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    About Dragon Glory

    Dragon Glory is a free browser MMORPG game developed by 101XP studio.

    A magical world full of mystical creatures is waiting for you! Join the game, create your dream team and check what secrets the land of dragons hides. Rule your own dragon and learn to ride it - these noble creatures are waiting for you! Try your hand at PvE and PvP fights, where you will face people from distant corners of the world. Meet new friends, get married, enjoy in-game events and become the best player on the server!

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    News about Dragon Glory

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    Opinions about Dragon Glory

    Reaching level 8 took me only 6-7 minutes! Totally recommended for easy gems.

    9 august 2022 16:57

    Rewards for Dragon Glory

    We currently don't have any rewards for Dragon Glory. Check out our other rewards!

    News about Dragon Glory

    This game doesn't have any article.

    Did you know that you can earn Soul Gems for evaluating articles of the other users?
    And that for writing an article you can get even 250Soulstone?

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    Forum Dragon Glory

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    Reaching level 8 took me only 6-7 minutes! Totally recommended for easy gems.

    9 august 2022 16:57