6 years ago
There's a background music with a little Scottish melodies. It's repeating himself so quickly that he just got me bored. Don't wait for your mouse to figure out what the icons on the screen are for, you won't get any information. That's how they made the game pretty simple!
Do not be afraid to print icons do not pass the fingers of two hands. The wheel on the right goes to the traditional settings menu. In the control menu, you see what the keys are for. The language option includes English, French, German, Russian and Chinese. Full screen, gamepad, sound effects, music, turning on the clues in the war creates other options.
The second icon shows those who contributed to the game. He's presenting it with a nice hard rock song. The lyrics of the song are polish, if I'm not mistaken. I kind of liked it.
The third icon Exit menu brings you back from barbaric life to your normal life. The Polish friends who wrote this on the road, a traffic magandına, street with a mafia bozuntusu never thought of the possibility of encountering. Between the words, Unfortunately, I met him, so I met you guys a little late this month.
You're playing against artificial intelligence from the Conqueror conquest menu.
Barbaric duel-barbaric Duello section on the internet encounter real opponents.
I waited for a competitor of minutes. I'il give you an overview of the average time in the evaluation section.
In the Party – party section, you're playing with a friend. Of course, your computer must have two mice or gamepad. Keyboard does not appear to be an option.
I'il write down some important things you need to watch out for in the battles.;
First of all, you have to determine how many men you have, and then move your men. In many battles, you can defeat the numerous simpleton enemies by placing your simple characters called simpleton into the appropriate buildings at the speed of light, for example, by making a warrior.
They exist in homes where your men can multiply, but if you put your fighters in here, for example, they will turn into simpleton. They take the top off , forget what they know, and take care of the multiplication. I didn't see a woman Toon, by the way..It's a little weird .Those who find Age Of Empires simple! Your ears are ringing!
The talk in the game is barbaric! (Let's just say you don't make sounds like a speech, you know?)
Yes friends let's make a brief evaluation ;
Graphics : 4
Playability, Scenario: 6
Multiplayer : 0 (unfortunately I could not meet any opponent 30 minutes waiting for a player )
Sound and Music : 4 (for the sake of the metal track in the credits))
Price: 10 Dolar