Name:Duel Links
Developers : Konami
Publishers : Konami
Genre:Card Battling
Price: FREE
Have you ever wanted to play Yu-Gi-Oh Card game and you wanted to fell like you are really drawing cards from your Duel Disk,well now you can.
I will talk about the game and give you some tips and tricks if you want to start playing.
After you start the game, it allows you to choose between 2 characters:
- Yami Yugi
- Seto Kaiba
After you chose your character you will enter short tutorial which will explain missions and card packs, we will talk about those later.
Missions are your main way of getting gems (in game premium currency) and new characters like Joey and Yami Bakura.
To unlock each character you need to finish special missions,
For example to unlock Marik you need to deal 4000 LP damage using Winged Dragon Of Ra.
Biggest difference between Duel Links and Yu-Gi-Oh anime is that players instead of 5 Monster zones and 5 trap zones have only 3 zones
and you can only have 5 cards in your extra deck and 30 cards in your main deck
Game is PVP so you can play against other player for ranks (talk about them soon) or you can play Casual Duels for you to test out your decks.
You can also play against AI anime characters and unlock their signature cards, for example Enemy Controller for Seto Kaiba.
Each character has multiple ''skills'' which can be used at the start of duel or when certain conditions are met.
Some of those skills are:
- Restart- If you are not happy with the cards you got in your opening hand place them in your deck and draw new ones
- Last gamble-Can be used in your Main Phase, starting from the fifth turn. Discard 2 cards lower your LP to 100, then roll a dice and draw as much card as the number on the dice
Card packs
Every two weeks or so new pack comes to the game and my recommendation would be to first check the cards and then buy them
if you see potential in future decks.
Each pack costs 50 gems and in that pack come 3 cards.
In game there are currently more than 15 packs, ignore those they are curently unplayable in current meta.
I say you should focus on last 2 packs and try to get as many Sr and Ur cards
When we are already talking about card rarity there are for kinds:
- Normal
- Rare
- Super rare
- Ultra rare
The game recently added synchro monsters and many characters from Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds so now you can get monsters like Stardust Dragon and you can unlock new characters like Yusei Fudo, Jack Atlas, Crow Hogan, Leo and Luna.
There are 7 different ranks in Duel Links, those are:
- Rookie
- Bronze
- Silver
- Gold
- Platinum
- Legend
- King of Games
You start playing as Rookie 1 then you rise to Rookie 2 and so on, after you reach Bronze 1 you can't go back to Rookie ranks so even if you loose 10 matches in a row you will still be Bronze 1.
Same thing goes for other ranks, you can't drop from higher rank to lower rank no matter what.
Only time you get downgraded is when the season is finished.
By climbing ranks you get Gems which you can use to open packs, the amount you get depends on rank you just got.
My tips for new players:
1.Do NOT waste your gems they are hard to get unless you pay for them.
2.If you are on a loosing streak, stop playing, take a rest for couple of hours.
3.Reconsider if your deck is usable in current meta, test it out in Casual duels.
4.Lvl up your characters, it's an easy way to get new cards and Gems.
5.Balance your deck, each deck should have at least 10-12 monsters, 5-6 trap cards and 5-6 spell cards, of course there are decks which are based
on using only 4 or 5 monsters but those can be countered easily, and it is bad to rely on only 5 win conditions.
6.Like I already said watch Duel links youtubers. Try their decks and watch how they use them, you can also find many Farm decks on their channels.
Great article i like it
I like this game it was remind me of my childhood
Nice Article! ^_^
Is anyone there who free to talk
Nice review seems good and concise!
Game is great
So who is ready to duel
seems ok
Alright, this one seems authentic. And I like how you give tips at the end, just try to not leave so much whitespaces
have heard of the game but didn't play it yet, found this nice article to help me see how's the game, and thx for the tips that may helps new players