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    Merisor, 1 august 2018 13:57

    No Man's Sky Comeback

    No Man's sky is a multiplayer survival and adventure game. The game takes place in the hole universe , with a huge number of 18 quintillion planets. The game was lunched in August 2016. The games is very unique , every planet with different animals , plants . 

     The game promised a lot on the lunch but the product was poorly optimized , not multiplayer , and really bad animals generator. Thanks to a really bad marketing from Sean Murray which made the No Man's Sky the most refunded game. The game has a price of 60$ on Steam.
    No Man's Sky system requirements: 
    (minimum) CPU: Intel Core i3 CPU  
    RAM: 8 GB 
    Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit versions) 
    VIDEO CARD: nVidia GTX 480, AMD Radeon 7870 
    Now let's talk about the No Man's sky from this moment, the game works very well on a medium pc , they added in 2018 the multiplayer and they keep adding content and fixing bugs , in my opinion they lunched the game way to early and the hype combined with the lies killed most of the players . The game is is really fun to play with  friends , you can search for upgrades,  search for new planets , new solar systems and to build your own base , you can also sell metals and materials  in order to get Units.  You can upgrade your spaceship or buy another one ,  your  spacesuit , your mining tools , arms but you can also  search for artefacts in order to learn that  specie's  language , to be able to trade with the local merchants. You can build vehicles for traveling faster around a planet. You can hunt animals but there are some animals which will attack you and some which will just run. 
    You can try to reach the game's ending which is the center of the universe but this game is more enjoyable if you just get a few friends and start exploring and getting rich . As i said the game is not bad in the actual form but it still needs a community and as you can see the games starts to get closer to the fan's expectations. This photo shows that the game is not dead and maybe it will stay like this.
    As you can see those huge drops in players but after every update they bring more and more travelers in the universe.  Even tho the game was the most hated game at that time , succeeded to get better and to provide new updates and new mechanics.
    Hope you enjoined my article , i tried to talk about this huge step from No Man's Sky , not about the game itself  , i think the game is great and you should give it a shot . Have a nice day and i leave you with this photo of a nice space dogs.

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