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          42 => "position_day"
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      0 => Notification {#2198
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          "updated_at" => "2020-08-19 04:23:49"
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          "created_at" => "2020-01-02 13:38:31"
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          "id" => 2870
          "name" => "2 Robux"
          "url" => "2-robux"
          "created_at" => "2020-01-02 13:38:31"
          "other" => 2
        #relations: []
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          0 => "*"
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      6 => UserPointNew {#2217
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          "created_at" => "2020-01-02 13:38:20"
          "other" => 2
          "text2" => "received a reward - <a href="" class="activity-link">10 Robux</a>."
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          "id" => 2872
          "name" => "10 Robux"
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          "created_at" => "2020-01-02 13:38:20"
          "other" => 2
        #relations: []
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      1 => Notification {#2202
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          "type" => 8
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          "updated_at" => "2019-11-29 19:12:55"
          "status" => 0
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          "text2" => "Reached 3 level"
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          "type" => 8
          "created_at" => "2019-11-29 17:43:16"
          "updated_at" => "2019-11-29 19:12:55"
          "status" => 0
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          "news" => News {#2209}
          "friend" => User {#2211}
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          0 => "*"
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          "name" => "1 Robux"
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          "created_at" => "2019-11-27 19:53:36"
          "other" => 2
          "text2" => "received a reward - <a href="" class="activity-link">1 Robux</a>."
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          "id" => 2869
          "name" => "1 Robux"
          "url" => "1-robux"
          "created_at" => "2019-11-27 19:53:36"
          "other" => 2
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          0 => "*"
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      8 => UserPointNew {#2222
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          0 => "user_id"
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          2 => "points"
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          6 => "shown"
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          8 => "date"
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          "name" => "2 Robux"
          "url" => "2-robux"
          "created_at" => "2019-11-27 19:53:18"
          "other" => 2
          "text2" => "received a reward - <a href="" class="activity-link">2 Robux</a>."
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          "id" => 2870
          "name" => "2 Robux"
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          "created_at" => "2019-11-27 19:53:18"
          "other" => 2
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          0 => "*"
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      9 => UserPointNew {#2214
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          0 => "user_id"
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          6 => "shown"
          7 => "db_ip_id"
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          "created_at" => "2019-11-25 16:46:32"
          "other" => 2
          "text2" => "received a reward - <a href="" class="activity-link">2 Robux</a>."
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          "id" => 2870
          "name" => "2 Robux"
          "url" => "2-robux"
          "created_at" => "2019-11-25 16:46:32"
          "other" => 2
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          0 => "*"
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          0 => "user_id"
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          "updated_at" => "2019-11-27 19:28:10"
          "status" => 0
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          "text2" => "Reached 3 level"
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          "id" => 8653917
          "user_id" => 3095821
          "target_id" => 3
          "type" => 8
          "created_at" => "2019-11-25 16:39:00"
          "updated_at" => "2019-11-27 19:28:10"
          "status" => 0
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          "news" => News {#2209}
          "friend" => User {#2211}
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          0 => "*"
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          0 => "id"
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          "text" => "Меня бесят люди какие називают Сэнди девочкой"
          "created_at" => "2019-11-25 16:38:20"
          "title" => "Обзор  Сэнди в игре Brawl Stars"
          "url" => "-----brawl-stars2"
          "other" => 5
          "text2" => "Commented <a href="" class="activity-link">Обзор  Сэнди в игре Brawl Stars</a>."
        #original: array:5 [
          "text" => "Меня бесят люди какие називают Сэнди девочкой"
          "created_at" => "2019-11-25 16:38:20"
          "title" => "Обзор  Сэнди в игре Brawl Stars"
          "url" => "-----brawl-stars2"
          "other" => 5
        #relations: []
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          0 => "*"
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      12 => CaseOpen {#2228
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          0 => "user_id"
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          "created_at" => "2019-11-24 19:53:40"
          "case_name" => "Roblox Chest"
          "case_id" => 373
          "reward_id" => 2872
          "name" => "10 Robux"
          "url" => "10-robux"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Robux Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "10 Robux"
          "text2" => "opened Robux Chest and won <a href="" class="activity-link">10 Robux</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2019-11-24 19:53:40"
          "case_name" => "Roblox Chest"
          "case_id" => 373
          "reward_id" => 2872
          "name" => "10 Robux"
          "url" => "10-robux"
          "other" => 3
        #relations: array:2 [
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            #table: "cases"
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          "created_at" => "2019-11-24 19:49:35"
          "case_name" => "Welcome Chest"
          "case_id" => 200
          "reward_id" => 1265
          "name" => "Runa Hagl"
          "url" => "runa-hagl"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Welcome Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "Hagl Rune"
          "text2" => "opened Welcome Chest and won <a href="" class="activity-link">Hagl Rune</a>."
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          "created_at" => "2019-11-24 19:49:35"
          "case_name" => "Welcome Chest"
          "case_id" => 200
          "reward_id" => 1265
          "name" => "Runa Hagl"
          "url" => "runa-hagl"
          "other" => 3
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          "text" => "Мала палавін мала мала палавін!"
          "created_at" => "2019-11-24 08:34:40"
          "title" => "Моды для Minecraft 1.14 (часть 4)"
          "url" => "--minecraft-114--4"
          "other" => 5
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          "text" => "Мала палавін мала мала палавін!"
          "created_at" => "2019-11-24 08:34:40"
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          "url" => "--minecraft-114--4"
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          "created_at" => "2019-11-14 14:13:14"
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          "case_id" => 144
          "reward_id" => 1268
          "name" => "Runa Fehu"
          "url" => "runa-fehu"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Mobile Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "Fehu Rune"
          "text2" => "opened Mobile Chest and won <a href="" class="activity-link">Fehu Rune</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2019-11-14 14:13:14"
          "case_name" => "Mobile App Chest"
          "case_id" => 144
          "reward_id" => 1268
          "name" => "Runa Fehu"
          "url" => "runa-fehu"
          "other" => 3
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          "topic_id" => 108342
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      0 => "user_id"
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          13 => "task3"
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            <div>Stworzone przez World of Tanks okazało się tak silną produkcją, że nie ma się co dziwić, iż studio postanowiło nie poprzestawać na sławnych czołgach.</div>\r\n
            <div>Pierwsze pojawiły się &bdquo;latające czołgi&rdquo;, czyli funkcjonujące na tej samej matrycy co WoT, World of Warplanes. World of Warships nie jest jednak klonem swojego starszego rodzeństwa. Gra wykształciła swoja własną tożsamość i bardzo może zaskoczyć sceptyk&oacute;w.</div>\r\n
            <div>To co najbardziej przybliża &bdquo;statki&rdquo; do innych gier studia, to świetna grafika i fakt, że gra jest darmowa. Dodatkowo postawiono na spory realizm, co także jest atutem.</div>\r\n
            <div>World of Warships, to powiew świeżości studia, nie ma więc co zwlekać z sięgnięciem po tę produkcję.</div>
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          "task3" => "Stocz 100 bitew"
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            <div>Stworzone przez World of Tanks okazało się tak silną produkcją, że nie ma się co dziwić, iż studio postanowiło nie poprzestawać na sławnych czołgach.</div>\r\n
            <div>Pierwsze pojawiły się &bdquo;latające czołgi&rdquo;, czyli funkcjonujące na tej samej matrycy co WoT, World of Warplanes. World of Warships nie jest jednak klonem swojego starszego rodzeństwa. Gra wykształciła swoja własną tożsamość i bardzo może zaskoczyć sceptyk&oacute;w.</div>\r\n
            <div>To co najbardziej przybliża &bdquo;statki&rdquo; do innych gier studia, to świetna grafika i fakt, że gra jest darmowa. Dodatkowo postawiono na spory realizm, co także jest atutem.</div>\r\n
            <div>World of Warships, to powiew świeżości studia, nie ma więc co zwlekać z sięgnięciem po tę produkcję.</div>
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          "updated_at" => "2022-11-24 12:05:35"
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          "background_med" => "/img/games/background/world-of-warships_med.jpg"
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          "task3" => "Stocz 100 bitew"
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