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    (4.3/5) 10840 rates

    Comments, reviews and ratings of the game Crossout

    best game in the world


    9 february 2020 17:35

    I like this game because I can build myself a car for battle, it adds creativity to the game which I like. I got recomended this game from my friend and started playing it, its really awesome game...

    9 february 2020 18:26

    thats so beautiful game and thats so good for my mind

    9 february 2020 18:36

    Crossout is without any doubt a game which can not be ignored, so join this ever-growing community today!

    9 february 2020 19:21

    I love this game , but my friend is lvl 30 and im very sad with my lvl 6

    9 february 2020 19:56

    Wow, it's cool with standare on PS4!
    I like to press R2!

    10 february 2020 01:19

    Wow this game is intense and fun but its also hard and can get addictive

    10 february 2020 07:31

    needs skill to do the task but its worth the pain

    10 february 2020 14:33

    Daymn this game is so good and i really liked it

    10 february 2020 15:18

    game is ok, but they didnt accept my task for some reason

    10 february 2020 15:19

    i see about mystery of this game this is so cool game and good

    10 february 2020 23:06

    do you can find this time of about because and see saw and see you mystery

    10 february 2020 23:07

    i never undrestand this game!!!!!!!!!!!!

    11 february 2020 14:03

    I thought this was gonna be a boring game, but it really isn't, it is suprisingly good. It is easy to understand and it is easy for younger children to play. This game is always exciting.

    11 february 2020 18:14

    i like to shoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    11 february 2020 22:28

    My Freind used to play this :D

    12 february 2020 10:23

    Game is really fun, the abbility to make your own vehicle is just awesome, i really like the game!

    12 february 2020 10:33

    i like this game alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    12 february 2020 17:22

    I think I am going to give up on this site, they keep rejecting everything I do, and I don't understand what I am doing wrong

    12 february 2020 18:41

    same, they dont explain what we need to do and they just reject the tasks, kinda trash if im being asked

    12 february 2020 19:47

    i like this game alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    12 february 2020 21:29

    How is this game? I don't know it but its 30gb and I don't have that

    13 february 2020 09:44

    So most of the tasks on this website requires you to have a gajin login to play the games, but apparently you can't use the same gajin account if you've already done a different task with it. This is so extremely stupid please fix this because it just doens't make any sense at all

    13 february 2020 09:44

    hey guuys, why is it that need 40 symboles? kinda dumb thooo. i just wanna say hi to yall

    13 february 2020 14:57

    Hellow, guys how i need to complete the task of crossout, the one with wins. I can see wins just in profile at medals or something. DID EXIST ANOTHER WAY?

    13 february 2020 19:26

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