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    terry333 Flag ar

    3 years ago


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    A user and greypike81 are friends now
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    A user and cykamali10 are friends now
    4 years ago
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    4 years ago

    en cuanto a la súper si ves paredes trata de que rebote para hacer más daño. sin embargo la mayoría de veces usala normal, porque si te sale mal abras malgastado la ulti

    terry333 badge
    terry333 avatar
    4 years ago

    te recomiendo que vayas tirando de ataque en ataque cargado. osea que tires el ataque cargado, esperes, y vuelvas a lanzar el básico cargado, así le vas quitando vida poco a poco y encima los haces retroceder

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    A user and nunu2203 are friends now
    4 years ago
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    Commented subject Que quereis cangear con GA?.
    4 years ago

    yo en Brawl stars

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    4 years ago

    estoy hace un rato buscando alguna forma fácil pero no la encuentro, si alguien me puede recomendar algo se lo agradeceria

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    Lords Mobile

    PLEASE NOTE: This offer is available just for NEW users! If you can see that a mobile game or app receives a nomination from Google Play, you can tell one thing - the game in question is not a ordinary product. But it is up to you how you will rate Lords Mobile - a mobile real-time strategy created by IGG, which is already renow...

    Guardians of Cloudia

    Guardians of Cloudia is a free mobile RPG game developed by Neocraft Limited studio. Choose from five available classes: Rogue, Oracle, Swordsman, Archer or Mage and set off on a journey through a magical world full of adventures. Develop your character with an advanced skill tree and become a true champion. Collect pets that wi...

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