Not unexpectedly Assassin's Creed was "born" 11 years ago, feel old yet? When first introduced, the game blends of Ubisoft is regarded as something unique and new for parkour elements and a plot that combine historical fiction and a little element therein. Assassin's Creed instantly became one of the flagship and iconic franchise from Ubisoft. The popularity of this franchise had dimamfaatkan through annual release, but it was dismissed after the formulas that are increasingly considered to be monotonous.
Happy or hate you with this franchise, you should regard if Ubisoft provide something unique and has made "open-world" is becoming more popular in the eyes of developers. With 20 games have been released in the name of this franchise, of course, each game had a different quality. But let's focus will be 10 main series are released on console and PC because it seemed unfair to compare the game with a big budget with the spin-off that was released for mobile and portable platforms or managed by 3rd-party developers.
Without a longer length, the following 10 main game of Assassin's Creed from worst to best:
Revelations is the end of Ezio trilogy, and from these games players start to feel bored with the formula of Assassin's Creed. Revelations not really give a new, or mechanical features to make this sequel deserve to be called as a sequel. The only new offer from this series is the presence of tower-defense minigame, and minigame is quite bad and you do not want to touch another possibility after 2-3 tries.
Constantinople became one of the most boring background in this series, and aspects of the story are offered games relatively meh . Yes, we get the end of the journey of Ezio and Altair to be recognized very emotional, but what happens before it does not really made an impression on the memory.
Assassin's Creed at the time was hailed as one of the most unique games when games with guns, car racing and hack-and-slash dominate the gaming industry. But with more and more sequels that offer many new features and new mechanics, the first game of this franchise was very limited freedom that can be done.
The gameplay of the first game is also very repetitive and lacking variety. And too many dull moments that seem to be added only to prolong the duration of the game. You may have a great nostalgia will be the first game, but nostalgia alone is not enough when the game was already outdated over time.
Assassin's Creed III initially feels like a fresh air see background filled with jungle and a new main character is not a handsome white man. Unfortunately both of these aspects seem less eyes.
Part forests are boring because there are many things you can do and 70% what you do in this area only to run into the city. Connor character itself did not draw as expected. Connor may be the main character of the worst ever in the whole franchise. The characters are too quiet, full of complaints and always sullen throughout the game.
In the aspect of gameplay, Assassin's Creed III is not bad, but some relatively boring side mission. But the good side is the presence of the naval battle that will be refined again in the next series.
Bug, glitch and technical problems that occurred at the beginning of the release of this game would be something legendary and unforgettable. But outside of those three things, Assassin's Creed Unity give a unique twist on the formula of Assassin's Creed.
Paris became one of the best places offered background of this franchise. Not just because the building is bigger than before, but also in terms of the architecture of the building, the atmosphere, and the overall design is blended well. Aspects of the gameplay itself although the same as the previous game, injected some new elements to make the game feel different than before. Games also have a co-op feature interesting to play with friends. Unfortunately this feature is not deepened again for the next series.
Characters and story seem okay , and that the sole of my biggest complaint about this game is the gimmick of online services and mobile applications of its own which may be optional but in the end you must have to access some side activities in the game.
Rogue is basically just an expansion of the Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag with different characters, but it is not bad at all. Rogue offer its own uniqueness where you are not playing as an assassin but as a templar. With this reversal of roles, you no longer commit the murder on your target, but keep the targets were killed by the assassin.
This formula is not 100% different though, remains a break from previous formulas that are increasingly less innovation and start boring. Cormac itself is one of the most complex character ever built by Ubisoft after Ezio. The longer you play, the longer you realize if this character is more than just "ruthless killer" that was shown at the beginning of the game.
In the end, Rogue became hidden gem of this franchise and a bit ironic to see the game this one which have a lower budget turned out better than Unity were released simultaneously with the game.
Origins into a series of the most "different" presented by Ubisoft. Yes, you are still climbing the building and carry out assassination , but all aspects of the start of combat, progression system, and navigation is made so different from the usual. Background of the desert might sound boring, especially for a game known for climbing tall buildings, but Origins possess the world's most immersive and atmospheric for Assassin's Creed series so far.
The early phases of this game seem very slow, and the combat in the game feels like a mixture of combat The Witcher 3 and Dark Souls, but after those two things you tolerate, Origins be a new beginning which is not too bad for Assassin's Creed.
Syndicate return to the old formula of the previous series after a few years of experimenting with various new elements. Syndicate will focus more on a more complex level designs that make every mission assassination interesting to play even though not too many variations on offer.
Syndicate have two protagonists that Evie and Jacob Fyre and both have respective properties and chemistry fit, makes you want to know more than these two characters. City of London looks beautiful and fun to explore. And also the existence of a zipline make this exploration is much faster and reduces dull impression is often the case in the previous series.
If the first Assassin's Creed is the foundation of this franchise, Assassin's Creed II into the building. Assassin's Creed II refine open-world formula that performed in the first game. All aspects in this game has been refined to create a fantastic and addictive game.
The second game was also present Ezio we all would agree if he is the most iconic characters and the most coveted by fans. Background place consists of Florence, Venice, and other cities become an attractive backdrop to explore for beauty and design customized with parkour skills of Ezio. In short, Assassin's Creed II to be one good example would make a sequel.
Black Flag can be categorized as the game Assassin's Creed "off the mark". Ubisoft as if playing a gamble on this one series and bet on all the new elements into this game with the hope to provide the most distinct Assassin's Creed ever ... and they succeeded.
Black Flag is more focused on the aspect of a pirate, which means you will more often around the ship, war between the ship and a treasure hunt than killing the templar. Although different, the gameplay of Black Flag are fun to play with beautiful scenery that is always offered along the way to the X hereinafter.
Black Flag like Wind Waker on Zelda franchise. Both deviate from the formula the previous game and both focus on the exploration of the sea, but who cares? It's fun as heck , and that's the most important of a game.
When Assassin's Creed First is the foundation and Assassin's Creed II is a building, then Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is a building that has been painted, stuffed furniture along with the family who lived in it. When first announced, fans pessimistic with this game. Brotherhood released one year after the second game, fans worry this game will be cashgrab or at least an expansion alone. Although basically true if this feels like a mere expansion of Assassin's Creed II, Brotherhood gameplay offer a much more fun and much more interesting story than AC II.
The gameplay is basically the same as before, but with a new set of side activities that are all cool to do ranging from recruiting assassin, the renovation of the headquarters deepened, took a hostile territory, as well as the combat is now much faster and aggressive than the previous game. In the aspect of the story itself, the Brotherhood gave character development complex for Ezio and stories that constantly makes players want to know what happens next. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is the major highlight of this major franchise, and this game be the best game that Ubisoft release of Assassin's Creed anthology.
Do you agree with the above? If not, which of the series Assassin's Creed that you think deserves to be considered as the best?