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    Suggestions and ideas

    Suggestions and ideas from Gamehag.com users - post them here!

    Lista tematów dla Suggestions and ideas

    Opis forum Suggestions and ideas

    Suggestions and ideas from Gamehag.com users - post them here! You have an idea, interesting take, or in your opinion Gamehag.com just lacks some feature? Or maybe you would love to see some particular changes, or your favourite part of the website developed further in any specific direction? If your answer to at least one of these questions is “Yes”, then it’s a perfect place for you. Everyone can post here their ideas. The highest rated and the best ones will be reviewed by the Gamehag Team, and eventually possibly brought into life. You have something interesting to say? Don’t hesitate anymore, and do it here. The best initiatives will be rewarded by Misty. Suggestions and ideas post here in this forum in text form (you can add pictures in order to express your ideas) using English only.