array:24 [
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          "created_at" => "2020-04-02 22:53:20"
          "title" => "Nowości z Gamehag #11 - Rozdajemy 5 000 000 KD z okazji przekroczenia 5 000 000 zarejestrowanych użytkowników!"
          "url" => "nowosci-z-gamehag-11---rozdajemy-5-000-000-kd-z-okazji-przekroczenia-5-000-000-zarejestrowanych-uzytkownikow"
          "other" => 5
          "text2" => "Skomentował <a href="" class="activity-link">Nowości z Gamehag #11 - Rozdajemy 5 000 000 KD z okazji przekroczenia 5 000 000 zarejestrowanych użytkowników!</a>."
        #original: array:5 [
          "text" => "Ja jestem mozę 5miesięcy do 8 miesięcy a bym chciał coś zdobyc jak było by 1000 kamieni dusz i tak bym powiedizał wow<br>:innocent::innocent:<br>"
          "created_at" => "2020-04-02 22:53:20"
          "title" => "Nowości z Gamehag #11 - Rozdajemy 5 000 000 KD z okazji przekroczenia 5 000 000 zarejestrowanych użytkowników!"
          "url" => "nowosci-z-gamehag-11---rozdajemy-5-000-000-kd-z-okazji-przekroczenia-5-000-000-zarejestrowanych-uzytkownikow"
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          "text" => "To były fajne eventy.<br>"
          "created_at" => "2020-03-26 20:22:36"
          "title" => "Fortnite - Najlepsze eventy (moim zdaniem)"
          "url" => "fortnite---najlepsze-eventy-moim-zdaniem"
          "other" => 5
          "text2" => "Skomentował <a href="" class="activity-link">Fortnite - Najlepsze eventy (moim zdaniem)</a>."
        #original: array:5 [
          "text" => "To były fajne eventy.<br>"
          "created_at" => "2020-03-26 20:22:36"
          "title" => "Fortnite - Najlepsze eventy (moim zdaniem)"
          "url" => "fortnite---najlepsze-eventy-moim-zdaniem"
          "other" => 5
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          "text" => "Moja naj gra to bubble bo tam możesz: 1.Otwierać jajka      2.Dmuchać gumę 3.Ta gra ma często nowe update czyli aktulizacje ii już prawie 2 lata ejst ta gra i nadal update czyli aktulizacje 4.Tam jest tablica z najlepszymi graczami a tam nei jest tak ,że tylko ogólnie tylko masz co tydzień,co dzień i zawsze 5. Tam jest dużo zwierząt a ja lubie akurat zwierzęta...<br>"
          "created_at" => "2020-03-26 20:21:22"
          "title" => "3 moje najlepsze gry Roblox"
          "url" => "3-moje-najlepsze-gry-roblox"
          "other" => 5
          "text2" => "Skomentował <a href="" class="activity-link">3 moje najlepsze gry Roblox</a>."
        #original: array:5 [
          "text" => "Moja naj gra to bubble bo tam możesz: 1.Otwierać jajka      2.Dmuchać gumę 3.Ta gra ma często nowe update czyli aktulizacje ii już prawie 2 lata ejst ta gra i nadal update czyli aktulizacje 4.Tam jest tablica z najlepszymi graczami a tam nei jest tak ,że tylko ogólnie tylko masz co tydzień,co dzień i zawsze 5. Tam jest dużo zwierząt a ja lubie akurat zwierzęta...<br>"
          "created_at" => "2020-03-26 20:21:22"
          "title" => "3 moje najlepsze gry Roblox"
          "url" => "3-moje-najlepsze-gry-roblox"
          "other" => 5
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          "created_at" => "2020-03-06 15:50:42"
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          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Steam Daily Chest"
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          "created_at" => "2020-03-06 15:50:42"
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      20 => CaseOpen {#2239
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          0 => "user_id"
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          "created_at" => "2020-03-05 11:01:13"
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          "case_id" => 240
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          "other" => 3
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          "reward_name_lang" => "10 Kamieni Dusz"
          "text2" => "otworzył Steam Daily Chest i wygrał <a href="" class="activity-link">10 Kamieni Dusz</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2020-03-05 11:01:13"
          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1937
          "name" => "10 KD"
          "url" => "10-kd"
          "other" => 3
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      19 => CaseOpen {#2238
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          0 => "user_id"
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          "url" => "runa-fehu"
          "other" => 3
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          "reward_name_lang" => "Runa Fehu"
          "text2" => "otworzył Steam Daily Chest i wygrał <a href="" class="activity-link">Runa Fehu</a>."
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          "created_at" => "2020-03-03 17:12:07"
          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1268
          "name" => "Runa Fehu"
          "url" => "runa-fehu"
          "other" => 3
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          0 => "*"
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        #observables: []
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      18 => CaseOpen {#2237
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          0 => "user_id"
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          "created_at" => "2020-02-29 23:09:28"
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          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1268
          "name" => "Runa Fehu"
          "url" => "runa-fehu"
          "other" => 3
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          "reward_name_lang" => "Runa Fehu"
          "text2" => "otworzył Steam Daily Chest i wygrał <a href="" class="activity-link">Runa Fehu</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2020-02-29 23:09:28"
          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1268
          "name" => "Runa Fehu"
          "url" => "runa-fehu"
          "other" => 3
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          "cases" => Cases {#2256
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          0 => "*"
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      17 => CaseOpen {#2236
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          0 => "user_id"
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          2 => "reward_id"
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          "created_at" => "2020-02-28 21:38:51"
          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1936
          "name" => "5 KD"
          "url" => "5-kd"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "5 Kamieni Dusz"
          "text2" => "otworzył Steam Daily Chest i wygrał <a href="" class="activity-link">5 Kamieni Dusz</a>."
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          "created_at" => "2020-02-28 21:38:51"
          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1936
          "name" => "5 KD"
          "url" => "5-kd"
          "other" => 3
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      16 => CaseOpen {#2235
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          0 => "user_id"
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          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1949
          "name" => "1 KD"
          "url" => "1-kd"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "1 Kamień Dusz"
          "text2" => "otworzył Steam Daily Chest i wygrał <a href="" class="activity-link">1 Kamień Dusz</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2020-02-27 19:27:12"
          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1949
          "name" => "1 KD"
          "url" => "1-kd"
          "other" => 3
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            #table: "cases"
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          0 => "user_id"
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          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1267
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          "url" => "runa-tiwaz"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "Runa Tiwaz"
          "text2" => "otworzył Steam Daily Chest i wygrał <a href="" class="activity-link">Runa Tiwaz</a>."
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          "created_at" => "2020-02-26 15:01:07"
          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1267
          "name" => "Runa Tiwaz"
          "url" => "runa-tiwaz"
          "other" => 3
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          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1936
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          "url" => "5-kd"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "5 Kamieni Dusz"
          "text2" => "otworzył Steam Daily Chest i wygrał <a href="" class="activity-link">5 Kamieni Dusz</a>."
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          "created_at" => "2020-02-23 15:54:04"
          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1936
          "name" => "5 KD"
          "url" => "5-kd"
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          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
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          "url" => "runa-fehu"
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          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1268
          "name" => "Runa Fehu"
          "url" => "runa-fehu"
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          0 => "user_id"
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          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1949
          "name" => "1 KD"
          "url" => "1-kd"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "1 Kamień Dusz"
          "text2" => "otworzył Steam Daily Chest i wygrał <a href="" class="activity-link">1 Kamień Dusz</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2020-02-18 20:48:17"
          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1949
          "name" => "1 KD"
          "url" => "1-kd"
          "other" => 3
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          0 => "*"
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        #touches: []
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      11 => CaseOpen {#2230
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          0 => "user_id"
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          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1936
          "name" => "5 KD"
          "url" => "5-kd"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "5 Kamieni Dusz"
          "text2" => "otworzył Steam Daily Chest i wygrał <a href="" class="activity-link">5 Kamieni Dusz</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2020-02-16 19:55:58"
          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1936
          "name" => "5 KD"
          "url" => "5-kd"
          "other" => 3
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      10 => CaseOpen {#2229
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          "created_at" => "2020-02-15 18:57:26"
          "case_name" => "Roblox Chest"
          "case_id" => 373
          "reward_id" => 2871
          "name" => "5 Robux"
          "url" => "5-robux"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Robux Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "5 Robux"
          "text2" => "otworzył Robux Chest i wygrał <a href="" class="activity-link">5 Robux</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2020-02-15 18:57:26"
          "case_name" => "Roblox Chest"
          "case_id" => 373
          "reward_id" => 2871
          "name" => "5 Robux"
          "url" => "5-robux"
          "other" => 3
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      9 => CaseOpen {#2228
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          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1949
          "name" => "1 KD"
          "url" => "1-kd"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "1 Kamień Dusz"
          "text2" => "otworzył Steam Daily Chest i wygrał <a href="" class="activity-link">1 Kamień Dusz</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2020-02-15 18:54:38"
          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1949
          "name" => "1 KD"
          "url" => "1-kd"
          "other" => 3
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      8 => CaseOpen {#2227
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          "created_at" => "2020-02-14 22:29:39"
          "case_name" => "Weekly Chest"
          "case_id" => 211
          "reward_id" => 1268
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          "url" => "runa-fehu"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Weekly Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "Runa Fehu"
          "text2" => "otworzył Weekly Chest i wygrał <a href="" class="activity-link">Runa Fehu</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2020-02-14 22:29:39"
          "case_name" => "Weekly Chest"
          "case_id" => 211
          "reward_id" => 1268
          "name" => "Runa Fehu"
          "url" => "runa-fehu"
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          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1936
          "name" => "5 KD"
          "url" => "5-kd"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "5 Kamieni Dusz"
          "text2" => "otworzył Steam Daily Chest i wygrał <a href="" class="activity-link">5 Kamieni Dusz</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2020-02-14 14:14:37"
          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1936
          "name" => "5 KD"
          "url" => "5-kd"
          "other" => 3
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          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1949
          "name" => "1 KD"
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          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "1 Kamień Dusz"
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          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1949
          "name" => "1 KD"
          "url" => "1-kd"
          "other" => 3
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          0 => "*"
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          "reward_id" => 1936
          "name" => "5 KD"
          "url" => "5-kd"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "5 Kamieni Dusz"
          "text2" => "otworzył Steam Daily Chest i wygrał <a href="" class="activity-link">5 Kamieni Dusz</a>."
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          "created_at" => "2020-02-11 17:14:43"
          "case_name" => "Steam Daily Chest"
          "case_id" => 240
          "reward_id" => 1936
          "name" => "5 KD"
          "url" => "5-kd"
          "other" => 3
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  "point_month" => UserPointNew {#2146
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      0 => "user_id"
      1 => "type"
      2 => "points"
      3 => "target_id"
      4 => "sub_target_id"
      5 => "plus"
      6 => "shown"
      7 => "db_ip_id"
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      9 => "swap"
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      0 => "user_id"
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      2 => "points"
      3 => "target_id"
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      7 => "db_ip_id"
      8 => "date"
      9 => "swap"
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      "points" => "1527"
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          17 => "cpc"
          18 => "autotask"
          19 => "task1_time"
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          21 => "task3_time"
          22 => "task4_time"
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          "logo" => "/img/games/logo/fortnite.png"
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          "created_at" => "2018-03-14 14:40:19"
          "updated_at" => "2020-11-16 17:15:06"
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          "background_min" => "/img/games/background/fortnite_min.jpg"
          "background_max" => "/img/games/background/fortnite_max.jpg"
          "background_med" => "/img/games/background/fortnite_med.jpg"
          "dimension" => 9
          "type" => 11
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