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    bojan_savic, 4 december 2018 17:56

    Super Mario Party review

    The sixteenth edition of the Super Mario Party brings a completely innocent party on the Nintendo Switch. Is it worth 60 euros or is cugopol anyway better?

    Mario and his team have been fighting for twenty years now, at home, on portable consoles. The Mario Party series games usually have a unique fun factor because they take advantage of Nintendo's consoles, whether it's motion control, touch screen, microphone, and so on.
    What is the game here about? Super Mario Party is a collection of 84 mini-games that play in four, through several formats such as boardgaming, dancing and rowing. The game is the most entertaining in society, but it can be played solo with computer-controlled teammates and opponents. Multiplayer is primarily local in this game, and although that network exists, it is not very good.
    The Super Mario Party for the Nintendo Switch is no exception and brings several new modes of play. For example, it is possible to place two Switch Consoles in order to design a level in a mini-game that reminds of the cult Battle City with NES. It is also possible to match a puzzle so that players add parts by pushing them from one console to another. However, such a form of entertainment is limited to only two players, can not be replicated on a big screen and is probably not what will sell the game in this area.

    What's appealing to the Switch Console is that you always get two local multiplayer controllers (Joy-Con every one). This is an important thing because the Super Mario Party is the most entertaining in society. It's ideal if you can play it in four because most games are designed for that; but you can already find fun in two games, because you can also play team (2v2) except for PvP.
    The Super Mario Party is the most fun to play in four, which is not unavoidable because with each console you get two controllers.
    Just like the previous games in the series, Super Mario Party you can play it yourself, but that will not be a happy party for you. A computer opponent is either weak or ruthless, and in the team with him you can not negotiate tactics as with another player. Only the Challenge Road fashion game is specially designed for the solo game, and it is not anything special but just asks you to win all the mini-games and hold that winning line for longer.

    For the first time in the series, there is also a network multiplayer option, but it is said to be very easy to sit and cry. In online mode, you can only play the Mariothon competition in a series of five randomly selected mini-games, from a total of ten mini-games. So, the Super Mario Party has 84 different mini-games, but only 10 of them can be played in a network multiplayer. It would be funny and that online functionality is free (and not as an active subscription to Nintendo Online); this is so embarrassing and can not be justified in any way.
    The Super Mario Party has 84 different mini-games, but you can play only 10 pieces in a network multiplayer.
    Fortunately, local multiplayer bidding is more than solid. With the already recognizable boardgaming mode you also have a dance competition and boating down the river. Rowing and dancing last shorter than boardgaming (which lasts for at least an hour) so you have material for shorter and longer parties, depending on how you respond. Ultimately, you can even jump on the mini-games, either one by one or by a 12-part series with the format of the field capture (something like a cross-twist, but with a double bigger field and four).

    The mini-games themselves have enough, as I have already said - even 84 completely new ones. Although it would be nice if Nintendo introduced some mini-games from the previous parts, and the present offer is sufficient for at least three or four parties to be fresh and different from the previous one. Mini-games are divided into seven types, including 1v3, 2v2, cooperative etc. Most of them are great, but most point out those with motion controls.
    Amongst the variety of mini-games offered, the ones that use movement controls are the most outstanding.
    Trike Harder, for example, asks you to imitate a pedaling, to Sizzling Stakes broods a piece of meat juggling it on a pan, Candy Shakedown shakes candy from a bottle, etc. If there are people who do not play on the party, they will be guaranteed mini-games with motion control is a real hit.

    On the other hand, there are some urns who use the traditional type of control. In Slaparazzy, for example, you are squatting with one another, and your goal is to capture your camera as straightforward as you are when making photos. In Pie Hard they hit each other with Pit, and Penguin Pushers pushed the penguins out of the ice rink. Some games seek fast reactions, some tactics, but most of them mostly have some value in the sense that younger people help in motor and memory development.
    Of course, not all mini-games are equally fun and high quality. For example, Pull It Together, which essentially pulls the rope, does not require anything but the quicker pressing of one button. Some mini games end in just about a dozen seconds or are not intuitive enough. In any case, it's good news that you can start practicing in the small screen before the start of each mini-game with a description of the rules that have not been the case so far. Similarly, unlike previous games, here all players need to confirm that they are ready before the actual competition starts, which is also a small shift.

    In terms of presentations I can boast a fast loading of mini-games and everything else is on average, not to say "Nintendo level", meaning that the whole story is explained within a minute, and the graphics game is no better than the Mario Party with Wii In the console three years ago. Of course, this is not to complain because story and presentation are not any segments that would be looking for excellence in the party genre game.

    If we look at the Super Mario Party as a game that will complement the company or contribute to the development of the younger players, then this game has been very successful in its task. However, it is difficult to see it as a viable investment on long runs, especially since we are not sure if it will have any support in terms of subsequent content. If Nintendo were to extend the offer of mini-games to free content, especially in online mode, then the Super Mario Party would be an absolute recommendation. This is how we can recommend it only to a discount.

    Rate this article Super Mario Party review

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    l love Mario

    5 july 2020 09:39

    Loves this

    9 december 2018 00:25

    I love mario

    10 december 2018 21:45

    I love Mario too

    21 october 2020 01:08

    Looks fun brings back memories

    12 december 2018 22:38

    Wow this is amazing

    6 december 2018 18:15

    I love Mario

    26 may 2020 06:04

    *** I always play this game. This is a cool game. I like it. :D

    24 april 2020 17:03

    Love this game

    10 december 2018 17:41

    i'am Mario ^o^

    8 march 2021 06:37