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    Rate this article "Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 "

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    Nermija, 6 december 2018 01:27

    Sniper Ghost Warrior 3

    An open game world, three different ways of doing things, making ammunition in your own hand, wilderness terrain parkour passages, a spy drone, controllable vehicles and a personal touch story - all this and more is what Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 is all about. But somehow CI Games does not manage to put the individual components together into a functioning whole. And then there are the technical quirks.

    The story of Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 could come from a B-movie of the worse kind. At the center of the action is elite model soldier Jonathan North and right in the prologue one is watching his brother - also a soldier - being kidnapped by unknown henchmen. Before that, however, one can experience in a sensationally washed-out cutscene from the past, how the unsympathetic and poorly synchronized North brothers try to imitate something like friendship and fraternity with small niches - with little or no success. The glimpse of the past is repeated several times in the campaign, but rather distracts from the fundamental conflict with the separatists in Georgia until Jonathan gets the idea that his brother may be in the target area ...
    In general, the production of Sniper Ghost Warrior (especially in the cutscenes) is rather awkward or wooden and looks much better with the facial expressions and gestures of the characters, too. In addition, the story is not half and nothing whole. Occasionally nice story ideas flash through with the opponents or with the Smalltalk, In qualitatively rather moderate cut scenes the B-Movie history is continued with mostly unsympathetic characters and gruesome dialogues.

    In qualitatively rather moderate cutscenes, the B-movie story continues with largely unsympathetic characters and gruesome dialogues.
    But then everything becomes terribly irrelevant, predictable and unbelievable. At the latest, when the women with lush curves and deep scenes designed show up the Fremdschämfaktor in the air, especially when it is spoken of past relationship boxes, missed wedding opportunities and asshole behavior. When it comes to conversations about the mission or the target person, the bluster of the characters is bearable, but when it comes to the interpersonal level or even emotions, the game fails completely and slips into ridicule.

    Fortunately, the story in a sniper shooter does not play the first fiddle. So you're on the road in Georgia, you have to turn people off, help the local people, find your brother and chase a 'ghost'. Let's start the journey in the brown-dark-green-muddy and later snow-mushy open game world with a spongy steering vehicle. The landscaping of the open world is not wrong, but animated, the three big cards are not really. Blurred and muddy textures also stand out.
    The landscaping of the open world is okay at first glance, but the three big cards are not animated. Blurred and muddy textures also stand out.
    Through narrow, desolate and inanimate streets one drives to his hiding place. At first, it looks as though the civil war will make the world so empty, so oppressive and so inanimate, but after a few hours, it becomes clear that the world is simply lifeless and dull because of the lack of dynamism, surprises and AI's own life. And pretty soon it becomes clear that the game world is losing out in comparison to Ghost Recon Wildlands. Despite dynamic light and shadow effects and nice, dense vegetation, low-resolution textures and angular landscape building blocks can be seen again and again. Later, barren interiors are added. Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 can not compete in terms of diversity and vibrancy, especially since the open world is not seamlessly accessible, since in between the map must be changed (driving through tunnels).

    In the beginning, you activate your notebook, start the next job and select your equipment (weapon, ammunition and Co.). Then you leave the cave and chug his vehicle through the pampa or can be teleported to a high-speed point that you must first discover before. On the way there you can look around in the virtual Georgia and visit points of interest. Among other things, you can rescue locals, collect items for crafting, find relics from the past or special sniper rifles, because as a sniper you can collect sniper rifles. In spite of these side-scenes, the open world does not succeed in sustaining its exploration incentives, since there is too little bid, the system is too quickly seen through and the gathering is over after only a few points visited

    Rate this article Sniper Ghost Warrior 3

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    The word sniper caught my attention

    9 december 2018 16:13

    The game is alright

    7 december 2018 11:00

    good article whats yours names

    21 december 2020 16:41

    Leave out one line space between paragraphs and pictures. Otherwise good

    6 december 2018 08:42

    I like the game, reminds me of a few other games.

    7 december 2018 14:40

    Oh no this game...
    (Is bad)

    19 may 2019 01:10

    I've played part 2

    7 december 2018 22:26