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    How it works

    About Pirate Storm

    Pirate Storm is an action packed browser game, that takes place on a sea full of islands to explore. The player embodies a pirate, whose task is to travel across the endless waters and to depart on a treasure hunt! Getting rich is an important aspect of this game. The player earns money by fighting monsters and other players on their ships. The possibilities are numerous; the treasure can be hidden on the seabed, so you should find a diving gear! Through the valuables the player has acquired, he can make trades with other people – and the trades are a relevant part of the whole game play. So it is worth to visit the harbors, where it is possible to become friends with other pirates and thus, to join a brotherhood! It is quite useful and makes our game greatly easier. Gaining higher and higher levels and loots allows us to upgrade our ship, which will not only be easily distinguished from others, but will also be vastly enhanced! The world featured in Pirate Storm is thus extremely expanded and addicting. This game should satisfy lots of multiplayer games fans.

    7202 users are playing Pirate Storm

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    Rewards for Pirate Storm

    We currently don't have any rewards for Pirate Storm. Check out our other rewards!

    News about Pirate Storm

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    Opinions about Pirate Storm

    This game is nice . It's fun and easy to understand and there is a real sense of progression.

    29 april 2021 12:08

    Is it worth playing? that is the real question

    29 july 2021 09:39

    Pirate Storm is very cool pirate game to play with friends

    30 january 2021 21:58

    Is it worth playing? that is the real question.

    13 january 2021 21:16

    Is it worth playing? that is the real question.

    6 april 2021 18:10

    Rewards for Pirate Storm

    We currently don't have any rewards for Pirate Storm. Check out our other rewards!

    News about Pirate Storm

    This game doesn't have any article.

    Did you know that you can earn Soul Gems for evaluating articles of the other users?
    And that for writing an article you can get even 250Soulstone?

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    Forum Pirate Storm

    Latest posts

    This game is nice . It's fun and easy to understand and there is a real sense of progression.

    29 april 2021 12:08

    Is it worth playing? that is the real question

    29 july 2021 09:39

    Pirate Storm is very cool pirate game to play with friends

    30 january 2021 21:58

    Is it worth playing? that is the real question.

    13 january 2021 21:16

    Is it worth playing? that is the real question.

    6 april 2021 18:10