"Dragon Ball Z Online" is a game based on the famous anime created by Akira Toriyama and a new approach to this universe as a free browser MMORPG.
This time, we do not have to deal with a typical fighting game but a MMORPG in which the players have to create their own character, recruit their team and fight against characters known from the anime series. Gather your team and recruit characters that will help you during the matches, grow stronger as much as they do!
Dragon Ball Z Online is not just about fighting, even though this is the core of this world. Besides that, we can also take part in a great variety of tests, complete dungeons and - of course, demonstrate our stength in intense PvP battles.
Dragon Ball Z Online presents itself with good 2D graphics and charming, detailed sceneries such as the well-known martial arts arena. The original Japanese soundrack resounds through the integrality of our gameplay and creates tension during the matches. Meet your favorite female and male characters and join the wonderful world of Dragon Ball!
NiceGame.Cool game any rewards for it would be amazing
I'm a big fan of Dragon ball z, friends, I've spent my entire childhood watching the anime and I remember I got yelled at for watching this because it affected my grades and stuff at school but I'm happy I made Goku my idol
Tried this one looks good and amazing, a very satisfying genre.
this game for fun to play, can play in free time
I have played dragon ballz that comes in ps2 and i have played it for very long time with my friends its mine good memories with my friends