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    XaoPrism Flag us

    2 lata temu


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    Zdobycie 3 poziomu
    4 lata temu
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    odebrał nagrodę 10 Robux.
    4 lata temu
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    Skomentował Wizard 101.
    4 lata temu

    yes i love this game. it brngs back childhood memories.

    XaoPrism badge
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    Zdobycie 3 poziomu
    4 lata temu
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    Użytkownik i DayVv są teraz znajomymi
    4 lata temu
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    Skomentował Forge of Empires.
    4 lata temu

    ItS a nice game the gems are worth it.

    XaoPrism badge
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    4 lata temu

    the game is kinda all over the place. not my type of game tbh

    XaoPrism badge
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    4 lata temu

    the article is so nice it must have took you days to finish!

    XaoPrism badge
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    Skomentował Star Stable.
    4 lata temu

    bRuH. if your looking for a game directed at kids to earn gems or just a thing to do if you are bored than this is the game for you. the graphics are on point its just sad to me that its meant for younger audiences.

    XaoPrism badge
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    Skomentował Albion Online.
    4 lata temu

    uhm.. idk what to say for this game.. its very cool i gess- i would give it a 7/10

    XaoPrism badge
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    4 lata temu

    yes im so happy with the update! mincraft is the best-

    XaoPrism badge
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    Skomentował Skyforge.
    4 lata temu

    its cool but its not pc. but my friend showed me the playthrough and it was nice.

    XaoPrism badge
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    Skomentował Rise of Civilizations.
    4 lata temu

    its nice and all but you have to grind alot to get the gems. I wouldnt recomend it but im not stoping anyone-

    XaoPrism badge
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    Skomentował League of Angels III.
    4 lata temu

    nice BUT why are all the girls wearing such revEAlINg cLOthEs THo??

    XaoPrism badge
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    Skomentował Zoo 2 - Animal Park.
    4 lata temu

    cool game. a time killer for sure. iTs DEcENt, but overall its a good game

    XaoPrism badge
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    Zdobycie 2 poziomu
    4 lata temu
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    Skomentował Piano Tiles 2.
    4 lata temu

    nice game, but it has many ads sadly. it has some good music seletctions.


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