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            Uwielbiałem kiedyś\n
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            Uwielbiałem kiedyś\n
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          "created_at" => "2020-01-19 23:22:35"
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          "text2" => "Skomentował temat <a href="" class="activity-link">Słowa na literę L</a>."
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          "created_at" => "2020-01-19 15:32:44"
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          "other" => 1
          "text2" => "Skomentował temat <a href="" class="activity-link">Jak zdobyć EXP?</a>."
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          "id" => 1739224
          "user_id" => 4802656
          "text" => "Komentuj na forum i oceniaj artykuły"
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          "created_at" => "2020-01-19 15:32:44"
          "updated_at" => "2020-01-19 15:32:44"
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          "updated_at" => "2020-01-20 11:11:37"
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          "text2" => "otworzył Skrzynia Karabinów i wygrał <a href="" class="activity-link">AUG | Contractor</a>."
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          "created_at" => "2020-01-19 01:43:38"
          "case_name" => "Rifles Case"
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          "name" => "AUG | Contractor"
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          "url" => "planets-under-attack"
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          "created_at" => "2020-01-03 15:39:57"
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          "id" => 1674650
          "user_id" => 4802656
          "text" => "Czy można zdobywać kamienie dusz np. przez pisanie na forum albo w inny sposób"
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          "created_at" => "2020-01-03 15:39:57"
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          "created_at" => "2020-01-03 15:30:09"
          "updated_at" => "2020-01-03 15:30:09"
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          "text2" => "Skomentował temat <a href="" class="activity-link">Deagle lub Ump45</a>."
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          "created_at" => "2020-01-03 15:28:04"
          "updated_at" => "2020-12-31 15:47:38"
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          "other" => 1
          "text2" => "Skomentował temat <a href="" class="activity-link">Jak zdobyć v-dolce za free ??</a>."
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          "user_id" => 4802656
          "text" => "Gamehag albo przez ratowanie świata "
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          "created_at" => "2020-01-03 15:28:04"
          "updated_at" => "2020-12-31 15:47:38"
          "topic_id" => 42862
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          "user_id" => 4802656
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          "is_main" => 0
          "created_at" => "2020-01-03 15:26:48"
          "updated_at" => "2020-01-03 15:26:48"
          "topic_id" => 167944
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          "lang" => "pl"
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          "dislikes" => 0
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          "spam" => 0
          "deleted_at" => null
          "report" => 0
          "other" => 1
          "text2" => "Skomentował temat <a href="" class="activity-link">Wolisz grać na kompie czy na konsoli</a>."
        #original: array:17 [
          "id" => 1674609
          "user_id" => 4802656
          "text" => "Lepiej mi się gra na PC ale szanuje wszystkie platformy jak prawdziwy gracz"
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          "created_at" => "2020-01-03 15:26:48"
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          "topic_id" => 167944
          "forum_id" => 2830
          "deleted" => 0
          "lang" => "pl"
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          "id" => 1674599
          "user_id" => 4802656
          "text" => "Tak. Ja mam ratowanie świata od 4 sezonu i zarobiłem na nim ok. 5000 v-dolców, jak nie więcej i wydaje mi się że aktualnie jest też promocja"
          "is_main" => 0
          "created_at" => "2020-01-03 15:25:22"
          "updated_at" => "2020-01-03 15:25:22"
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          "forum_id" => 2830
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          "lang" => "pl"
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          "spam" => 0
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          "report" => 0
          "other" => 1
          "text2" => "Skomentował temat <a href="" class="activity-link">Czy warto kupywać ratowanie świata? </a>."
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