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    Użytkownik i MariaKel są teraz znajomymi
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    Użytkownik i Ashik1234 są teraz znajomymi
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    Zdobycie 3 poziomu
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Blood Rites.
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Blood Rites.
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Sansar.
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    Skomentował temat Life as a girl gamer.
    5 lat temu

    Indeed, how do I delete this btw?

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    wykonał zadanie do gry Sansar.
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    Zdobycie 2 poziomu
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Star Stable.
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    Skomentował temat Life as a girl gamer.
    5 lat temu

    No introduction needed.

    At first I thought life as a girl gamer would be nice, guys would respect me for being interested in guy-like hobbies.
    But life is pretty much like the old times when the men were the working ones and the women were the ones cleaning and cooking while taking care of everyone in the household.

    Now I'm not saying that's how it is today. but if you compare it to 2019, it is pretty similiar.

    We women get called out for attention-seekers, meanwhile the guys makes us feel like bad experienced players; even if we sometimes are even better than them, we even get bullied for our voice not being as masculine and dark as theirs, they also make us feel uncomfortable as a woman being because we have certain parts on our body that they don't have in common with us.

    The funny thing is that we have the total opposite reason for being a gamer, simply because that's our hobby and you guys should respect that.
    It's not about the boobs and the booty or the ''oh I'm so single'' life and it doesn't have anything to do with that either; what would you guys feel if we started question the size of your badooka and what size underwear you're wearing?

    I'm a girl gamer because I love gaming, I have been playing games ever since I was 9 years old. 
    I simply just love to take away all my stress and my worries about everything, shooting characters is a simple relaxation thing to do.

    But how should a gamer girl be? In my opinion she shouldn't just play mario cart and call herself a gamer, that's just embarrassing.
    A real gamer girl should play various games and stream if she want but for a good reason: because she's a gamer.
    A real gamer sets up goals for herself in the gaming world, she saves her money to interesting games she wants to play, she doesn't just play league of angels.

    If a girl streams and is wearing pink clothing, acts cute and doesn't focus on playing, of course then I understand why you guys see us women like that typical streamer-I can't play-but I'm cute- kind of girl. 

    Of course it's a good technique if you want a ton of views, but unfortunately people are not going to take you seriously and would rather question about your bra size than actually asking what kind of games you play.

    What would you even tell them? I play super mario bro's and my little ponies, OH AND I LOOOOVE PINK THINGS.

    Another thing that annoys me super much is when the girls call themselfes for gamers, WHEN THEY PLAY ON THEIR MOBILE DEVICE.
    You are not a real gamer if you play farmville on your tiny smartphone, just stop embarrassing yourself.

    I hope you women have understood the difference between gamer and farmville-player soon and that the guys will respect the other women for being real gamers


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