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    wykonał zadanie do gry Travian.
    7 lat temu
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    Wziął udział w giveawayu CoD: Black Ops III | H1Z1 | Doom
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    Wziął udział w giveawayu Heli Heroes na Steam
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    Wziął udział w giveawayu PUBG | Overwatch | Minecraft
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    Skomentował temat How to make more fps in CS:GO ?.
    7 lat temu

    How to make a more fps in CS:GO ?
    First: you will clean your computer from unnecessary files. You go to : Start/Run and write "temp" delete everything in the "temp" file .Don't worry your computer won't be anything .
    Second: Again Start/Run and write "%temp%" and again delete evrything . (Don't worry your computer won't be anything .)
    Third: If you have any cleaner app .You can use them. I would recommend CCleaner, SlimCleaner, Xleaner, Advanced SystemCare Free and Glary Utilities .
    If you are using Nvidia : Right Click On the desktop and Click Nvidia Control Panel go Manage 3D settings and select High-Performance NVIDIA Processor(CPU) .
    Fifth: Run Steam and Library and Right Click and Select Feature and Set startup options And paste : -console -novid -high -threads 4 -nojoy -nod3d9ex -freq 60 -refresh 60 -tickrate 128 .
    Sixth:.Run CS:GO and go to the settings/Graphic Settings and select most low .
    Seventh: And we came to last one. If you still don't you delete CS:GO and again download.

    Thanks for reading. I hope it worked .And you can Whatch below video. 


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    Skomentował temat Playstation 5.
    7 lat temu

    This article about Playstation 5 .I can hear your questions. When will be released ?How is that going to be ?
    Release Date :
    -Before first question .When will be realese ?Officials refuse to comment .For example Oficial about this He answered One Day .First look other Playstations .Playstation 1 has been released in 1994, Playstation 2 has been realesed in 2000, Playstation 3 has been released in 2006 and Playstation 4 has been released in 2013 .Sony pulled nearly 6 years apart .
    This also means Playstation 5 approximately release in 2019 .But Playstation doesn't make it into the charts in 2018 .Might come in 2018 .

    -And shape. It's shape In photograph .We predicted that at least in the US.

    -Playstation 5 probably the disc reader will not be .Will be has a larger harddisk and We download and play the games (It's just a thought )

    -graphics are will be 4K graphics or new resolution .Maybe 8K ?Or Larger Resolution.

    -Have a clear knowledge about the price but .Is expected to be $ 399 or $ 500 .

    Playstation VR:
    Playstation is expected to be the integration of VR most likely.If not, Not be Playstation please.

    In addition:
    A trailer published but I didn't see an official statement. That video is available below.

    Thank you for reading.


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    Skomentował temat Contracts.
    7 lat temu

    How to Take my SG from contracts?

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    wykonał zadanie do gry OGame.
    7 lat temu


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