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    Rate this article "[First Impression] Early Access "The Forbidden Arts", Make You Gamers The Hobby Jumping"

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    FarrelwiZ, 20 february 2018 13:31

    [First Impression] Early Access "The Forbidden Arts", Make You Gamers The Hobby Jumping

    Indie game for you who are impatient and like to jump

    When we hear the term indie game that we thought would lead to a game that does not deify the graphic display. Almost mostly prefers indie game story and interesting gameplay mechanics to make gamers interested.

    So even with the Forbidden Arts , one of the indie game that I actually tungguin. Despite carrying the 3D style, but it's not a selling point. These games rely more on gameplay mechanics.

    Lucky we got a key from Stingbot Games , so thank you Stingbot Games.  The Forbidden Arts itself is a game that uses the approach side-scrolling gameplay mechanics that carried the action platformer. This means that the player will be a lot of jumping up and down to avoid the enemies, traps or puzzles.

    The plot tells the story of the protagonist Phoenix, a young boy who uses a dual-dagger, then he realized the ability pyromancy. Then he began his quest to master a variety of magic other than pyromancy. Of course, should other action games, there is a villain that must be conquered.

    Keep in mind that this game is still Early Access alias still beta , so of course there are still many shortcomings or bugs in some places.


    There are still bugs, but this is a normal thing ..

    Studying the control scheme is the first thing I always do, the other players must be so as well. But when I'm trying to jump up and down, the bug occurs. Although I was still able to move the Phoenix, but he was stuck in a unique position as shown. As a result I had to repeat the game.

    Keren is no invisible wall, but it turned out ...

    Yes, when I'm exploration area beginning the game, I accidentally dunked in water / sea or whatever his name. My hope, Phoenix could swim, but it did not. I forgot that he was a big kid in the forest and not on the waterfront or riparian areas.


    A unique source of strength ..

    Strength pyromancy owned Phoenix does not necessarily make it a overpower. Player must nge recharge its magic. To do this, you must find the source of a kind of torch flame or fire. However, you must be within a certain distance so as to recharge the magic you have.

    It is easier to use controller

    Same with other platformer games, The Forbidden Arts more comfortable playing when using the controller. By doing so you will be more nimble in executing the existing buttons. In addition, you can raise and lower the camera which will makes it easy to observe the enemy or the environment.

    Less clue as to what you should do ..

    The lack of instructions on what to do, make me a little overwhelm. Perhaps this was due to the games today are very informastir even tend to be annoying in giving instructions or tutorials.

    I do not know if this is something that is designed so or this is something that has not been done by Stingbot Games because still early access.

    Do not underestimate, this game is not easy ..

    Honestly, I was quite frustrated when playing this game. Many times I die because of trifles, a saying ass hole will not fall into the same does not apply to me, I am not a donkey this show turned out (hehe ..).

    Old never played a platformer game genre has blunted my reflex. Often I die because of not able to jump to the target platform, as a result Phoenix fell into a place filled with sharp thorns. But! Likely this is due to a bug. The command to jump can not be executed properly by Phoenix, there was a pause when I press the jump button to jump to do it themselves.


    The enemies you face is not hard fact, but there are some things that will make you rage quit. For example, Phoenix will decrease its health bar if the enemy just touch it. Yes without being attacked, just touching the enemy Phoenix certainly on the verge of death. Add again, only the second time an enemy attacks the Phoenix is definitely dead. Which is a relief, you kill enemies will drop health heart-shaped item that will replenish health bar Phoenix, but these items can not be stored and just not all the enemies you kill will give it.



    The Forbidden Arts suitable for players who like the genre or a side-scrolling platforming. For a player who missed the thrill of gaming nostalgia the days of old, then there is no harm in playing this game. Additionally, Stingbot Games also provide updates and new content, so you do not have to worry for the time being.

    Keep in mind that The Forbidden Arts still daalm early stage access, so the natural thing if you find a bug while playing this game. Early Access will be valid up to one year to the next if there is no change of Stingbot Games .

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