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    Kolven Flag se

    6 lat temu

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    Kolven badge
    Kolven avatar
    Skomentował temat Help Me Get Rid of Plagiarism.
    6 lat temu

    grammatical errors lol, lots of them, I cant believe why mods can accept your articles, and not mine @yasdan

    Kolven badge
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    Użytkownik i dakuwanga są teraz znajomymi
    6 lat temu
    Kolven badge
    Kolven avatar
    Skomentował temat Ratchet and Clank - Review.
    6 lat temu

    @Kabash permanent ban? it is my article and you arent supposed to use it in the forum, I own this article, its mine not yours. I ONLY want my articles in the articles. NOT inte the forum. AND IT IS NO SPEELING ISSUE, BECAUSE IT IS ONLY REJECTD BY MODERATOR OR SPAM. tell me what is wrong then, unless to PUBLISH IT HERE BEFORE YOU TELLING ME!!!!

    Kolven badge
    Kolven avatar
    Skomentował temat Sg for write a article.
    6 lat temu

    Hi what is the minimum and max of sg when you write articles?

    Kolven badge
    Kolven avatar
    Skomentował temat Ratchet and Clank - Review.
    6 lat temu

    Review written by Kolven @ Gamehag

    Ratchet and Clank is a game I have long been waiting for. It was released on April 20, 2016. I have played a few of the other titles in the series. And I love everything I have been through and way this way! And now but a remasted variation in HD can't make things worse! Like the other games, the studio Insomniac is the outman and does it with pure charm!

    The game is not a clear and cleared remake, but changes have been made here and there. Something fun when you have played the game before, but now there are changes!

    The world is very nice and restful, Novali's battlefield is a fantastic sight for the eye. You also play in the sewer and solve mystery and collect objects. Ratchet does the hard job while Clank collects a bunch of items. Ratchet and Clank is a good team, they help with problem solving and if enemies are nearby.

    Captain Qwark is a symbol and a so-called hero in the game. Hans is every man's role model. This applies to Ratchet and Clank. But Qwark's hero performance changes drastically over time. Someone who influences Ratchet and Clank's trust.

    The game is for all ages and at the highest level of difficulty it is really difficult. I can recommend everyone to play the game at the highest level of difficulty. Doing so will give you a lot of content out of this game!

    There is always speed in this game, things are destroyed and with the new inventions that released the more you get into the action, the variation gets to flow! There is a lot to download in the game, and the upgrade possibilities are great. The weapons are whimsical and conceived something that is useful in varied bosses and assignments.

    The game Ratchet and Clank is a very well-made game. But it would be weird as it is a remaker of the predecessor. But with some differences.

    The game is really great and the details are always there. The retro feeling is always there and you remember the memories back from the beginning you played Ratchet and Clank. If you have a PS4, don't hesitate to buy this game if you haven't already played it!

    Because you always want to play good games and Ratchet and Clank is a very good candidate for this issue. It is a series that has been around for almost 13 years and contains the same genuine game rythm as well as feeling. It is thus a game for all ages and you are put into the game right away. Insomniac has succeeded with this game series fully and nothing can go wrong. They have the basics to go on but need not change at all from generation to generation. 

    Ratchet and Clank is a so-called masterpiece, something I think many share the same attitude with me. It can be played by all ages and has been played by millions of people during these nearly 13 years.
    Ratchet and Clank is like a masterpiece. A game that should be in everyone's game library if you own a PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3 or PlayStation 4!

    4/5 Soul Gems!! :)

    Kolven badge
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    Napisał artykuł Until Dawn - Review.
    6 lat temu
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    Skomentował temat Review on forum?.
    6 lat temu

    "I posted this on the forum because of some spelling mistakes. For example, clank (Clank), remaker (remake?), rythm (rhythm) and Playstation (PlayStation). Besides that, the first and second pictures are oversize when I was viewing it in my queue. (Hmm, it looks normal here..)
    Overall, it was good, but my attention was taken away by the picture."

    Looks legit, to just post it in the forum, before they calling me. I maybe DONT want to have this review on the forum. I own it, so why you taking it to the forum, without no call. Good support there.

    Kolven badge
    Kolven avatar
    Skomentował temat Review on forum?.
    6 lat temu

    Yeah it is, but you can see what the "mod" says, the article gonna be a forum review, when I got big pictures? and some words "wrong" spellt? What a good thing to reject on, to be honest guys.

    Kolven badge
    Kolven avatar
    Skomentował temat Review on forum?.
    6 lat temu

    No because of that I use "Clank" instead of "clank" and "Playstation" instead of PlayStation????

    Kolven badge
    Kolven avatar
    Skomentował temat Ratchet and Clank - Review.
    6 lat temu

    Delete it please. I dont want to have reviews on the forum.

    Kolven badge
    Kolven avatar
    Skomentował temat Ratchet and Clank - Review.
    6 lat temu

    The thing you said because you leave it to the forum is way to small, Play"Station" ? its Playstation.. Clank is a name and maybe a name should be writhen "Clank"?

    Kolven badge
    Kolven avatar
    Skomentował temat Ratchet and Clank - Review.
    6 lat temu

    Delete it here, I dont want to post the review here. Why cant you just message me before you publish it?

    Kolven badge
    Kolven avatar
    Skomentował temat Review on forum?.
    6 lat temu

    Hi! Why I got only 67 soul gems for writing a game review?? You said 500-900 sg??? What is this scam?

    Kolven badge
    Kolven avatar
    Skomentował temat Ratchet and Clank - Review.
    6 lat temu

    Ratchet and Clank is a game I have long been waiting for. It was released on April 20, 2016. I have played a few of the other titles in the series. And I love everything I have been through and way this way! And now but a remasted variation in HD can't make things worse! Like the other games, the studio Insomniac is the outman and does it with pure charm!

    The game is not a clear and cleared remaker, but changes have been made here and there. Something fun when you have played the game before, but now there are changes!

    The world is very nice and restful, Novali's battlefield is a fantastic sight for the eye. You also play in the sewer and solve mystery and collect objects. Ratchet does the hard job while Clank collects a bunch of items. Ratchet and clank is a good team, they help with problem solving and if enemies are nearby.

    Captain Qwark is a symbol and a so-called hero in the game. Hans is every man's role model. This applies to Ratchet and Clank. But Qwark's hero performance changes drastically over time. Someone who influences Ratchet and Clank's trust.

    The game is for all ages and at the highest level of difficulty it is really difficult. I can recommend everyone to play the game at the highest level of difficulty. Doing so will give you a lot of content out of this game!

    There is always speed in this game, things are destroyed and with the new inventions that released the more you get into the action, the variation gets to flow! There is a lot to download in the game, and the upgrade possibilities are great. The weapons are whimsical and conceived something that is useful in varied bosses and assignments.

    The game Ratchet and Clank is a very well-made game. But it would be weird as it is a remaker of the predecessor. But with some differences.

    The game is really great and the details are always there. The retro feeling is always there and you remember the memories back from the beginning you played Ratchet and Clank. If you have a PS4, don't hesitate to buy this game if you haven't already played it!

    Because you always want to play good games and Ratchet and Clank is a very good candidate for this issue. It is a series that has been around for almost 13 years and contains the same genuine game rythm as well as feeling. It is thus a game for all ages and you are put into the game right away. Insomniac has succeeded with this game series fully and nothing can go wrong. They have the basics to go on but need not change at all from generation to generation.

    Ratchet and Clank is a so-called masterpiece, something I think many share the same attitude with me. It can be played by all ages and has been played by millions of people during these nearly 13 years.
    Ratchet and Clank is like a masterpiece. A game that should be in everyone's game library if you own a Playstation 2, Playstation 3 or Playstation 4!

    4/5 Soul Gems!! :)

    Kolven badge
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    Napisał artykuł Infamous Second Son - Review.
    6 lat temu
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    odebrał nagrodę Steam Wallet $10.
    6 lat temu
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    Zdobycie 13 poziomu
    6 lat temu
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Total War: Arena.
    6 lat temu
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    wykonał zadanie do gry War Thunder.
    6 lat temu
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    Zdobycie 12 poziomu
    6 lat temu

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