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    11 miesięcy temu

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    Ostatnia aktywność użytkownika

    Krazy234 badge
    Krazy234 avatar
    odebrał nagrodę Visa® Prepaid Card 5 USD.
    4 lata temu
    Krazy234 badge
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Fairy Tail Hero's Journey.
    5 lat temu
    Krazy234 badge
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    Użytkownik i MateusDaniel są teraz znajomymi
    5 lat temu
    Krazy234 badge
    Krazy234 avatar
    odebrał nagrodę Souvenir MAG-7 | Bulldozer.
    5 lat temu
    Krazy234 badge
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    Wziął udział w giveawayu Shadow of the Tomb Raider | Playerunknown's Battlegrounds | The Sims 4 |
    5 lat temu
    Krazy234 badge
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    Zdobycie 6 poziomu
    5 lat temu
    Krazy234 badge
    Krazy234 avatar
    Skomentował temat Warfram slots.
    5 lat temu

    Yea I would recommend just selling rare mods, or prime junk for a few plat and grind your way through, also warframe on twitch sometimes do special giveaways where they give out free plat/warframe slots/wep slots

    Krazy234 badge
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    Skomentował temat Favorite Player?.
    5 lat temu

    There's only CT and T what does favorite player mean lol

    Krazy234 badge
    Krazy234 avatar
    Skomentował temat P2000 vs USP-S.
    5 lat temu

    Usp-s is better, and it has better skins! In all honesty the gun does more dmg and it has a silencer op!

    Krazy234 badge
    Krazy234 avatar
    odebrał nagrodę AK-47 | Black Laminate.
    5 lat temu
    Krazy234 badge
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    5 lat temu
    Krazy234 badge
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    odebrał nagrodę AK-47 | Black Laminate.
    5 lat temu
    Krazy234 badge
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    5 lat temu

    Atmost times the market is driven by how much the community enjoys the look of the skin but there are at sometimes where the rarity of the gun puts a huge factor on the price, for example, Ak-47 fire serpent goes well over $1000 but the main factor for this is because the case from which this skin comes from is in limited in stock as of right now, and its the covert rifle in that specific case which raises the price by alot. But there are plenty of skins right now that are at a fairly cheap price, for example, AWP Atheris (I personally enjoy the look of this skin) goes for about 5usd for field-tested, if you get the lower float value the better!

    Krazy234 badge
    Krazy234 avatar
    Skomentował temat Is this a Cool Game?.
    5 lat temu

    It's a fun game to play with friends, if you enjoy fps games you will definitely like this game! There is also a huge learning curve in this game, at the start, it could be very hard, especially for players like me who used to play games like COD which is a point and shoot game, this game involves spray control with guns and callouts etc. Overall great game

    Krazy234 badge
    Krazy234 avatar
    Skomentował temat Help me to get 500 sg please!.
    5 lat temu

    I recommend trying out warthunder, it's very easy and it gives a lot of sg, and most importantly its fun to play!

    Krazy234 badge
    Krazy234 avatar
    Wziął udział w giveawayu Freezeer
    5 lat temu
    Krazy234 badge
    Krazy234 avatar
    Skomentował temat mp7 or mp5-s?.
    5 lat temu

    Both smgs are great, though I prefer using the mp7 because of the slight extra dmg it does, 29 whilst mp5-s does 27. MP5-S is great for when you're trying to hold positions without giving out your location (via silencer) meanwhile MP7 is great for just plain old rushing/pushing close corners

    Krazy234 badge
    Krazy234 avatar
    Skomentował temat Not getting rewarded .
    5 lat temu

    Some games require you to take a screenshot in fullscreen mode, whilst some require you to take it in windowed-mode. I recommend checking the comments of the task, players usually give good advice on how to take a screenshot

    Krazy234 badge
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    Zdobycie 5 poziomu
    5 lat temu
    Krazy234 badge
    Krazy234 avatar
    odebrał nagrodę SCAR-20 | Green Marine.
    5 lat temu

    Ostatnio grane

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