planet. It turns out that they once belonged to extraterrestrials. It looks like cosmic...
Blade of Kings is a free browser RPG game developed by Esprit Games studio. Choose your character and jump into the fray! On your way you will meet hundreds of incredibly strong opponents who want to stop you and your team. Defeat anyone who wants to interrupt you and climb to the top. Collect experience and equipment, use your ...
Experience a whole new adventure in Final Fantasy XIV, another part of the epic series created by Square Enix, which is still very popular among the players. Unlike other games of the Final Fantasy series, this one is a MMORPG, so it is a completely different approach to the subject.Play as a hero from one of six available races...
Dark Genesis is a free browser MMORPG created by Esprit Games studio. Build an island citadel, assemble a party of demigods and take part in the battle for the fate of the world. Travel through a magical world, fight powerful enemies and learn an amazing story on your wanderings. Discover secrets, solve puzzles and have fun in e...
Fiesta Online is an anime MMORPG set in a fantastic and colorful world of Isya. During the character creation, we have a choice among 6 classes, which are a strong Fighter, a wise Mage, an agile Archer, a helpful Cleric, a heroic Crusader and a powerful Trickster. Each of them has their specific role in fights and can prove to b...
Splitgate: Arena Warfare is a free, dynamic MMO shooter developed by the 1047 Games studio. Try out this unique shooter in which you will use your ability to create portals leading to a new dimension in the battle arena. Collect weapons that appear on the battlefield and gain an advantage over your opponents. Develop your strate...
Rift is a MMORPG game created and published by Trion World. Jump into the fantastic world of Talara, where you’ll have to face the danger of Regulos and his creatures from another world, which have one simple objective – prepare the world we know for his rule. During a diversified character creation, just before our ...
Scarlet Fate is a free browser MMORPG game developed by Game Hollywood studio.Help save the once sunny land from the mighty Dark Mage and set off on a journey full of magic and exciting adventures. Prepare your team for long expeditions during which they will have to fight hordes of enemies. Invite friends to support you on your...
Evil Awakening is a free computer MMORPG game developed by R2Games studio. Join a fantastic world full of magic and strange creatures. Create your hero and set off on a journey through a mysterious world ruled by chaos, where only the stronger and toughest will survive. Fight powerful enemies, gain new levels, upgrade your equip...
World of Rune is a free MMORPG from R2Games.Choose from four available classes: Swordsman, Archer, Mage or Cleric and start a new adventure in the magical world of runes. Meet amazing characters and cute mystical creatures on your way, fight powerful enemies and discover the secrets behind the game's plot. Develop your character...
Sword Masters is a lively and exciting browser MMORPG that combines all the best aspects of the genre. Join Kirito and his friends on a new magical adventure full of powerful enemies, dangers and traps. Lead a team of powerful heroes, level up, collect equipment and constantly develop your skills. Explore an epic story that will...
Enlisted is a free tactical shooter developed by Gaijin studio. Go to the front together with your companions to protect what is most important to you. Lead an army of soldiers through the most famous battlefields of World War II and enjoy the realism and details offered by the creators. Attack with firearms, from the air or get...
Immersed in the vast tapestry of Norse mythology, Game Hollywood's Titan Revenge unfolds as an MMORPG that plunges players into a land teetering on the edge of apocalypse.Your mission is full of dangers as you must face mighty giants, mythical creatures and treacherous gods that stand in your way. Will you emerge victorious from...
Entropia Universe - RPG game with a unique economic system, created by the Mindar studio. The original name is Project Entropia - it is still used by many players.Nevertheless, the EU has already undergone hundrets of different modifications, including a double change in the graphics engine. Currently, the game supports powerful...
Play Blade of Queen today and experience a whole new adventure in this free-to-play browser MMORPG game. Woo your queens in order to gain affinity, powerful bonuses and become their blade against the evil.Fight in turn-based combat system to defeat more and more mightful enemies and upgrade your entire team in many different way...
Clash Royale for PC? Is it even possible? Well, Brawl of Ages is trying to satisfy the computer players with its own version of this phenomenon available on the mobiles.Brawl of Ages is, just like his counterpart, a free-to-play multiplayer Collectible Card Arena, however it tries to make some things different. Our goal is simp...
Jump onto the intergalactic arenas of Games of Glory, a brand new Shooter MobA created by a French team from Lightbulb Crew. Choose among over a dozen different characters with unique abilities. Invite your friends to play with and together, face your enemies on two different maps and two game modes.Fight in 4v4 battles on the A...
Win the favour of the gods in Grepolis! Conquer the Ancient Greece in a free browser strategy game developed and published by InnoGames, the company responsible for such epic games like Tribal Wars, Forge of Empires or The WestCreate your own army composed of ordinary units like Swordsmen, Hoplites or Archers as well as of crea...
If you liked FarmVille, you’ll certainly love Farmerama, a game developed by the german Bigpoint.As a fledgeling farmer, you have to take care of your farm by sowing, harvesting and taking care of animals. The economic factor shall help you gain more money used to make new improvements and develop the farm in order to become a t...
Become a Commander and plunge into global naval history!The World of Warships fleet features over 200 ships, dating back to the First and Second World Wars. Find out which warship type suits you best, and amass a navy of your own.Choose the flag you want to sail under. In WoWs, you can pick from the world's leading naval forces....
Are you an angel? Or maybe a devil? Discover that in AION! Pick from one of the conflicted sides: Asmodian and Elyos, perpetually fighting with each other, or the cruelly evil Balaurs! Make progress as your character by eight different ways, at your own discretion and enjoy the beautiful, open world of Aion. Stunning graphics, w...
Prepare yourself for a real roller-coaster ride with Kritika, the super-action-packed MMO which is coming to us from the far east! Break through hordes of enemies alone or with friends, fighting them with huge blades and powerful ranged weapons and all that with spectacular effects and acrobatic moves! Choose among 4 different c...
Become a ninja now in Naruto Online, a brand new browser (or client) MMORPG licensed by Bandai Namco, where we are able to take part of the epic adventure known from the Masashi Kishimito's manga.In fact, we have a choice between 5 characters with different skills - two young ladies and three guys, each of them having their own ...
Shaiya is a totally free-to-play MMO game created and published by the Aeria Games studio.Take part in the ultimate battle between the forces of Light and Darkness! Choose your side - join the forces of good or evil. But be careful! Your choice really matters, as you won't be able to change it after that! Create your hero: choos...
Kingdoms Mobile - Total Clash is an other strategy free-to-play mobile game created by the studio IGG responsible for such games as Lords Mobile or Castle Clash - that's why you should be aware of its great quality!If you are expecting an other battle-card game clone, then you should be pleasantly surprised. First of all, in thi...
Cabals: Card Blitz is an automated collectible card game developed by the Kyy Games studio. If you do like the card games, but you are not too convinced of real-time duels, then Cabals: Card Blitz has been made specially for you!Build your own decks with unique cards and prove their utility in fast 30-seconds battles against AI....
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds is a must for all battle royale mode fetishists. Even though the game is still in its "Early access", it still gives its players lots of fun from the gameplay. Besides, the Bluehole Studio does not rest on their laurels and despite the enormous success they had, they are still working to cat...
Otherland is the MMORPG game based on the books of the famous science fiction writer Ted Williams. Anyone who wants to delve deeper into this incredible world and play as the protagonist in a fantastic story, should simply be examined with his "Inozem".In this game, businessmen and programmers have created a network of v...
CrossFire is a MMOFPS game including some typical features for this kind of game like a rank and funds system. The game offers four modes of great playability: Team Deathmatch, Search & Destroy, Elimination and Ghost Mode, each of them using their own, unique maps.Besides experience points, for each match we’re also receivin...
Desert Operations is among the most famous browser strategy games. Lead a country and develop it, in order to become a power. Make alliances with other players and together attack, declare wars and become invincible! Take care of your economy, develop your army in order to acquire even better units and defend yourself against ot...
A browser game in which we’re playing as a ruler of an Empire! Our main objectives are the expansion, the conquest and the victory! It’s a much expanded economic strategy game providing us lots of emotions and satisfaction. Improve your city, conquer others, extend your army and your influence. Make alliances or wage...
Legends Online is a combination of free-to-play strategy and MMORPG by browser. We can choose between three classes: a mage, a warrior or an archer. We’re visiting and exploring locations, one by one and at the same time, completing quests we’re receiving. The combat system is turn-based and after the victory we receive experien...
Blade & Soul did not have an easy start to the West - being released in 2016, it has been heavily overshadowed by another Korean game - Black Desert Online. But now it's quite sure that the game goes far beyond the latter. Blade & Soul is an MMO action game, which may interest even the most demanding players! At the very...
Cuisine Royale is a humorous free battle royale game. Seemingly, it is a classic representative of this genre - the map decreases, and players struggle with each other until only one of them is alive.What makes this production unique is definitely humor, manifesting mainly in the type of equipment available. Traditional armor an...
Darkmoon Realm is a free role-playing game for mobile phones full of interesting heroes, beautiful locations and spectacular fights. In this fantastic game you are transferred to a colorful world full of wonders and magic. Create a guild or play alone, hunt demons and climb to the top of the rankings. Travel huge dungeons that h...
Cargotycoon is a completely free browser game in which you'll play the role of the owner of your transport company. Start your own enterprise and compete with other players to be number one on the transport company market. Purchase the vans needed for work, hire drivers to start your business and invest in training them so they ...
Astellia is a completely free MMORPG game set in a fantasy world in which you play as Astellian - a star-blessed warrior with enormous power. Choose one of five available races: Warrior, Archer, Scholar, Assassin or Mage and start the adventure in this colorful, virtual world. Travel the lands of Astella alone or with friends, p...
Next RP is the most realistic multiplayer game that takes place in the heart of Russian Federation. The creators of the games worked out a detailed in-game world, such as well know car brands, buildings from the real cities and the possibility of buying in-game items. The game has several storylines that leave an unforgettable e...
Crsed: F.O.A.D is a free Battle Royale game available on Steam. Join thousands of players and embark on an adventure in a brutal world where the most important thing is to survive. Grab your guns and set out on the battlefield where you will engage in PvP fights with tons of other players. Fight your way to victory and be the la...
Metin 2 is a quite popular example of a free-to-play MMORPG game. We can choose between five different character classes: a Sura, a Shaman, a Warrior, a Ninja and a Lycan. Each of them is characterized by his own gameplay; however they’re doing very well in various combinations as a team. The Warrior, which is the epitome of gre...
Nostale is an anime-like MMORPG. The player is an adventurer who has to end the war with the race of Kovolts. The player starts with a basic class, which may be enhanced with more specializations during the character’s grow. Basically, we have three classes with different skills. After reaching a certain level, there is a possi...
OGame is a browser strategy game set up in the space. It should appeal not only to the players interested by the universe, but also to the wide community of strategic games fans. The first quest the player has is choosing his server – the universe. And then the game begins! We can choose between a variety of planets, moons and ...
Lay the tracks on the way to your own railway empire!Rail Nation is a browser strategy game coming from the Bright Future studio, that lets the players become one of the railway magnates.As the president of a small company in North America, we’ll develop our business to finally become a transport giant. However, we’re not the on...
Runes of Magic is a game made by a taiwanese studio Runewalker, being one of the strongest items in the free-to-play MMO games offer. It’s a great choice for players looking for unforgettable impressions and being bored of mindless fights, as the game is regularly updated and expanded. The whole universe is constantly changing, ...
Tera Online is a famous Korean MMORPG game. Before starting the big adventure, just like in every game like this, we choose and create our character. The variety of races and classes is, beyond any doubt, the biggest advantage of the game. Besides the basic races like the Humans, or the Elves, we also have the demonic race of Ca...
ATTENTION! The offer is available only for NEW users! The Vikings fans finally lived to see a real treat in form of a genuine MMO game. It is time to take your battle axe and move into the world of the Vikings, to face the challenge which is leading a village.Become a real earl, expand your village and carry out the attacks on y...
CS:GO – there we have a worthy successor of the classic game “Counter-Strike”. Join a massive e-sport community. Play in one of two game modes (Classic Casual or Classic Competitive) or more dynamic – Demolition and Arms Race. Amazing graphics, great sound effects and an incredible realism (no weapon zoom...