4 years ago
and lemme explain even more why i choose roblox instead of minecraft, because roblox was always what i wanted to play when i was small little child, and i didn't make an acc in it because i didn;t have my own gmail account and i didnt wanted to ask my parent's gmaill account for a roblox account, and after i made my very first and very own gmaill account, i used it to make a roblox account, and i did what like 70% of robloxians do, online date. I decided to start fresh and new, cuz i knew online dating was wrong. So I dont remember how i made a new account and i online dated a litttle, and i was not happy with all that online dating. So I rebooted myself again, I sent my new username to most of my friends that i DONT online date with, and i dont know why i was STILL online dating, But it was very little so i kept playing, as my prgress on games were keep raising, i played most of the popular games. And I didn't have robux at first, but i made myself perfect without any robux items. I thought that was my future and my main account i should focus on. But I was still foolish enough to fall for a robux scam that gets your password. So when i was playing power sim, I automatically got kicked out to the login and sign up screen. I was very confused about what happened at first then later I started realizing what i had done. I thought about my account useless. I didn't wanted to keep making this new accounts. But I was very obsessed with roblox. In my head I thought I had no choice. I wanted to make up another choice by looking for a good game. But even though im not that social i did not like offline games much but loved online and multiplayey games. I knew i can't find a game like roblox. I had to make a new account. So i made a new account and i tried to think a godd username but nothing went into my head. So i named myself MechTechDragon. Yeah, i know your almost laughing. But I knew that focusing on your username was wrong. So I started progressing. You know, roblox