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    How to finish a task properly

    i need robux 2 need 2 robux give me pls

    4 march 2021 15:32 1625

    what a task?

    4 march 2021 15:33 1625

    wahhh this is rlly helpful to me! thank u for making this :]

    5 march 2021 05:21 1625

    Thanks for help man

    5 march 2021 12:27 1625

    What if we want to complete the tasks for Crossout now? It’s from the same developer, Gaijin. So we click on “play for free” and upon installation, in the account creation we input a new e-mail address, not the one we played War Thunder on. And of course, the in-game name will have to be different, in my case Caius011 that’s the name of the gamehag account was taken because I’ve used it in War Thunder, so now I’ll have to choose a new one, like Caius012.

    Let’s say that I’ve completed the first task for Crossout now. I send the screenshot but, as the rules on Gamehag specify, in-game name and Gamehag.com names should be the same or close. If the task gets rejected it could only mean that the software couldn’t see Caius011 in the screenshot, but Caius012 and didn’t take into consideration.

    In that case we have to open a ticket, but as it is automated, it will request you to take another screenshot and send it again. You can do that and it might work, but the other way around is to contact the team behind Gamehag.com in a different approach. As it was stated by an user whose comment I can’t find right now to credit him for, you talk to Misty, select “I want to tell you something...”, then “I have an idea for new functions on Gamehag.”, then you report your problem in a decent and fully explained way.

    5 march 2021 17:17 1625

    Is is a very helpful information to know.

    5 march 2021 18:10 1625

    I can now do things correctly so I dont keep failing or doing the wrong thing anymore.

    5 march 2021 18:11 1625

    how much time did u take to write this

    8 march 2021 10:01 1625

    yes, nice app

    9 march 2021 08:51 1625

    Nice good people

    9 march 2021 11:42 1625

    i played it till 3 am yesterday

    10 march 2021 09:06 1625

    free money i guess well join my roblox group

    10 march 2021 14:46 1625

    what are minigames? Good tips dude

    25 march 2021 14:45 1625

    Thanks for the help...👍👍

    25 march 2021 17:00 1625

    comment a lot to get xp

    27 march 2021 15:13 1625

    Hey have u guys ever experienced something like this, I completed a task on my mobile.. it was about downloding an app or so.. I'm sure I did everything correctly.. buy sg's wasn't awarded to me? so??

    29 march 2021 18:15 1625

    thanks this is clearing up confusing stuff for me

    29 march 2021 18:27 1625


    29 march 2021 20:32 1625

    i can not complete tasks for some reason

    29 march 2021 20:39 1625

    some tasks are just broken for the moment just ask on discord or read the comments

    29 march 2021 21:43 1625

    this website is super cool

    29 march 2021 22:26 1625

    does this work for mobile tasks too?

    30 march 2021 00:25 1625

    yep happend to me before

    30 march 2021 02:51 1625

    No bad its good

    30 march 2021 11:25 1625

    Hmmm its buitifle!:)

    30 march 2021 11:25 1625

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