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    How it works

    About TechMagic

    TechMagic is a free browser MMORPG created for those who have the spirit of a real warrior!

    Start your adventure in the world of Elinor and join the battle with thousands of other players. Travel around many beautiful locations, where you meet various creatures and monsters with which you will have to fight. Collect better equipment, create weapons for your own order and become even stronger. Trade with other players, join a clan and find new friends or even love - TechMagic has a marriage system that will make you inseparable! Immerse yourself in the fantastic world of Elinor and discover its infinite possibilities

    Don't wait any longer and start playing TechMagic today!

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    30 march 2021 15:09

    raskazite stoit li tratit vremya na eto proizvedenie

    14 january 2021 14:49

    Rewards for TechMagic

    We currently don't have any rewards for TechMagic. Check out our other rewards!

    News about TechMagic

    This game doesn't have any article.

    Did you know that you can earn Soul Gems for evaluating articles of the other users?
    And that for writing an article you can get even 250Soulstone?

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    30 march 2021 15:09

    raskazite stoit li tratit vremya na eto proizvedenie

    14 january 2021 14:49