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    Rate this article "e-Sim || The best browser game on the world "

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    berroni, 2 january 2019 19:16

    e-Sim || The best browser game on the world

    E-Sim is a browser game launched at 2011. and it immediately won hearts of players worldwide. It's a modern world simulation game, and it has dozens of unique features and it has everything you need to have fun. 

    In the e-Sim, you create your own character. After you register, you'll choose your country(there is every country in the world included). A thing I personally enjoyed in e-Sim is that every country of the modern world is well made on the world's map, every region of that country is realistic - if your country has a region. You can choose how you want to play this game.  You can choose what makes you happier and you'll enjoy each game style no matter which one you're focused on, and those are military, economy and politics. Did you know that you can become a congress member or president if you get enough votes on elections(which happens each month) and you can rule your citizens if you become one?

    You can even create your own companies and produce raw materials(iron, grain, oil, wood, diamonds) or finished products(weapon, gift, stone, food, house, hospital, estate, defence system, ticket). Make sure to keep up with the Job Market and always increase your worker's salaries or they will find a new company and you'll have no one to work and produce for you. The cool thing is that e-Sim has its own discord channel, and you can communicate with players worldwide and sell your products. 

    When you catch up to the game, you may become interested into Stock Market. You can buy shares from Stock Companies that will(by your hopes) advance up and your shares price will go up so you can make some easy money. You can also create your own Stock Company(SC) and find people to invest in you.

    The funniest thing in the game is equipment. Your character can get equipment from battle drops(if you hit in a battle) or you can buy it from the auctions. There is 6 kind of equipment in this game, and those are - Q(quality)1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6. If you have 3 types of equipment of same kind(3 Q1 items) you can MERGE them and that 3 eq of the same kind will become one eq of higher quality - (Merge 3 Q1 items and you'll get 1 Q2 item). Merging is always fun but it always has a risk as sometimes good parameters of some eq are worth more than higher quality no matter which one it is. 
    You can wear Helmet, Pants, Armor, Boots, Lucky Charm, Weapon Upgrade, Vision, Offhand and each of these has various other sets(different-looking than normal as you can see in the picture below).

    Besides all those cool and interesting features, e-Sim contains wars and battles too. Fight for your own country to dominate the enemy regions and become better in territory and productivity.  Make sure to be a nice fighter, as some Military Unit may invite you to work and fight together! 
    Make sure to follow some newspaper so you can read something when you're bored. Yup, you can even create your own newspaper and maybe people will subscribe to you if you're good, and having followers is always fun. 

    e-Sim has 4 permanent servers(Primera, Secura, Suna, and the newest one - Alpha). Besides these four permanent servers, there is always one seasonal(temporary) server on. If you don't want to rise slowly on some of the permanent servers, start your game on the seasonal server(which lasts just for three months) and get some money(much faster than on permanent) because when these three months expire - you can transfer your account from that temp server to the permanent one. 

    e-Sim is the best modern world simulation game by my opinion as you can do every single thing from real life in it. I recommend it to you with a 10/10 ratio. There is also a mobile version of this game, so you can be with your character 24/7 as you'll need to since you're gonna get addicted to this game. 

    Rate this article e-Sim || The best browser game on the world

    (4.58/5) 12 rates


    The best browser game in the world?? thats a big title.

    14 january 2019 02:28

    Good job
    Improve the structure for future projects tho
    Keep going and improving

    2 january 2019 23:40

    Downloaded on mobile, but it only says "Log In"... I cannot create an account. /:

    3 january 2019 16:47

    I no longer played browser game since fragmented mobile game became popular .. terrible ..

    4 january 2019 03:04

    Good game, good article

    3 january 2019 15:30


    4 january 2019 02:10

    Nice article man verry good !

    24 february 2020 15:44

    browser games still exist? wow

    9 june 2020 19:44