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    Brak przedmiotów w ekwipunku


    Brak przedmiotów w ekwipunku


    Brak przedmiotów w ekwipunku

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    1 rok temu

    Did you ever have the feeling that you have to buy games at a sale even tough you have so many games that you never played.
    I certanly have I'll show you how to stop buying games you'll never play and have a better experience overall.

    As I described in the introduction, you probably have the same feeling as me when you see games on sale.
    But you have to resist that urge because it leads to spending money on games that you'll never play.

    So what I want you to do is count up all games that you currently own (Steam, Epic Games, PlayStation Store...).
    Then you can look at the games that you've never played and play them for about 3 hours.
    If the game is just trash, then delete it and cross it off the pile of shame (list of games that you want to play).
    If it's good, you can keep it on the list.
    And don't just play multiplay games, always have a mix of both.

    After you've done that, I want you to know the switching games often isn't fun and ruins the gaming experience.
    So you got to focus on one or two games, but not more.
    And if you don't feel like gaming those two games, then do something else.
    By keeping this focus you won't forget the game mechanics, story and game is overall more fun.
    This dedication is needed!
    And when you decided on which two games you want to play, you should try to get 100% on the game (get all achievements)

    That way, you'll see the entirety of the game and not just switch to another game, like the game was nothing special.
    And try not to watch YouTube videos about, for example, how to get the best gun on the first playthrough.
    It could ruin the game experience cause the enemies are too weak then.
    And when you got 100% on the game, you could maybe search for some Easter eggs or stuff like that.
    Maybe you can install and get a whole new experience.
    One perfect example is the mod Fallout London, which gives the game Fallout 4 a whole new story, map, enemies and so on.
    Try to stretch the gameplay of any game as much as possible, and you'll appreciate the game more.

    And when you have no desire to play the games after this, you can cross it off the pile of shame list.
    You'll cross it off with, knowing that you've seen the entirety of the game and appreciated the gameplay/story.
    So go on and try it and report back, if you had a good experience.

    By the way, Epic games gives out 1-3 free games every Thursday, so collect them.
    So even you don't have enough money for new games, you can play some good tripple A or indie titles.
    The best so far were GTA 5, Death Stranding and Dying Light.

    If you are searching for a good list of games to play, here's my list:
    - CSGO
    - It Takes Two
    - A Way Out
    - Bioshock 1 + Infinite
    - GTA 5
    - Fallout New Vegas
    - Fallout 4
    - Cyberpunk 2077
    - Payday 2
    - Valheim
    - Call of Duty Black Ops 2
    - BloodBorne
    - Steep
    - God of War 3
    - Lego Indiana Jones 2
    - SUPER HOT (VR)
    - Minecraft
    - Far Cry 5
    - Death Stranding
    - Rocket League
    - Tekken 7
    - Cuphead
    - Dying Light

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    1 rok temu

    Wow, I've always heard of this game and ****, it sounds good.

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    1 rok temu

    Good article, helped me out :)

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    Użytkownik i SZKAZA są teraz znajomymi
    2 lata temu
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    odebrał nagrodę Five-SeveN | Flame Test.
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    odebrał nagrodę Glock-18 | Off World.
    4 lata temu
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    Skomentował Brawlhalla.
    5 lat temu

    I know this game. This is an ok game and the maps are really bad. The review is ok.

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    odebrał nagrodę Desert Eagle | Midnight Storm.
    5 lat temu
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    Zdobycie 4 poziomu
    5 lat temu
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    Skomentował temat Who likes anime.
    5 lat temu

    Well everyone likes anime you know. Who can't you like Anime. Best Genere!!!

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    Skomentował Paladins.
    5 lat temu

    the best game for you to play free overwatch. really good game.

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    Skomentował A Rimworld Review.
    5 lat temu

    It as a pretty good review but where are the pictures. They have to be in every review.

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    5 lat temu

    Thank you very much for the tips. Now I know how to earn the most SG. Thanks.

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    5 lat temu

    the atricle is pretty accurate. I know this from my play trough.

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    Skomentował temat CS:GO BABY.
    5 lat temu

    the best game that will ever be

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    odebrał nagrodę Desert Eagle | Midnight Storm.
    5 lat temu
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    wykonał zadanie do gry World of Warships.
    5 lat temu
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    odebrał nagrodę AWP | Safari Mesh.
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    odebrał nagrodę USP-S | Blueprint.
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Zoo 2 - Animal Park.
    5 lat temu


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