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    Rate this article "Paladins"

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    DanDemon, 5 august 2017 22:38


    I'm here just to ask who plays or ever played Paladins, i wanna know your opinion about the game

    Paladins is a First Person Shooter with many characters each one with differents powers, the game is online and do you have to pick the character that is better for your team, one flank, one front line, one healer and one damage, the game also has ''cards'' for each champion that 'buff' or make better your abilities on match, you can make builds with different cards to play as you want, the game is Free to Play and it is avalible on Steam, this game is like Overwatch or Team Fortress II.

    If you has never been played Paladins i has to tell you that this game is a First Person Shooter with many characters each one with differents powers, the game is online and do you have to pick the character that is better for your team, one flank, one front line, one healer and one damage, the game also has ''cards'' for each champion that 'buff' or make better your abilities on match, you can make builds with different cards to play as you want, five normal cards and one legendary card, the game has been update recently with a lot of new champions and skins, the game is Free to Play and it is avalible on Steam, this game is like Overwatch or Team Fortress II. Here is a video with the last champion

    Whatever, if you has been played Paladins i want to know what do you think about the game, did you like it? didn't you? do you think it could be better? which is your favorite class? who your favorite champion? is your Fernando is too beautiful for your eyes? do you wanna more flankoas in your team? do you wanna more less-cloth skins for your waifus in the game? etc.

    If you wanna read my opinion i had to say that Paladins is a great game, Hi-rez it's giving a lot of content to his game and they take the opinions of the players (Boosts, Nerfs, Maps, etc), maybe it isn't a wonderfull game cause the matchmaking is sometimes bad, it has many bugs (Sometimes that gives you a funny time... or not).

    and finaly wanna know if anyone wants to play Paladins, my nick is DanDemon, level 80+ and 4300+ ELO, No main but i like to play

    Rate this article Paladins

    (4.67/5) 24 rates


    Its really a good game, unless it turs out like pay-to-win
    I like tha games which are balanced and has a good community players

    7 july 2020 12:32

    Paladins is a great game i still playing this game ^^ my nick lolLTU add me if you want to 👍

    17 august 2017 13:17

    Its really a good game, unless it turs out like pay-to-win
    I like tha games which are balanced..(i love this game)

    21 march 2021 00:08

    I really love this game, and Jenos is my favorite champion here in this game. Super cool, really love it. If you don't have Overwatch you can play this.

    30 march 2020 13:37

    good game, very good game.

    30 december 2021 15:45

    thank you for introducing me to paladins i will play this offbrand overwatch now lol thanks

    14 october 2019 04:07

    paladins is such a good game, and they just added a new character

    20 january 2021 02:01

    It's just a copy of overwatch, but It's not bad..

    17 february 2020 14:36

    Its really a good game, unless it turs out like pay-to-win
    I like tha games which are balanced and has a good community players

    21 august 2017 22:22

    the best game for you to play free overwatch. really good game.

    15 january 2020 22:03