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    MrLinuxOsu Flag es

    4 lata temu


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    Brak przedmiotów w ekwipunku


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    MrLinuxOsu badge
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Sword Art Online.
    4 lata temu
    MrLinuxOsu badge
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    Skomentował temat RAID: Shadow Legends.
    4 lata temu

    Do you have any other place to spam? Does anybody know how to read? If you want to talk like a chat, you can use the friends section and add somebody, but this is not the place to talk like discord or whatever... You know?

    MrLinuxOsu badge
    MrLinuxOsu avatar
    Skomentował temat RAID: Shadow Legends.
    4 lata temu

    Raid Shadow Legends it's a game you may be heard before in Youtube and you even saw here in Gamehag.com. It's a game free-to-play developed and published by Plarium Games for Android and iOS platforms, and, also, for computer platforms, released on January of the year 2019. 

    I know, I know. You are probably thinking about the criticism of this game has, because of the constant ads on YouTube about this game being promoted by gaming streamers and the memes it generated, but, as people normally say, "you can't judge a book by its cover" (or can you?), so I decided to test it and I'm going to tell you about it.


    It is a realistic fantasy RPG game with hundreds of playable 16-faction champions, in the world of Teleria. And you will have to save this world by recruiting most legendary warriors from the forces of Light and Darkness and train them to fight together.


    You must recruit an equal group of Sorcerers, Skinwalkers, Undead, Knights, Elves, and more to defeat your enemies, and then, recruit them to your side!

    What to spect when you open the game for the first time

    When you open the game for the first time, you will see a little story and then you will have to choose your first Champion, as shown in the next image:

    After that, it will be displayed an in-game tutorial, where you can learn the function of every option. There is a store at the bottom left corner of the screen, where you can upgrade your Champions, a quest section at the bottom, with daily, weekly and monthly challenges. At the top of the screen, you can see the energy, money and gems variable. At the top left corner of the screen, you can see your account, with your actual level and the XP.  And the last, but not least, the red Battle button, at the bottom right corner of the screen, where you will fight with your champions on adventures and gain XP.


    Oh, by the way, every time you level up after a battle, an epic screen will appear with the classical Level Up thing and the rewards. And BE CAREFUL when doing the tasks from Gamehag.com, or you could accidentally skip the level you require for screenshot you need to send.

    Defeat dozens of bosses in order to obtain loot, XP and special Champions!

    Fight against enemies all around the world

    You have also a PvP arena, where you can fight face to face against other players in arena battles to unlock a special team and climb the rankings. Two teams go in, but only one comes out.

    The rendering

    What about the graphics? They are awesome and the heroes are rendered in 3D, like real. It is amazing looking the Champions doing their moves!

    Experience epic dark fantasy done right through 13 spectacular locations spread over a sprawling, fully-voiced story campaign.


    The autoplay option is incredible. Autoplay levels to spend less time grinding and more time exploring Teleria. I used this option more than one time and it looks like a real film. Also, there is an option to change the speed of the fighting.


    It's available in English, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Ukrainian, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Korean, Turkish, Japanese, and Portuguese, so, you can change it if you feel uncomfortable playing in English. I am Spanish and I changed it to its language and, if I'm being honest, the translations are pretty good.

    The last thing to say...

    In my opinion, this is a pretty good game and very quick and easy to understand. It's one of the best games I ever played for a long time. And it’s maybe a little underrated game. You should really give it a try. Maybe it’s better than you thought.

    MrLinuxOsu badge
    MrLinuxOsu avatar
    4 lata temu

    Yo hasta el momento no he encontrado ninguna manera de poder vender las steam keys. Lo que te recomiendo, si realmente no te interesa el juego es que le des el código a alguien de tu confianza y regalárselo o bien meterlo en tu cuenta y lo tienes para siempre. Quien sabe, a lo mejor en un futuro lo quieres jugar y dices, anda pero si lo tengo gratis por gamehag... No sé. Es una idea. Si encuentro alguna manera de vender alguna steam key te lo digo, vale bro?

    MrLinuxOsu badge
    MrLinuxOsu avatar
    4 lata temu

    Es verdad, la mayoría de la gente se dedica a hacer spam. De hecho, he revisado varios artículos ya con mensajes del mismo usuario aporreando el teclado para "subir de nivel", cosa que no consigue, y que como siga así se llevará un buen baneo. Por cierto, si encuentran spam, pueden ganar 1 gema por comentario spam. De nada. Que les vaya bien y se cuiden de este virus UwU

    MrLinuxOsu badge
    MrLinuxOsu avatar
    Skomentował temat ¿se puede usar bluestacks?.
    4 lata temu

    Sinceramente, no lo sé. Le recomiendo que lo hagas en el celular o en dispositivo móvil, pero, en caso de que no tenga acceso a ninguno, que lo haga con blue stacks

    MrLinuxOsu badge
    MrLinuxOsu avatar
    4 lata temu

    Un juego random valorado por 0,99$. Y no me sale ni siquiera la carátula del juego, con lo cual ni idea de qué va. Bueno, al menos un jueguito de steam

    MrLinuxOsu badge
    MrLinuxOsu avatar
    wykonał zadanie do gry Raid: Shadow Legends.
    4 lata temu
    MrLinuxOsu badge
    MrLinuxOsu avatar
    wykonał zadanie do gry Raid: Shadow Legends.
    4 lata temu
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    Zdobycie 2 poziomu
    4 lata temu
    MrLinuxOsu badge
    MrLinuxOsu avatar
    wykonał zadanie do gry Raid: Shadow Legends.
    4 lata temu


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