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    Brak przedmiotów w ekwipunku


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    Użytkownik i diegoqguilar są teraz znajomymi
    3 lata temu
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    4 lata temu

    Nevermind, my task was accepted :)

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    wykonał zadanie do gry Star Conflict.
    4 lata temu
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    4 lata temu

    Thanks for the reply, I've already completed several missions actually, the thing is I'm not sure how to take a single screenshot displaying both the battle count and the missions completed, can I drop multiple files?

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    4 lata temu

    According to the Star Conflict wiki the campaign is comprised of 43 missions, does the task require clearing all of them?

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    4 lata temu
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Star Conflict.
    4 lata temu
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Star Conflict.
    4 lata temu
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Star Conflict.
    4 lata temu
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    Skomentował temat Task rejected, again..
    4 lata temu

    I wrote a ticket a few days ago asking why my Star Conflict task had been rejected for not having registered a new account even though it was my first time playing it, and I was told that I couldn't use my existing Gaijin account, so I created a new one with my Gmail address this time and spent another several hours completing the task, only for it to be rejected again for the same reason, what is happening?

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    4 lata temu

    Does anyone know what the fourth task is?

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    odebrał nagrodę Resident Evil VII: Biohazard.
    4 lata temu
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    Zdobycie 3 poziomu
    4 lata temu
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    4 lata temu

    Well crafted games with insane production value and solid gameplay, but I don't really care for Naughty Dog's brand of game design with their overreliance on scripted set pieces.

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    Skomentował Metro 2033.
    4 lata temu

    While I enjoyed this title, I couldn't help but feel disappointed by its linearity, I expected more open-endedness from what was touted as a spiritual successor to S.T.A.L.K.E.R..

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    4 lata temu

    The article doesn't state otherwise so I'd hope so, the SG penalty is already punishing enough.

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    4 lata temu

    @obcd1 I agree, it would be useful but it's unlikely to happen, I once asked support which comment of mine led to a ban and they didn't have access to that information.

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    4 lata temu

    It's probably because your profile doesn't match the criteria the company conducting the survey is looking for.

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    4 lata temu

    Yeah, contacting support is a bit more convoluted than it should be, but at least once you've created a ticket you don't have to wait too long to get a reply, well at least I didn't.

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    4 lata temu

    Best is subjective as it depends on your personal tastes, I'm partial to Path of Exile myself.


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