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    Brian05 Flag it

    3 years ago

    Young Wizard

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    Brian05 badge
    Brian05 avatar
    5 years ago

    Thank you

    Brian05 badge
    Brian05 avatar
    Wrote the article Fix - compito rifiutato.
    5 years ago
    Brian05 badge
    Brian05 avatar
    Commented subject Prima missione HELP.
    5 years ago

    Dovresti chiedere a misty

    Brian05 badge
    Brian05 avatar
    Commented subject come si fa la prima missione?.
    5 years ago

    Se non va devi chiedere a Misty

    Brian05 badge
    Brian05 avatar
    Commented Sansar.
    5 years ago

    abbastanza bello. I compiti nono molto facili

    Brian05 badge
    Brian05 avatar
    5 years ago

    Non le trovo aiutooooo

    Brian05 badge
    Brian05 avatar
    completed a quest from War Thunder.
    5 years ago
    Brian05 badge
    Brian05 avatar
    A user and SimoPrax are friends now
    5 years ago
    Brian05 badge
    Brian05 avatar
    A user and SimoPrax are friends now
    5 years ago
    Brian05 badge
    Brian05 avatar
    Commented subject Compito 2 War Thunder rifiutato.
    5 years ago

    Per fare il primo a me ci sta mettendo una vita

    Brian05 badge
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    Reached 3 level
    5 years ago
    Brian05 badge
    Brian05 avatar
    completed a quest from Sansar.
    5 years ago
    Brian05 badge
    Brian05 avatar
    Commented Sansar.
    5 years ago

    è vero, è molto facile. 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

    Brian05 badge
    Brian05 avatar
    completed a quest from OGame.
    5 years ago
    Brian05 badge
    Brian05 avatar
    completed a quest from Sansar.
    5 years ago
    Brian05 badge
    Brian05 avatar
    A user and wohi are friends now
    6 years ago
    Brian05 badge
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    Reached 2 level
    6 years ago
    Brian05 badge
    Brian05 avatar
    6 years ago

    è il gioco più bello della vita
    e comunque è molto educativo minecraft apparte la riproduzione dei maiali


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