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    How it works

    How much money can u make from developing a game in Roblox?

    Im interested.

    12 may 2020 23:23 2173

    depends. but if you invest enough money, time, and get it known by youtubers and players, i bet it could get popular.

    12 may 2020 23:33 2173

    Adopt me made 2 billion robux, if they used dev-exchange, that would equate to about 9 million. You can become a millionaire with roblox.

    13 may 2020 00:02 2173

    depends on the amount of players that buy gamepasses such as X2 XP game pass for 500 robux, depending if you have membership or not you get part of the robux from the person that bought the gamepass you can then exchange robux into money (that part is very expensive from what i heard)

    13 may 2020 03:27 2173

    You get the money from gamepasses, access, and etc... You have to question yourself: "What are things that players are willing to buy?", you could check how much you earn too, for example, if you sell a a gamepass for 50 robux, you can get 35 robux as earning, it varies, but that's just an example

    13 may 2020 03:52 2173

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