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    Rate this article "Honest Review of black desert online"

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    EmilSagefalk, 9 june 2018 20:16

    Honest Review of black desert online

    Been playing this game for about 4,834 hours at this point, alot of those were afk because ofthis games afk lifeskilling, but thats still a long enough time to come up with a solid opinion on this game. 

    The good:
    -Huge open world, plenty of neat little spots and secret caves to discover.
    -The best character creation i've ever seen.
    -The ability to dye and mix cosmetic armour sets
    -Graphics are great
    -AFK skilling means even if you have a busy scheduel, you can still be making money.
    -Moderators are pretty responsive and fair, will even give back items if you accidentally delete them, and are often in game and involved with the community.
    -Combat. The combat in this game feels amazing most the time, combos and interesting skills make fights feel alot more interesting than most games.

    The meh:
    -You can flag on players anywhere outside of cities to attack them. However killing players will lower your karma, and if it gets low enough, you can be killed by players anywhere, guards will attack you in towns, and the stuff you lose upon death will get worse and worse, you can only gain karma back by grinding enemies.
    -The ocean is absolutely massive. It's also almost completely empty aside from some npc pirate ships (Which no, you cannot board) and some of the most boring to fight sea monsters in videogame history.
    -No fast travel, Exploring is nice and all, but when it takes 30 minutes to walk back to your storage town from your grind spot, it can get tedious.
    -Not quite pay to win, but just barely under that line.
    -Plenty of players, but most are toxic.
    -Regular updates every week! No guarantees that they're gonna be anything that anyone wants though, and will almost certainly break or ruin something.

    The Bad:
    -Everything is RNG. Want stronger gear? Try out the wonderful enhancement system where you'll blow hundreds of millions worth of silver in materials and end up with your gear being weaker then you started, only for a new player to come along and hit that next gear level by accident.
    -Grind grind grind. Wether you're lifeskilling or training combat, you're gonna be grinding all day. This isn't exactly new for an mmo, but this game doesn't even try and make grinding interesting or fun, using your daily exp boost hour will feel more like a chore than gameplay.
    -Pets. You want to make money grinding? Better get that credit card out or camp the market place for a few weeks to grab some pets. Base pets are junk? Buy some MORE pets to smash em together for a chance at a better tier of that pet!

    -The developers. The developers for this game give absolutely zero ♥♥♥♥s about the community or the balance of the game. Every update feels like it's actively trying to push players away from the game, while still trying to squeeze them for a few more bucks. Enjoy something about the game? Expect it to be ruined in the next patch.
    -Balance. Some classes are absolute one man army power houses, some classes feel like you're playing as a toddler with a foam sword tossed into a pit of lions. I wont name names, because which classes are which will probably have changed before i finish typing this.

    In conclusion:
    Don't buy it. Until the developers get it together and actually listen to the community, this is just a frustrating mess.

    Rate this article Honest Review of black desert online

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    The desert will hunt you down

    10 june 2018 16:52

    Not bad, a bit of style could make it better.

    10 june 2018 09:20

    I respect your honest opinion, and images are important.

    7 january 2019 16:50