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    Rate this article "3 Season 4 addittional map changes (Fortnite BR)"

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    Salmon117, 4 may 2018 10:27

    3 Season 4 addittional map changes (Fortnite BR)

    With the release of season 4, there have been many alterations to the map including new areas such as Dusty Divot, Risky Reels, and more. The new skins also have a rather "alieny" vibe, and new anti gravity crystals can now be found all around the map. This article will highlight many of the changes to the map in season 4.

    (Image courtesy: Epic Games)

    There are several additions to the map, with one noticeable one being Risky Reels, located on the previously empty area in the upper-right side of the map. With Anarchy Acres to its left, many players who land in Risky Reels will be able to find a larger place with more chests. Risky Reels is a car theatre, with a ripped screen. The abundance of cars are useful for many players, as there is a lot of metal which can be farmed (In one match, I got around 500 metal after breaking all of the cars). There is a rather modest amount of available loot, but you can easily find a few chests in the area. One chest spawn location is placed below the big screen which has a rusty metal staircase behind it. Once you manage to finish looting and farming all of the materials in Risky Reels, there are 3 places nearby: Anarchy Acres, Wailing Woods, and Tomato Town. These locations are great ways to advance further into the game and may end with you winning a match. Also, there are crystal in Risky Reels (And some other parts of the map) which let the character jump higher, giving a great advantage during fights.

    An alteration to the map which has attracted many players to is Dusty Divot, a place which covers the former factory and Dusty Depot. While there are some remain of Dusty Depot, the Factory was entirely removed. Within the impact area of the crater is a field of endless antigravity crystals, with a "base" situated right in the middle of the impact. This has recently become a hotspot for saome players, which will result to getting a fair amount of kills early in game. Above this to the north is 2 buildings, both of which have a probabilty to contain a chest. One spawn location for a chest is on the inward tip of the half decimated depot, which gives you a height advantage over the players below in the crater area. The crystals are very useful to move around the area, as the crater impact is large. In context, Dusty Divot is a great place for action early in game

    There are also smaller craters found in many areas of the map, next to the race track, to the left of anarchy acres, and below haunted hills. Each location often has 1-2 chests on the back of the cars, as well as one inside the new trucks. There are around 5 crystals tomove around the map. This location is not a very popular location, which is good if you want to first gear up for action.

    In context, the 3 locations shown in the article all have their own advantages and disadvantages. As a player who prefers less action in the beggining of the match, I tend to drop down in one of the 3 craters. Please tell any other new spots to the map which you find interesting and great in the comments below.

    Rate this article 3 Season 4 addittional map changes (Fortnite BR)

    (3.57/5) 23 rates


    Nobody noticed those changes :DDD

    10 june 2018 20:07

    soooo nice..

    1 january 2021 00:56

    Love this game, is the best

    7 june 2018 01:15

    i hate fortnite

    11 february 2020 18:41

    good game if only the game was more accessible

    30 june 2021 07:58

    good game

    1 april 2019 18:22

    Wow, I didn't even notice these changes! You must have a great eye for seeing them. I like the information, even though I do not play the game. Five star review.

    30 march 2020 22:48