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    Wziął udział w giveawayu Fly Fly Tank
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    Skomentował temat My review of Geometry dash!.
    4 lata temu

    This game has existed for over 6 years! If you don't know this game already, all you need to know is it's a challenging platformer game.
    It has a great and creative community, and you can create your own levels! Now onto the review:

    So, first of all, I want to start with the good things about this game:

    The levels are fantastic! Both the community-made ones and the normal ones. The normal levels range from easy (stereo madness) to demon (deadlocked). So if you are a starter or a pro, you can play any type of level.
    These stages are well built and although they have generic dubstep music, It doesn't seem to affect the gameplay at all. The community levels are even better!
    They are allowed to have custom music, and creativity here is fantastic! There are some stages, where you fight the creator of the stage!
    Here, the difficulty range is from easy to extreme demon! So it can be way harder in the community levels than in the normal ones.
    If you are not the best at level making, you can still try! Some levels allow you to copy it! So if you couldn't make a good stage, you can still improvise on another one in your way!
    This game also has tons of secrets! You can go into a dungeon and help a creature in escaping!
    You are also allowed to customize your character! From colors to even skins, you can do anything to your little guy!
    In the newest update, you can even collect currency and spend them on visual things and mission skips!
    They have many chambers full of challenging levels and offer daily and weekly levels!

    Now let's talk about the bad things about this game, and there are some!

    It hasn't received an update in nearly 2 years! People who haven't heard of this game before may think it's because it was made in for example 2002, but this is still a considerably recent game (2014).
    Although the community is, for the most part, creative and amazing, there are a few exceptions. Those people, who plagiarize levels and upload spam. Luckily, this is just the minority.
    There were lots of people hacking in this game! The ones who used noclip in levels mostly pretended it was real footage. Most notably Cyclic. Others were more destructive...
    If you are looking for easy levels, this is most definitely NOT the game for you! Most people are just looking for difficulty while making their levels! Most levels in the recommended section are above hard! Take this from the guy who has 251 hours put into this game!
    But above all is that this is a rage game! You are going to go back to the start over and over again until you beat the level or you quit the level you're playing!

    That's it for my review of Geometry Dash! I think this is a really good game for those who love a little bit of a challenge! Enjoy the rest of your day, reader!

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