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    michel_phels Flag us

    7 lat temu

    Młodszy Wiedźmiarz

    michel_phels badge
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    New York


    Brak przedmiotów w ekwipunku


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    Brak przedmiotów w ekwipunku

    Ostatnia aktywność użytkownika

    michel_phels badge
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    Użytkownik i Dorgen są teraz znajomymi
    7 lat temu
    michel_phels badge
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    Wziął udział w giveawayu Bonusowe 100 Kamieni Dusz
    7 lat temu
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    7 lat temu

    congratulations KID

    michel_phels badge
    michel_phels avatar
    Skomentował temat LOST THE CONTEST FOR CS-GO.
    7 lat temu

    but of course I am well aware of all the false likes, you were one of them that abuse of this method, at dawn yesterday had 16-22 likes, I wake up 6 hours later and you have 400 likes, there is no be as dumb as you to realize what is happening

    michel_phels badge
    michel_phels avatar
    Skomentował temat LOST THE CONTEST FOR CS-GO.
    7 lat temu

    you are KID ! go view DiscoveryKids

    At what point did you get 130 like me if I saw you 15 a few hours ago? stop lying ....

    michel_phels badge
    michel_phels avatar
    Skomentował temat LOST THE CONTEST FOR CS-GO.
    7 lat temu

    fake picture, fake likes = END

    got cry your home

    michel_phels badge
    michel_phels avatar
    Skomentował temat LOST THE CONTEST FOR CS-GO.
    7 lat temu

    You come here to whine and you're a liar? you are a ****

    Did you know that photo is not yours when you downloaded it from google?

    for the next give the opportunity to who really deserves it

    michel_phels badge
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    Zdobycie 4 poziomu
    7 lat temu
    michel_phels badge
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    7 lat temu

    enter - give souls - WIN/LOST

    michel_phels badge
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    7 lat temu


    michel_phels badge
    michel_phels avatar
    Skomentował temat CSGO !?.
    7 lat temu

    1.6 here

    michel_phels badge
    michel_phels avatar
    Skomentował temat CSGOFAST Skins Gratis.
    7 lat temu

    no! filo da puta

    michel_phels badge
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    Skomentował temat LVL 7 99%.
    7 lat temu


    michel_phels badge
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    Zdobycie 3 poziomu
    7 lat temu
    michel_phels badge
    michel_phels avatar
    Skomentował Killing Floor Review.
    7 lat temu

    Good review! +5

    michel_phels badge
    michel_phels avatar
    Skomentował diablo 3 history.
    7 lat temu

    Diablo its great, fun review

    michel_phels badge
    michel_phels avatar
    7 lat temu

    Pay To Fun

    michel_phels badge
    michel_phels avatar
    7 lat temu

    Great but old

    michel_phels badge
    michel_phels avatar
    Skomentował Overwatch.
    7 lat temu

    this game is very very bad and monotono

    michel_phels badge
    michel_phels avatar
    Zdobycie 2 poziomu
    7 lat temu


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