你可以将灵魂宝石兑换成Steam Wallet的充值、游戏密钥、CS:GO皮肤以及其他的奖励。
Thank you for putting me in my place. I really needed that. Much like a usable search function in the forums. The buy page clearly says "up to 24 hours" There is not much room for interpretation there and so I was getting worried. Thanks for the info and the attitude. Cheers
That question was a bit sarcastic. I bought it more than 3 days ago, counting by the hours.
I ordered Fallout 76 (for quite a bit of Soul Gems, I might say) and it still hasn't arrived. The page says delivery takes up to 24 hours, as is the case with every game you can buy for SG. At the time of writing this, my order is over 3 days old. How long is 24 hours in gamehag land? Should I be worried? What's your experience with orders?
《绝冬城》是一个免费的MMORPG游戏,它发生在非常流行的《龙与地下城》的世界中 - 游戏开始后马上就能看到!故事情节充满了行动并将我们引向了绝冬城的各个地方 - 城市和农村地区、山脉、森林等等!角色的创造与RPG的完全相同,也为我们带来了很多种族 - 从人类和精灵到龙族和半兽人!至于类别,则是相似于《龙与地下城》- 战士、巫师、盗贼、圣骑士...其战斗系统是如此动态,很容易与砍杀游戏相比。任务非常复杂且数量众多,但是一段时间后可能会变得无聊 - 这时出现了Foundry,每人都可以执行自己的任务,每个玩家都可以执行社区里其他成员创建的任务!游戏图像可能看起来有点暗,但它的利大于弊,因为它为这个特定的MMO带来了难忘的氛围。史诗音乐也让你感觉自己正在参...
Become a Lord in Throne: Kingdom at War and prove yourself as a powerful leader and skillful city builder. Experience a whole new adventure and lead your army to the victory in this fictional medieval world. Improve your town and watch it grow with your character.It's up to you, which path will you take in order to ultimately b...
如果你是星际迷航的粉丝,那么《星际迷航online》肯定会引起你的注意。 《星际迷航online》是一款其背景设定在电视节目和电影里知名宇宙的科幻MMORPG游戏。开始游戏后,我们将感受到我们最喜欢的系列的气氛,因为游戏的主要目的是探索、任务、太空和地面战斗、以及交易。我们肯定可以在《星际迷航online》中体验到这四个方面。粉丝们可能对一些有特色的地方很熟悉,例如星际舰队总部、穆塔拉(Mutara)星云和克洛诺斯星(Qo'noS)。 以指挥官的身份探索这庞大的宇宙,立即加入《星际迷航online》! ...
请注意:此优惠仅适用于新用户!如果你发现某款手机游戏或应用程序获得了Google Play的提名,那么你可以肯定一件事 - 该游戏并不是普通的游戏。但是,这取决于你如何评估《王国纪元》- 一个由已经在其他游戏中享有盛誉的IGG创建的实时策略手机游戏。 建立自己的军队并选择英雄来与可怕的怪物和其他敌人作战。通过收集和花费宝贵的资源来扩展你的帝国。自定义你的军队,使其从其他玩家的军队中脱颖而出。然而,拥有一个帝国不仅仅是征服。你还必须统治以及结交朋友。你会帮助他们并解放战俘吗?还是你会成为残酷的统治者?这完全取决于你。 立即加入这个具有精美图像设计的游戏。注册《王国纪元》! 请注意:此优惠仅适用于新用户!...
PLEASE NOTE: This offer is available just for NEW users!The Vikings fans finally can move to mythic world in Mobile version of a genuine MMO game. Grab your battle axe and conquer the world of the Vikings! Your challenge is to lead your village and people to rule the world!Become a real earl, expand your village and carry out th...