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    This article will explain the basics of positioning your tank in War Thunder. While this topic appears straightforward the reality is that a good War Thunder player can utilise these tips to help themselves and their team to neutralise their opponent and complete the objective. Specifically, this article will focus on the importance of cover, the relationship between aim and moveent, and when you should position your tank after completing the objective.

    Taking advantage of the surrounding environment is crucial in positioning your tank as it serves as your first level of defence. Simply put, if you tank is behind a wall it is protected from enemies who are on the other side. This is particularly important to remember when you are repairing your tank as you cannot move or fire during this process. As a result, if your tank is in the middle of the battlefield then your tank will be destroyed before you have the chance to finish repairing it. Therefore, you should always position your tank behind cover prior to repairing it. By keeping yourself alive when repairing your tank, you will save many resources which are important in War Thunder. Firstly, you will not die and give up your position to the opposing team. Secondly, you will not have to spend a respawn to re-join the fight. Finally, you won’t have to travel from the respawn point back to the middle of the battlefield; instead, you will have more time to kill the enemy despite spending a bit of time out of action while your tank is repaired. If each member of your team followed this advice, they will have a tremendous advantage over the others who are running about without taking into consideration their position on the battlefield.

    In War Thunder, your tanks aim is altered based off your movement and the current placement of your mouse on the screen. Consequently, you want to minimise the adverse effects these features will have on your ability to successfully destroy the enemy. Therefore, it is in your best interest to make your tank come to a complete stop prior to attacking an enemy as this will maximise your chance to hit the tank in the spots which will cause the most damage. For example, if you are still moving while shooting you are likely to miss the critical areas or even worse, hit a part of the tank that is invulnerable to your attack.

    My final tip is about the importance of patience in War Thunder. Sometimes, it is a better strategic decision to wait for the enemy to approach you to set up a scenario which maximises your chance to win. One such instance when this advice is useful is during game modes which require you to capture and maintain a point on the map. Once you have captured the objective you can position yourself in a spot that enemies are unlikely to look at as they travel towards the objective. This can lead you to getting easy kills which will boost your position on the scoreboard and help your team to win the match.

    Best of luck on the battlefield.

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    wykonał zadanie do gry War Thunder.
    5 lat temu

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