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    Dav0o7, 12 june 2019 15:17

    Golf Blitz by Noodlecake Studios

    This is a 2D golfing game created for both Android and IOS users. It's all about getting to the hole first using your mind and fingers ^_^.


    I'll try to introduce you the game as good as possible here.

    1. In-Match

      There is an Energy Counter and there are 3 available power-ups to use in every round. The gameplay is all about Strategy, Timing, Aiming and of course Huge amount of Luck (After unlocking some power-ups later, it will be randomly chosen 3 of them for each round ! ). There is ball collision, making this game more interesting ( Or maybe annoying :3), so its all on you whether you choose the Aggressive style or Slow and Steady. As you are going to be very focused during the game, it only allows you to chat after each round with emotes and short text messages.
      Depending on how many players there are in the match, it decides how many points you must get to win the game. 
      4 players match-> 1st place gets 3 points, 2nd place - 2 points, 3-rd place - 1 point. 9 points needed to win the game.
      3 players match-> 1st - 2 points, 2nd - 1 point. 6 points to win the game.
      2 players match-> 1st - 1 point. 3 points to win the game.
      After final results you get some (~10- ~20) trophies from each player who got less points then you, and you give some trophies to players who got more trophies. f.e. If you took second place, you take trophies from 3rd and 4th places and give some to 1st place.
      As you understand draw is possible too ,, in that case whoever has less trophies gets 1-2 trophies. That's almost nothing, right ?

    2. Main Menu


      As many other games this one also have 4 card pack places, 1 Free pack and 1 Star pack. You get Packs when you "win" a game (win - you need to get trophies after match. That means you don't really need to take first place every time, f.e. if you play with 4 players and take second place, you will get ~15 trophies from 3rd and 4th places and give some to 1st place, so that means you get some trophies and that counts as a win too). Pack cool-downs are a little bit lower than in other games. Free pack's countdown is 2 hours and its the same pack as Classic one, which is the cheapest pack in the game. Star pack is more valuable with 12 hours cool-down. for that you need to get 10 stars (which are obtained when you get into the hole first).

    3. Currencies

      There are 2 types of currencies. Bux - main one, to buy skins & upgrade power-ups, and Gems - to buy Packs, Cards from the store or change it with Bux.

    4. Customizing 


      As i said you use Bux to buy skins. There are tones of skins and hats variations to choose from and they add many of them after each season. Just pick your favorite combination and show others what it can do ).
      Oh yeah ,, also buying skins and upgrading power-ups is the only way to get XP and level-up, so you need to spend some good amount of Bux there.

    5. Teams


      Don't forget to join a team. There are always some positive players around + there is a place, where you can sell duplicate cards and buy the ones you need from your Teammates.

    6. Season Rewards


      Every season lasts 14 days, and after end of each season you have a chance to get rewards. It can be something like rare skins to top 100 players globally, or Gems to top teams locally, etc. ...


    This game is still growing, there are not so many players worldwide, but i hope one day it will. 


    • DON'T play this for trophies or for being in top. That will make you rage and even break your phone ^_^.
      Just try to enjoy the game, you lost or its hard to play against players with higher level ? Don't be upset,, maybe next game will be yours.
    • Don't use your Gems to open packs. Changing them with Bux will help you more in future than 1 random pack. (Well unless you are donating some money).
    • When you level up , first thing you need to upgrade is COOL DOWN. Trust me, That's the most important thing in this game. 

    If you enjoyed go to the link down below and download it already )) 
    Hope to see you soon in game. ;)


    Rate this article Golf Blitz by Noodlecake Studios

    (4.24/5) 68 rates


    Hello u have a very nice article there

    27 june 2019 17:31


    11 april 2020 18:31

    Good game, nice article.

    28 july 2019 08:36

    neat article

    26 november 2019 04:47

    nice game

    29 july 2019 04:26


    27 july 2019 23:19

    Cool Game.

    11 july 2019 06:32

    Good game 👍

    18 april 2021 10:39

    first picture is massive and the following are just little stars :v

    12 june 2019 18:37

    Would be better if the pictures are all in similar or same size.

    13 june 2019 06:48