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    Rate this article "Humble Reviews: Assassin's Creed"

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    thefruit, 1 august 2017 21:24

    Humble Reviews: Assassin's Creed

    First instalment of the now worldknown  Triple A franchise Assassin's Creed follows the life of Desmond, a captive of Abstergo Industries, trying to reunite with his ancestor Altaïr, an Assassin during the Third Crusades and by extent helping Abstergo towards their goal. Will they spare Desmond after he achieves their plans or will they get rid of him?

    Published in 2007 by Ubisoft and developed by Ubisoft Montreal, Assassin's Creed is a sandbox, of the genre on stealth, adventure and action games. It is the first instalment in the series and it follows the lives of Desmond Miles and Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad with the help of the Animus. It features building climbing and an advanced parkour mechanic which helps you get immerssed into the game. Along the game you try to restore your honor ,as Altaïr, by completing the assasinations tasks given by your mentor Al-Mualim while as Desmond you are slowly discovering the meaning behind your kidnapping. Although the game suffers from unskippable useless cutscenes and sometimes repetitive gameplay and side-mssions the game revels in telling a story about both Desmond and his ancestor. The controls are easy to learn and also the story is easy to get into. Overall the game is a very intriguing concept which no doubt deserved being expanded upon even though recent installments didn't manage to impress the fans.
    -good story
    -good gameplay although repetitive sometimes
    -nice characters
    -useless cutscenes
    -repetitive side-missions
    -buggy controls sometimes
       I give the give the game a 8/10 because of the great story element and it's potential

    Rate this article Humble Reviews: Assassin's Creed

    (4.05/5) 19 rates


    Not bad, I love this franchise.

    14 january 2019 21:16

    Yes it is so interesting and high graphics.... ilike it!!!

    21 june 2021 13:14

    Given the game supposed to be an engine demo, can't blame it for being kinda short.

    31 january 2019 03:25

    Short to ponder but quite interesting.

    17 june 2019 16:23

    All the games of assassin's creed series are best..i personally love odyssey and valhala.

    13 march 2021 13:13

    Nice article assassin's creed is a great and one of the best franchise.

    20 march 2021 05:48

    Short but nice article thanks for the effort.

    31 may 2021 10:46

    Assassin's Creed mistakenly assumes that the plot is the most important element of its source material. Actually, it's the least.

    13 august 2017 05:53

    The best part of any Assassin's Creed game is that "Anybody can play like a pro"
    The controls and the gameplay is just awesome, never get bored, the best imo is the Black Flag and the AC3...

    21 august 2017 22:23

    great game franchise

    26 april 2020 00:48