Hey! You!
Yes, you!
Do you like games where you can waste hours and hours of your precious time on simple things like making brainless units and wobblers battle?
Haha, well, do I have good news for you!
Let me introduce you to Totally Accurate Battle Simulator!
Totally Accurate Battle Simulator is a ragdoll and physics based game. It is essentially a battle simulator (obviously), where you can combine various different units from all ages to make a powerful army.
TABS (Short for Totally Accurate Battle Simulator) has been one of the fan favorites, especially on Steam.
Not only does it show a totally accurate representation of real battles, it teaches you how to think and play smart, how to use a proper strategy and to never, and I repeat, never, give up!
TABS is also very funky. You would often find yourself being 2 hours in trying to create as fun battle as possible. What really contributes to that, is that game has incredibly fun, weird and unusual physics. Little units that yell on top of their lungs, changing at their enemies of the opposite color can really bring a smile on your face. This really proves that the game can be fun for all ages!
Factions are essentially categories, each having 7 units (An unit is a wobbler, a character in the game). All correspond to a different era.
TABS, currently (7th June, 2020.), has 11 factions, each having one or more related maps (Newest one being Wild West)
Let me introduce you to a first few:
Tribal (Stone age) faction:
Includes these units: Clubber, Protector, Spear Thrower, Stoner, Bone Mage, Cheftain, Mammoth.
Farmer faction:
Includes these units: Halfling, Farmer, Haybaler, Potionseller, Harvester, Wheelbarrow, Scarecrow.
Medieval faction:
Including these units: Bard, Squire, Archer, Healer, Knight, Catapult, King.
Now, the game may not look too attractive to you, but you will have to try it first before you can say anything about it!
The Game currently has a few bugs, most of them can be annoying, but some can bring even more wackiness to the game and make your experience even better!
The Game can be played in two different ways: Campaign and Sandbox.
In Campaign, you can choose pre-made levels and do your best to beat them. Doing that, you get more experience and skill in the game which helps you beat harder levels faster.
There are 8 different campaigns: The Introduction, The Adventure, The Challenge (These three include all factions from Tribal to Viking), The Dynasty, The Renaissance, The Pirate, The Spooky, The Simulation and The Wild West.
In Sandbox, you get to make your own battles. You are able to pick any unit from any faction, make a Mammoth fight a King, or essentially anything that comes onto your mind. All of the maps are available there. Sandbox is a field where you can let your imagination run wild!
You can also go to the steam workshop, where you can find player-made challenges people made. Those can be very fun too!
Oh yeah, did I mention there is also a Secret faction... Ehhh... You heard nothing!
There is also a free DLC for the game, the bug DLC!
It adds many different options in the settings menu which can improve your experience with the game quite alot!
Make your own battles, punish the units for their sins and join them in their fights!
In TABS - Totally Accurate Battle Simulator!
Totally Accurate Battle Simulator was developed by Landfall Games, which are famous for Clustertruck and Stick Fight: The Game.
It is available on Windows, Mac and Xbox.
Want to play? Get it here on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/508440/Totally_Accurate_Battle_Simulator/
You can also visit the game on Landfall's website, here: https://landfall.se/totally-accurate-battle-simulator-early-access
Thanks for reading! Be honest in your votes!
played this game when it was in beta mode . although game have few bugs in early access. but is very enjoyable and funny. not to mention steam have overwhelmingly positive reviews.
cool articele love the game!
it is a very nice article
Is there really a lot of game to this? I mean, like, storywise mostly. Or is it just a fun sandbox?
Welp i can say that all games of landfall
rly cool
How to get this game btw nice article :D
I've seen so many youtubers playing this, as well as my favorite, so I might as well get it because it seems really cool.
This article is great and distinctive, I played this really great game and it has a great turnout. Thank you
I better defeat my big bro, for I can finally beat him by this game, by the way, good article though.
Try using Headers in your next article to make it stand out more. Other than that, it's a pretty decent article.