CSR Racing 2 is a free racing mobile game from the NaturalMotion studio.
If you like the latest, fast and cool looking cars then CSR Racing 2 is definitely for you! Choose for yourself the best car, and there is plenty to choose from - Ferrari, Bugatti Lamborghini, etc., master its control and conquer roads! The game takes place in so-called drag racing, in which two cars try to overcome a short, straight route in the shortest possible time through appropriate deceleration, acceleration and gear shifts.In the game, we have multiplayer mode but also a solo mode, where we race with AI and discover the story.
Play CSR Racing 2 now!
Promise yourself to forgive others, don't keep negative feelings inside you, and don't waste your energies and time thinking about who's causing you distress and pain...
Grafikleri İçin İndiriyorsanız Olabilir Ama İndirdiğiniz Gün Çok Seveceksiniz ve fark edeceksiniz ki birkaç gün sonra oyundan sıkılmaya başlayacaksınız ve oyunun artık sarmadığını fark edeceksiniz ben beğenmedim pek tavsiye etmem
i couldnt agree more haha lol jk i dont get why people just cooy peoples comments instead of writing thier own. shame on you