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    Young Wizard

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    Shakes and Fidget

    Shakes and Fidget is a RPG browser game set in a fantasy world. At the very beginning, we make our character by choosing between nine races: the Humans, the Elves, the Dwarfs, the Gnomes, the Orcs, the Dark Elves, the Goblins and the Demons and then, between three classes: the Warrior, the Mage and the Hunter. Our main quest is ...

    Armored Warfare

    Remember! To receive your Soul Gems you need to create a new account in the game!Armored Warfare is a MMO war game, where you conduct a battle with diverse armored fighting vehicles. The players develop their equipment to rise to the top of the ranking to become the best.This game was produced by the studio Obsidian Entertainmen...

    Final Fantasy XV

    PLEASE NOTE: This offer is available just for NEW users!Build your own city in the Final Fantasy XV universe. Experience a whole new adventure on your phone!Join your favourite characters from FFXV and build your empire by collecting valuable resources, creating the army you will elaborate some cool strategies with and take part...

    Heavy Metal Machines

    Remember that you need to enter the game through the Steam!Are you up to a fierce competition, destruction, speed and action? All of these are available now in the post apocalyptic world of Heavy Metal Machines!The classic gameplay mode consists of several rounds in which you have to deliver the bomb to the enemy's base in ...

    Vast Wars

    Vast Wars is a browser MMO game inspired by the crimes and lives of criminals. The main idea of the game is to build an empire and become the real boss of the mafia.Develop your city and your character (among others through regular training) and perform a whole series of missions to strengthen your position in the ranking. Fight...

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