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    3 lata temu


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    lontaridus badge
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    Skomentował temat Gamehag review.
    4 lata temu

    very frustrating... doesn't pay for half the games. they don't thoroughly explain the mission goal nor they disclaim certain caviats...They could simply exemplify how the confirmation screenshot should be. not hard but I guess they don't even know the games themselves. The costumer support is appaling, like a wall always the same script. they keep on changing rewards and mission goals. finnally they put up a new system that penalizes you for not fullfilling your "duties".you won't be able to access your account if you're not in the country where you created your account ! that being said once you redeem your gems they WILL pay your reward.

    lontaridus badge
    lontaridus avatar
    Skomentował temat Fallout 76 Good or bad?.
    4 lata temu

    been doing daly ops every day now its been 8 days in a row with NO! rare reward my times been under 7 min so has any one else have this issue i am getting sick of this i just came back to the game now i want to quit again this sucks

    lontaridus badge
    lontaridus avatar
    Skomentował temat what is the best knife?.
    4 lata temu

    Butterfly Knife (Doppler Sapphire). Modeled after a folding pocket knife from the Philippines, the Butterfly knife transitions between a closed and open position. This is due to its flexible handles being mounted by a latch, becoming easier to conceal or rapidly deploy. The Doppler Sapphire in particular offers a gradient blue blade with a standard gray and black handle. The draw animations show the player flipping out the knife vertically or outwardly. The inspect animations show the player twirling it in a circular fashion, twirling it away and towards the player, and twirling it twice as the blade moves toward the player.

    lontaridus badge
    lontaridus avatar
    Skomentował temat what is the best knife?.
    4 lata temu

    Bayonet Gamma (Doppler) Often accompanied by the muzzle or barrel of a rifle.
    Tempered for durability, the Bayonet is often used as a fighting or utility knife. Like the Stiletto, it’s more effective at thrusting than cutting. The color of the Gamma Doppler features a gradient dark blue or green on the blade (depending on the version), with black ink/”smoke” on the outline. The draw animation twirls the weapon in a clockwise direction whereas the inspect animation uses the default knife transition. Most modern knife bayonets are 6-8 inches long and sometimes 1.5 inches wide; not something you’d want to mess with.

    lontaridus badge
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    Skomentował temat what is the best knife?.
    4 lata temu

    Skeleton Knife (Vanilla) The skeleton knife has 4 holes with a thumb placeholder. The outside of the blade is silver while the inside is dark gray, with the handle wrapped in black or gray duct tape. Its unique draw animation shows the knife twirling around the thumb. The inspect animation shows the player admiring the knife’s front and side view on the index finger.

    lontaridus badge
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    Skomentował temat what is the best knife?.
    4 lata temu

    Nomad Knife (Crimson Web)
    Released in 2019, the Crimson Web uses a blood red coat and pitch black handle. On the blade, you can see a long spider web. The draw animation shows the knife rapidly moving from the left to right hand, with the left hand sometimes shaking as a result. It also features two inspect animations: one slowly twirls the blade while the other tosses the knife midair. It looks like something Miles Morales would use, assuming he wanted a knife.

    lontaridus badge
    lontaridus avatar
    4 lata temu

    But what if you're lucky? If you can manage to earn a reward other than a rune, would it be worth it then? Well, let me make an example. There's the Lucky Chest. From this chest, I can earn one of 3 games I really want, 1 game I already own, one of 7 games I don't want, or 1 Mannaz rune. If I were to win a key for a game that I already own, it's useless, and I have to give it away or sell it, and the same goes for if it's a game I didn't want. So unless you can see yourself profiting from all the possible rewards you could get, you should not buy a chest.

    There is an exception, though. Should you want to leave Gamehag, and you don't have enough to buy the game you want directly, you could always have a go at the chests. If you are very lucky, you may end up with the game you wanted anyway. If you get a game you didn't want, you could always try it out. You got it for free anyway, that's something. And if you already own the game, give it to a friend as a (late) birthday present. Nobody needs to know how greedy you are. Wink wink.

    lontaridus badge
    lontaridus avatar
    4 lata temu

    Gamehag offers some neat-o rewards for a rather low price. However, the prize you get is random. Not only that, but the chests may also contain runes. When you click each potential reward in the chest, you get to see the shop price. Needless to say that the runes aren't worth the Soul Gems you'll spend.

    lontaridus badge
    lontaridus avatar
    4 lata temu

    If you have nerves of steel, you will be able to master this game. However, if you tilt easily, you will be eaten by toxicity of other players (mostly Russian) and you will hate this game forever, but you will keep on playing it because it's addictive and eventually you will lose your job and start playing only this game and nothing else and you will need to beg friends to give you a bit of money to pay internet bills only to keep playing and you will end in infinite loop.

    lontaridus badge
    lontaridus avatar
    Skomentował Rail Nation.
    4 lata temu

    The game itself can be quite fun but, the hidden rule system and poor wording is set up to rake in real money for ingame currencies. It's advertised that you can "win" two bonus engines per round but in the fine print it says there is only one available. Other players are allowed to mess with you any way they want and you aren't allowed to verbally retaliate otherwise you're banned for "abusive behavior" regardless of how simple the reproach. Save yourself the headache and either play for free or stick to RRT

    lontaridus badge
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    Skomentował temat ROBLOX Scripting / Game Making.
    4 lata temu

    In the Newbie's Scripting Guide, you learned a had a very broad understanding of a property, which we'll explain in more detail now. A property is a value attributed to a part that makes it look like what it is. For example, the Transparency, Size, and Position are all properties of a part. Property values are the numbers or words that are used to set a property. How do you do that? You can go to the Properties window, find the property, then type in the value.

    lontaridus badge
    lontaridus avatar
    4 lata temu

    I mostly played with fighters and occasionally dive bombers with at most one gunner. I used my 5th crew slot for a reserve plane, to have something to goof around with if all my primary planes are killed. I now plan to use that slot for a heavy fighter or a bomber. My problem is, that as I use that slot rarely (and even if I do have to use a reserve fighter, it means my stronger planes were not good enough for this fight, so I won't make too much XP with the reserve), my crew is very inexperienced. And the "Number of Experienced Gunners" skill is very expensive, compared to other skills. How important is it to grind it as soon as possible? Even some low BR heavy fighters and bombers have 3 gunners or more. How often does your survival (or success) depend on your auxiliary guns?

    lontaridus badge
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    Skomentował temat CS:GO Tips.
    4 lata temu

    This has everything to do with the very fast time to kill (TTK) in CS:GO where every millisecond gained or lost can be the difference between a win or a loss. That is why individual player reaction time has a huge impact at the very top of the competitive ladder.
    But before you can reach this level you need to make sure all the other aim related skills are on point.

    lontaridus badge
    lontaridus avatar
    Skomentował temat Beginner's Guide to Roblox.
    4 lata temu

    Feel free to spend a couple of hours playing all sorts of different games and if you want to check out new ones that are getting hot just go to YouTube type in something like "Cool new Roblox games" and you'll find plenty of videos showing what's cool and new on Roblox! And also check out our site because we will have a couple of pieces featuring most popular games as well as most original and games that just got out, are pretty cool to play but still aren't very popular!

    lontaridus badge
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    wykonał zadanie do gry War Thunder.
    4 lata temu
    lontaridus badge
    lontaridus avatar
    wykonał zadanie do gry War Thunder.
    4 lata temu
    lontaridus badge
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    4 lata temu

    There are articles that did not appear at the main page of the portal. In this section of the forum you can read user reviews about the games you are interested in, gameplay guides, character builds in League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm, Paladins and other popular MOBA games.

    lontaridus badge
    lontaridus avatar
    Skomentował temat CSGO.
    4 lata temu

    i am looking for csgo players

    lontaridus badge
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    Zdobycie 2 poziomu
    4 lata temu


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