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    Suggestions regarding Moderators Help

    Hello, y'all!

    Since this group is still under a development process, I would be more than happy to hear all your ideas regarding this group :)

    Disclaimer: spam, referring links, or any violation of the Gamehag rules will result in a ban.

    Every suggestion is appreciated.
    Non-suggestions will be removed.

    Best regards,

    29 july 2020 14:42 8411

    Hi, I'm sorry if this suggestion is too much but It would be cool if there is a thread here where users can send their accepted articles and You can review them and send some tips about improving their articles.

    30 august 2020 18:31 8411

    @FaizKTG I was thinking of creating such a thread, but not now.

    The group isn't developed enough for such threads, so for now, I'll leave this for 2021.

    Anyways, thank you for the suggestion! Such a thread will be created in the near future.

    31 august 2020 18:56 8411

    Hey, @Aonb!

    || As for reporting on the "From Users" forum posts that don't belong to the category of articles... It would be good to clarify, which one of this group's threads is most suitable for such posts, as they are in the article section but can be regarded as spam. Or, maybe, it will even be nice to have a separate thread for them.

    Great question! I'll definitely create a separate thread to report such articles. Thanks.

    || There are some old threads that are still open for commenting, but the information displayed in them is outdated. Sometimes users "resurrect" such threads by spamming or leaving replies on irrelevant / expired topics. It would be great if users here could leave the links to such threads with attaching the reasons for them to be locked.

    Mhm, I'll think more precisely about this one.

    Thank you for your suggestions! :)

    1 september 2020 07:56 8411

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