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    4 lata temu

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    Wziął udział w giveawayu Laserium
    4 lata temu
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    Wziął udział w giveawayu Zball V
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    Wziął udział w giveawayu Arthur's Revenge
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    Wziął udział w giveawayu Starting The Game
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    Wziął udział w giveawayu Zball III
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    Skomentował temat Ubermosh : A mindless bloodbath.
    4 lata temu

    Ubermosh is a top down 2d indie game with a cyberpunk theme not unlike a rouge lite game which allows players to take control of a katana wielding bullet deflecting gun slinging badass.


    Ubermosh's has 4 gameplay modes - 

    1. The Normal quick play one where you start with 3 lives your katana and can pick up any gun to supplement it.
    2. The Kensai mode forcing you to play with only your katana making you rely on perfect deflection while you are given 6 lives
    3. The gunner mode which removes your katana but gives you weapons with continuous shooting making the game like a bullet hell game
    4. The warlock mode in which you have your trusty katana and the best weapon in the game but only 2 lives

    The main attraction of the gameplay is in deflecting bullets with your katana as it makes a very satisfying ripping sound and then supplementing that by shooting enemies from afar.

    You need to constantly change the direction in which you swing so you dont end up getting hit as lives are limited and the game is incredibly fast paced making you die under a minute if you weren't paying attention.

    The gun is extremely fast paced and is just a mindless timepass that I recommend you indulge in for a few moments.

    The crux of the gameplay in every mode is to shoot the enemies before they can get to you or deflect their bullets while you keep moving as they encircle you. You have to keep repositioning so you dont start taking too many shots ,which are projectile based, at once. This is to enable deflecting more efficiently.


    Graphically I was rather disappointed as the graphics of models were incredibly blurry ( a design choice of course) which while cohesive did not look good. The animations especially the katana swinging is extremely fluid and pleasant to look at making you want to do more of it.

    The cyberpunk theme seems almost wasted as no real effort is made to capitalize on it , the world in which we fight in never changes and the only real place where we experience the art is in the menu.

    In short you wont be playing the game for its art style and it is definitely a negative for it.


    The game sounds incredible from the weapons sounds to the music. The game is a treat to the ears when playing. The weapons are incredible to use as they make you feel the impact whenever you use them like in the old games where the weapons made you shake in your boots.

    The background music is sort of like heavy metal and fits the fast paced gameplay and complements it in the best way possible.


    In Conclusion Ubermosh is a great time killer for a few hours. It has been previously bundled and is very cheap but definitely offers enough for it to be a game everyone should give a try to. This was a launching board for its successors (the newer ubermosh titles) which are better games in all aspects bar none.

    6/10 for this iteration of Ubermosh 

    It is very cheap and you can actually get the entire series for quite cheap. I would recommend buying the ubermosh collection on steam right now as its 90% off and just for 1 dollar(from where I come from)

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    Wziął udział w giveawayu Layers of Fear 2 | Blair Witch | Outlast PC GLOBAL |
    4 lata temu
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    Zdobycie 3 poziomu
    4 lata temu
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    Napisał artykuł Barrier X - An Overview.
    6 lat temu
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    Zdobycie 3 poziomu
    6 lat temu
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    Skomentował temat Ak-47 vs M4. .
    6 lat temu

    its obvioulsy ak47 it has a one tap potential and all the m4 have are the silencer(a1) or the higher fire rate(a4)

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    Użytkownik i ahb007 są teraz znajomymi
    6 lat temu
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    6 lat temu

    thank you all for your appreciation

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    Napisał artykuł Immortal Redneck - An Overview.
    6 lat temu
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    6 lat temu

    lol you cant deposit skins here even I know this

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    6 lat temu

    Excuse me venom66 where do you think I copied this from ? I wrote it myself from my experience with the game so do tell me.

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    6 lat temu
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    Skomentował temat Best game in the hole world.
    6 lat temu

    play fotnite scrub

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    Skomentował temat CSGO Team (East Asia).
    6 lat temu

    I need some teamates from east asia(I am Indian) to play csgo with I have recently started to derank(from gn3 to gn1) because of solo queuing if you are from east asia please add me on steam.(btw east asia is preffered due to minimal ping difference) Also i dont mind playing with silver elite master)

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    odebrał nagrodę Runa Ansus.
    6 lat temu


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