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    m200_dota2, 22 november 2018 11:58

    Preview Hitman 2

    Three weeks ago, we gave you a complete preview of the Hitman 2 game. As we said in the story, Hitman 2 is one of the most recent games of the year 2018, and for fans of stealth games and the Hitman series itself, it's definitely one of the most anticipated games of the year. The episodic version of the previous version has brought a lot of discontent among the users, and now Hitman 2 has been released in the same way as traditional episodes, and in the future additional packages will be introduced for this title. The Hitman series is a series of popular and lovely games that have a lot of fans around the world, and in our country this game is not very fanciful. Given that in general hidden games are less frequent than other styles, and now with the goodbye of Metal Gear Solid and the lack of a few years old Splinter Cell, the new version of Hitman has a heavier responsibility than the past and should be able to fit its name Appears. The good news is that for the Stealth fans, this game will be acceptable and can keep the player happy. We know the officer 47; A dangerous killer who does not hesitate to kill his goals and is at his best! Undoubtedly, in the world of video games, Agent 47 is a unique character.

    The storyline is short, and after completing a few fractions and assassinating the Providence members, the game has come to an end, and everything is clear for you. Interesting things you certainly would not have thought. Agent 47 is someone who kills people without any special feeling that they have the command to assassinate, however, in Hitman 2, this principle and the belief of the player become dishonorable! The story of Hitman 2 is not bad in itself and it has an acceptable trend. The narrative of the story is a bit sharp, but it does not blow the integrity of it. Without pausing and contemplating the game, the story goes, and the only Chinese preface is the dialogues by Diana and the first step you must reject. Then enter the path that Diana and an unknown person have put it in front of you and the officer 47 continues to follow the same path. Everything is fine until you reach the end of the game and the secrets of the beloved killer killer are revealed. The secrets that are slightly embedded in Hitman 2 in your life and you will discover them. Thinking at the same time that you masterly captivate you, the game has acted awkwardly and exaggerated the past and character of the Agent 47. Other than this, it's possible to be completely dissatisfied with the process in which the story of the game went ahead! The final conclusion is not bad, but it is in contradiction to what the builders have tried to make us believe.

    Compared to the previous version, Hitman 2 does not change much and does not go beyond expectations. Of course, improvements to the game are tangible compared to the previous version, and if you've played Hitman, you'll notice minor variations. One of the biggest problems with Hitman 2 is the simplicity. Like other hitmakers in this release, you must also look at different people and access restricted environments. From the Absolution version, the game has seen changes that are not considered by some of the old fans to be positive. It is understandable, however, that older people always prefer not to change their originality and adhere to their roots. We will comment on the positive or negative of these changes and continue talking about Hitman 2, which, in contrast to Hitman Absolution and previous versions, put you in a relatively open environment and offered you several ways to penetrate and finish the job. he does. The best and most convenient way to kill someone is by using Mission Stories, which was introduced in the previous version. You can follow any story you like, and ultimately this story can end the goal of the player. The negative characters of the game that your enemies usually meet with people who are visiting, but if you can put yourself in the place of these visitors and go to a place of privacy to meet your enemy is great! Basically, all you have to do in the stories is wearing some special clothes and then go to see the goal. Of course, some of the stories are a bit different, and instead of seeing the individual you can sabotage and make something out of the way. Such stories are less likely to be found in the game, and most of the time you should meet the individual in the way Story tells you. You should be able to wear clothes like physicians, tatters, architects, etc., and simply find yourself in a room with only the intended purpose. Of course, sometimes you need to do some creativity in this way. Most people who need to visit the person you are visiting are in public places and you can not, naturally, kill or unclean a person in a public place and wear his clothes! So you might have to make some creativity in order to keep him in a quiet place.

    To get access to different places, you need to change your stylish suit with crew dresses. You can become a doctor, guard or soldier, become an engineer, and in summary, you need to change a bit to get some points! The key issue in Hitman 2 is creativity, something that is extremely important and fierce than the ICA's special gamer. If you are smart, patient, and creative, without firing even a bullet, you can finish all the stages of the storyline on the Casual difficulty level and do not exaggerate in this case! You do not have to remove your weapon even from the pod so you can eliminate the Providence members. Sometimes, if you want to enter the target room with a particular appearance or visit it, first check your guards to not have a weapon, so you sometimes have no firearms at all, which you want to use for assassination Use goal. Instead, there are other ways in which you will be able to kill your goals with the help of them. Fiber Wire, along with ICA's pistols and our scarlet suitcase, is Hitman's Identity. Perhaps the guards do not let you carry a gun, but they do not have Fiber Wire, so that's one of your ways. You can also use other items such as scissors and wrenches. In addition to these, sometimes your enemies are on the edge of an abyss, which makes it easier for the officer 47 and can easily push them. You can even choke behind the target and eventually break your neck. Fortunately, the Hitman 2 also has several ways to assassinate the target. This diversity has always been the strengths of this series, and these are also the strengths of the game. There are plenty of choices and numerous ways to kill people from the appearances of the game. If Hitman is a terror simulator, it may not be too exaggerated! Always in this game you could even kill someone with scary tools such as scissors and wrenches; The things that are not practically available in other games! In fact, one of Hitman's superiority over other Stealth games is the numerous choices.

    For the reasons explained above, the value of Hitman 2's repetition is very high, and you can either follow new stories or kill your goals in a different way every time. For example, if you could once kill Vanya Shah as a seamstress in the privacy of him and kill him with a seamstress meter, next time you dress in a guard and shot! On the average, each person has two stories, one that you can follow and finally come to an end. After you have made the decision and assassinated your purpose, follow the other story, and this time, in other ways, complete the goal. The vast array of games that you play, especially the urban environment like Mumbai, will make you see dozens of choices ahead of you and take one. Characters follow certain algorithms, and it is clear that they go wherever they go, where they pause, what they are doing and where they are alone. It is not difficult to maintain these algorithms, so killing targets is not hard work! The problem with the game is that most of your goals have a relatively long time in loneliness or, ultimately, an airbag. So if you're quick, you can kill two people and do it so that nobody can understand. Meanwhile, even if you suspect and reject blood, the enemies will stop after a while and, as before, are free to patrol in the foul identity of the game. Artificial Intelligence NPCs in general suffer from a lot of problems, and even in Combat, they can not kill their poison. Even if you are so unprofessional that you have to fight like Hitman 2, You probably will win, and it's because of the weakness of NPC artificial intelligence. If you lose, it's a game for Gan! In each case more than you, this game and its design is questioned. However, if you have a bit of stealth and stealth, until the end of the game you will not only see the Engage word but you will not even shoot a bullet with your rifle.

    But Gan Play and its problems! It is logical that a Stealth game has a hardcore part and you can not survive, but that's different in Hitman 2. Remember Splinter Cell Blacklist. The title in the struggle was only one winner who would really be a professional gamer! The victory was hard but Gan had no problems! Hitman 2, however, has not made any progress in this regard, and it's difficult to hide and shoot down enemy enemies. Of course, NPCs act as a proxy in detecting the 47 in uniforms, but in one case, they are really dumb in the rest of the matter! Moving in forbidden environments, when you see you, have a few seconds to hide from their eyes and for a stealth game this is not good at all! NPC's artificial intelligence in a secret game if it's down is really a deadly hit on the game, and unfortunately Hitman 2 suffered this blow. When you're crouching in the cover, you'll probably not get 99% even if your enemies pass through a few centimeters. It's definitely not good for those who are not pro-Stealth gamers.

    There are many ways to hide yourself from enemy forces. For example, move between the crowds or keep away the bush. As noted, the enemies will stop looking after you after a while and it is possible that some of them will find out again with the officer 47 that there is also a solution to this; Change your clothes! One of the important things to keep in mind is to hide the corps that can make you troublesome. Basically, Hitman 2 does not have to kill or kill a lot of people, and it can only be successful in the game by killing up to 10 people (even less). You need to hide them somewhere in order to prevent corpses or unconscious bodies from having trouble. Shelves, boxes and chests are found in different places of the game designed for this purpose only. If you hide the bodies in such places, they will never be found. You can also dump corpses, from top to bottom, where it's out of the game. As a hide-and-seek, Hitman 2 follows these not very tricky points and forces you to pay extra attention. In fact, accuracy will also be one of the winning passwords in Hitman 2. The stages of the game are long due to the high number of goals, and of course there are a lot of variations. Variety is that the process of the game 47 is taken to different environments and familiar with different cities and countries. The basis of influence in each region and the approach to each goal is fixed and does not change. In civilian clothes and guards, you should allow the bodyguards to check your target. It is best to put your weapon in a basket or rubbish bin to avoid being exposed and whenever necessary to remove it again. Meanwhile, the stage ends when you exit the game environment altogether. So, after killing the target, the next challenge is to escape from the area without being seen. Of course, this challenge is not so difficult and you can handle it. Sometimes you need to wear someone's clothing and the person is exposed, so you have to find a way to bring him to a quiet place and throw his clothes off. You can use the coin in this way. You can also catch the target by throwing a wrench, bricks or similar items. The interesting thing is that behind the closed doors may not be heard the sound of the item you throw, so you should open it. It's delightful that the builders have been careful enough to come up with a near-reality game.

    Stories, in addition to being a shortcut to achieving goals, also see players more familiar with game characters. Of course, the character here means the antagonists to be killed by the 47 agent. For example, it's through the same stories that she gets to her former wife, Andrea Martinez, and gets to know her hatred of her previous life. All of these apply to other goals of Agent 47, so at the end of each stage, the game suggests you once again take the stage and this time check other stories to get more interesting points. The historians themselves are a narrator of the game's story, and tell Diane Brunow for the 47 officer. There is a complete account of the goals of Agent 47, which, if curious, can be read. The game's stories are by no means expired, and there is no specific time for them to spend more time seizing different strategies and failing to test and error. You should, of course, be able to do this without these stories. In general, the gameplay has only been improved a bit more than the previous version, and the developers did not make any special changes. So if Hitman 2016 does not fit your taste, 2018 is full of great games that will be better for the player. Improvements and game variations include hidden cameras that are included in game environments and can be troublesome for you, unless you're careful! The first stage of the game, which has more than one intro, will familiarize you with these cameras and teach you to shoot them if possible. In addition, Picture in Picture was something that was introduced before the release of the game and now we're touching this feature. Thanks to this feature, the important things that happen elsewhere in the world of the game are shown to you and you will know everything. New elements of the game can not differentiate but can improve the game.

    The games were mostly part of the offline and storyboard section, but as we explained in the game preview, Hitman 2 has a variety of sections that you need to play the original in order to experience them. Personally, I prefer Elusive Targets from different game modes. Of course, the content of the game online is not yet fully available and we can not talk much about it. You can now experience the Ghost Mode section, which is still not complete and only one map is available. In this case, you will compete with your opponent over whoever kills the target first. You can see the moves and the things he does, but you can not do anything. This section requires speed on the part of the player and you should be able to quickly reach your goal as quickly as possible to win.

    On the other hand, the game is artistically appealing to its previous version. If you read the game preview, you will find that the technical weakness of the game and the acceptable design of the arts were some of the things that could be guessed; The guesses that came out of the water. Still, the variety seen in Hitman's environments seems more and more diverse, however, it can not be denied that the Hitman 2 is almost perfect in this regard. Each game environment has its own unique atmosphere, and their different architecture saves the game world from unevenness. Miami and Vermont, for example, are cheerful and colorful environments. On the other hand, Mambi gives you the experience of assassinating three goals in an extremely busy city with its own architecture. A city that does not seem to be so modern, and more of a dark place. This unique design is made possible thanks to the acclaimed paints of the creators, and the importance of it when you enter the gaming environment and have a good surfing in it. Meanwhile, each location has a special space for you to take into account in this space and in the atmosphere when it comes to penetration and assassination. In the sound and music section, Hitman 2 has not made any progress in the past and has nothing new to offer. No music has been heard so excited, nor has it been tried to make a difference. Of course, this issue can not be fooled, and on the other hand, new characters like Lucas Gray who have been added to the game, have a decent voice, a voice that appears to be close.

    Hitman 2 is not bad at all, it's not even a typical average game! The Hitman 2 is an intriguing game that did not make much difference before, and it's a bad luck to be released in 2018. For every weakness you see in the game, there is also a strong point, and the overall power of the positive points of the game blows in the negative, and this will give the player extraordinary experience. Hitman 2 is not an ambitious game, and it also suffers from blows. The game's content can, for a long time, support you and keep it behind the console. For the fans of the Stealth genre, this game is a super fun and enjoyable experience, which is highly recommended.

    I always like to do a thorough review. Thank you for taking the time.


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